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2017-05-09 06:35:40 来源网站: 百味书屋



[2012.07.25] City of the soulless 失魂之城 ......................................................................... 1

[2012.07.28]Deeper in the doo-doo在屎坑里越陷越深 ....................................................... 2

[2012.08.04] Who's afraid of Huawei? 谁在害怕华为? ...................................................... 5

[2012.08.04] Singapore: Reaping what they sow 新加坡的教会丑闻 .................................. 8

[2012.08.04] India's electricity problems: An area of darkness 印度大停电 ...................... 10

[2012.08.04] Captain Lakshmi 拉克希米上尉 ................................................................... 13

[2012.08.04] Older workers 年长工人 .............................................................................. 16

[2012.08.04]All work and no pay? 只给工作,不付报酬? ............................................... 18

[2012.08.04] 越来越孤独的政治家们 ................................................................................ 21

[2012.08.04] The revolutionaries get a few Morsels 埃及革命者进展甚微 ........................ 24

[2012.08.04] They took it with them 汉代瑰宝:伴君入墓 ................................................ 25

[2012.08.11] Pensions 养老金 | 中国特色社会保障制度 .................................................. 28

[2012.08.11]Where the sun sinks in the east 朝鲜:太阳在东方落下 ............................... 31

[2012.08.11] Master of the form 散文体大师 .................................................................... 33

[2012.08.11]Mexico 4, Brazil 2 墨西哥对巴西 4比2 ...................................................... 35

[2012.08.11]The power of faith信心的力量 欧洲股票市场正重振信心 .............................. 36

[2012.08.11] Glory and hope 荣耀与希望 ......................................................................... 39

[2012.08.11]Breaking up the euro area 欧元区解体 ......................................................... 44

[2012.08.12]“I don’t do dinner parties." 默克尔“我不办晚宴" ................................... 55

[2012.08.18] Beaten but unbowed 家暴:挫而不堕其志 .................................................. 57

Johnson & Johnson:Out of the mire? ................................................................................ 58

[2012.08.18] Top of the K-pops 韩国流行音乐之巅 .......................................................... 60

[2012.08.25]America and China:Working partners 美国与中国:生意伙伴 ...................... 63

[2012.08.25]A good Cook 库克,好样的! ...................................................................... 65

[2012.08.25] NEON light美国国家生态站网络 .................................................................. 67

[2012.08.25] B?r’s leap 宝盛银行进军新兴市场 ............................................................. 70

[2012.08.25] Neil Armstrong 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗 ............................................................... 73

[2012.08.25] Selective memory 日本史:选择性记忆 ....................................................... 76

[2012.09.01] Have yuan, will travel 中国游客:钞票在手,走遍全球 ................................ 79

[2012.07.25] City of the soulless 失魂之城

New summer thriller

新夏季惊险小说 City of the soulless


Jul 25th 2012, 16:50 by A.L.B. The 500. By Matthew Quirk. Reagan Arthur Books; $25.99 and £11.99

《500》,马修·奎克(Matthew Quirk)著,里根·亚瑟出版社,售价25.99美元,11.99英镑

WASHINGTON, DC, is a curious capital city. The homogeneity of downtown, with its uniform glass-fronted offices, wide spotless pavements and government officials at power breakfasts, suggests a well-oiled machine on auto-pilot. But thriller writers exploit a different reality. In ―The 500‖, Matthew Quirk's impressive debut, polished smiles, carefully calibrated eye-contact and brisk handshakes belie a world of intrigue, calculation and betrayal.


Mike Ford is a graduate of Harvard Law School who joins the Davies Group, the most powerful lobbying firm in the city. He is on the fast-track to riches, with custom-tailored suits and titillating forays with comely colleagues. But the Davies Group is ruthless, expecting its employees resort to blackmail, spying, and worse to keep their grip on the 500, the most powerful and influential people in the city. It is only when Ford wants out that he realises how much danger he is in.


―The 500‖ has already been snapped up by 20th Century Fox and it's easy to see why. The narrative is fast-paced and the plot twists and turns like a trapped snake. Ford is suitably complex and sympathetic—fighting the demons of his own lawless past, as the son of a con-man whom he helps get out of prison and as a former burglar himself. His new life tests his courage and loyalty to those he loves, particularly when everything starts to collapse around him.



Mr Quirk, a former reporter for the DC-based Atlantic magazine, knows the dark underbelly of the city well. In ―The 500‖ he portrays this hotbed of political power as a swamp of corruption, 1

menace and influence-peddling. Some parts of the book seem awkwardly authentic, particularly in an election year. His journalistic writing style is simple and straightforward with few, if any, literary flourishes. This makes it easy to turn the pages of this intelligent and entertaining summer read.



[2012.07.28]Deeper in the doo-doo在屎坑里越陷越深

Europe‘s carmakers 欧洲汽车制造商

Deeper in the doo-doo


Only big cuts will stop the weakest carmakers from sinking in the mire


Jul 28th 2012 | from the print edition FIAT‘S boss, Sergio Marchionne, has a way with words. Commenting on the dismal state of Europe‘s car market earlier this month, he admitted: ―We‘re standing in doo-doo. Whether you‘re in an inch of it or three inches doesn‘t matter. The stench is still overwhelming.‖ As the carmakers‘ half-year figures start to come out, it is clear that some are in it up to their necks, whereas others are smelling of roses.

菲亚特总裁Sergio Marchionne说话很有特色。本月早些时候,他是这么评价欧洲惨淡的汽车市场:"我们正站在屎坑里。不管你是陷进去一英尺还是三英尺,这都已经不重要了。因为都已经臭气熏天了。"随着汽车制造商半年财报数据的公布,很明显一些已经淹到脖子了,而其他的也在使劲跟他们撇清关系。

Peugeot-Citro?n of France, battling the country‘s new Socialist government over desperately needed cuts, is sinking into the merde. On July 25th it announced first-half losses of

  • 赏析版2017年7月经济学人文章

    赏析版2012年8月经济学人文章(双语对照)汇集赏析版2012年8月经济学人文章(双语对照)汇集[2012 07 25]Cityofthesoulless失魂之城 ...
