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Thesis statement: The Bible provides English literature with inexhaustible sources and has great influence on it in various aspects.

Abstract in English…………………………………………………………………….1 Key words in English …………………………………………………………………1 Abstract in Chinese ………………………………………………...…………………1

Key words in Chinese ………………………………………………………………...2 I. Introduction…………………………………………………………..………..……3 II. Influence of the Bible on Articles’ theme……………...………………………3

1. Influence on the spirit of people……………….……………………………………3

2. Influence on the theme of Shakespeare’s works…………..………..........................4

1.1 Romeo and Juliet………………………………………………..............................4

1.2 The Merchant of Venice………………………………..……….….........................6 III. Quotation of the Bible’s Allusions in Literature……...……………….…..…...…6

1. The story of Adam in John Milton’s works…………………………………………6

2. Allusions of the Bible in The Pilgrim’s Progress………………..………………….8

Ⅳ. Influence of the Bible on the Styles of Literatures……………………………......9

1. Influence on the style of Macbeth…………………………………………..………9

2. Influence on the styles of Ernest Hemingway’s works..……………………………9

Ⅴ. Employment of the Bible’s Symbolic Meanings…....……………………………..9

1. Symbolic meaning in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice…………...11

2. Symbolic meaning in Jane Eyre…………………………………………………...11

Ⅵ.Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………......12

Works Cited…………………………..……………………………………………....14


The Bible’s Influence on English Literature


The Bible provides English literature with inexhaustible sources and has great influence on it. Writers generally employ the materials of the Bible in four aspects: use the Bible’s theme as the theme of their works; quote the names of the characters or the allusions in the Bible; employ the styles of the Bible; and make use of the Bible’s symbolic meaning. As English literature reflects the Bible in various aspects, it is necessary to acquaint ourselves with the Bible so as to understand English literature better.

Key words: the Bible, philanthropy, allusion, Style, symbol

摘 要

《圣经》是基督教的经典作品,为英美文学提供了取之不尽、用之不竭的素材。英美作家化用《圣经》故事的主要方法有:借用《圣经》的主旨思想;借鉴《圣经》文体和艺术方面的特征;直接引用《圣经》故事或对原型故事进行变形或处理作为创作素材;通过比喻,隐喻或象征等手法把《圣经》故事的寓意融会到作品情节中或人物性格里,使这些故事发挥有力的陪衬作用。英美文学作品无不体现《圣经》的各个侧面,因此对《圣经》的了解有助于我们进一步欣赏英美文学,加深我们对英美文化和思想意识的了解, 从而更好地学习、欣赏乃至研究英国文学作品。


I. Introduction

The Bible is the only book of Christianity. It consists of two testaments, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains the Jewish writings before the coming of the Christ. The New Testament contains four accounts (gospels) of the life of Christ. They are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This part covers the life of Jews and the history of the production and development of Christianity. If one reads the Bible carefully, he will find out that the Bible does not only record the history of the ancient Hebrews, or the Jews, but also is a philosophical work with plentiful meanings. It is said that the creation of the Bible lasted for over 1000 years and by numberless writers. In this long process of creation, the Bible became and is still the most important book in Christianity world. With the Christianity spreading all over the western world, the Bible has become more and more popular, this is why the Bible is not weakened. Some people read nothing but the Bible all their lives, and get their knowledge mainly from the Bible in Britain. The Bible is also used as a textbook and component of students’ education. The concept and philosophy of the Bible has been deeply pervading into the mind of English-speaking people, especially the writers who like thinking.

Writers use materials of the Bible by four main methods. First, the writers use the Bible’s theme as their article’s theme. Second, they quote persons names or allusions of the Bible as the character’s names or plots of the creations from the Bible. Sometimes they make some changes on the original stories. Sometimes they quote stories directly from the Bible as the writing materials. Third, the Bible influences British literature on styles. Forth, they make use of symbolic meaning of the Bible by some technical such as simile, metaphor and symbolism, so that the stories could exert a great influence on contrasting with the new products.

II. Influence of the Bible on Articles’ Theme

1. Influence on the spirit of people

The Bible has a great influence on almost all aspects of westerners’ lives, especially on spirit. The Christians believe that the Bible has the absolute authority in their lives. They cannot break any rules said in the Bible. If they follow the Bible, everyday could be colorful and after they die they can enter the heaven. We can say that the Bible is the constitution which is not only affect the behaviors of westerners’ lives, but also rule the thinking of people in Christian world. Christianity is a religion of philanthropy, which can be seen in the Bible. The Bible runs through by the spirit of mercy and love and they are theme of the Bible. The Bible’s influence is unique on the western consciousness system.

2. Influence on the theme of Shakespeare’s works

It can be proved from works of Shakespeare, the most important Britain writer. Shakespeare was very familiar with the Bible. We can find many ideas which belong to the Bible in any works of Shakespeare. There is an intense connection between Shakespeare and the Bible and it can be expressed from two ways. First, the spirit of the Bible influence the Shakespeare’s composing. Second, Shakespeare quoted many allusions of the Bible as the characters’ name or plots of the creation in his play, which will be introduced in the second part. In Shakespeare’s works, humanity, mercy and fraternity are the main themes, which, as we all know, are also the themes of the Bible. These themes are the most important characteristics of Shakespeare’s plays. In the Bible there are many maxims and admonitions expressing the idea of mercy and humanity on which Shakespeare’s works are based.

2.1. Romeo and Juliet

Ⅲ. Quotation of the Bible’s Allusions in Literary works

One of the special features of the Bible is that it is composed of many small stories allusions. These allusions were used as the materials of the English literary works by many writers.

1. The story of Adam in John Milton’s works

The story of Adam’s depravation originated from the Bible—Creation. God created the world from chaos. He created the sky, the earth, rivers, animals and plants. Then he used mud to make a man named Adam. Later when Adam was sleeping, God drew out a rib from Adam to make a companion for him, who is Eve. Their living place was wonderful. There were beautiful flowers and fruits with moderate breezes all over. All that they needed was prepared. This is the scene of the Eden. God said to them “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die. Later a serpent tricks Eve that God is unwilling to let them know good and evil as him. Then Eve ate the fruit on the knowledge tree and she asked Adam to eat it too. When God found out this, he swept them away from the garden of the Eden. This is the cause of the original sin.


Ⅳ. Influence of the Bible on the Styles of Literatures

The literary styles of the Bible also have a profound impact on English literature. Prediction is a very common way used in the Bible. For example, before Jesus was burn, three east doctors watched the sky and found a rising star in the east. According the language of his prophecy, the Jewish would be born in Bethlehem. So they went to Bethlehem to worship, and happened to see the star again on the road. Then they found Jesus in Bethlehem. In the last volume, Apocalypse basically used the way that seeing the uncommon phenomena described the predictions.

1. Influence on the style of Macbeth

Shakespeare employed this form in his plays repeatedly. In Macbeth, the witch predicted that Macbeth General would become the future king. Then Macbeth killed King Duncan and became the king. In the first act in Chapter Four, three witches mention three predictions. The first says that Macbeth should look out Maikedefu; second, no one could harm Macbeth; and third, Macbeth would not be defeated unless



摘要 ··························································································································· (1)

关键词 ······················································································································· (1)

前言 ··························································································································· (1)

一、 由汉字的造字理据分析中国传统思维方式 ·························································· (2)

1、象形表意法和形象思维·························································································· (2)

2、指事、会意表意法和抽象思维 ··············································································· (3)

3、形声表意法和综合整体思维··················································································· (4)

二、由汉字的相关部件探求中国古代的生活习俗 ······················································· (5)

1、女部字和女性生活································································································· (5)

2、玉部字和玉文化 ···································································································· (6)

3、酉部字和酒文化 ···································································································· (7)

三、 由汉字的形体结构看汉民族的审美取向······························································ (7)

1、追求外形美 ··········································································································· (8)

2、注重内蕴美 ··········································································································· (8)

3、达到和谐美 ··········································································································· (9)

小结 ··························································································································· (9)

致谢 ··························································································································(10)

注释 ··························································································································(10)

参考文献 ···················································································································(10)




学 生:


教学单位:三峡大学文学与传媒学院(小四 居中)



Abstract(5号黑体加粗):for not only its rational sense reflected in the coinage but also its cultural meanings by analyzing its irrational senses. The conformation of any Chinese character has its theoretic or cultural basis. Therefore, the external conformation of a Chinese character is the main basis of analyzing its cultural sense reflected. Based on the study of Chinese characters, I attempt to explore the cultural meanings of the external conformation of a Chinese character by combining the two branches of the study of Chinese characters---the morphology of Chinese characters, and the study of the culture reflected in Chinese characters. (5号Times New Roman)

关键词:(5号黑体加粗)汉字 ;构形;文化;思维;部件(5号宋体,由3-8个词组成,各关键词之间用分号相隔)

Keywords: (5号黑体加粗) Chinese characters; the external conformation; culture; thinking;components(5号Times New Roman)


(5号 空一行)







(5号 空一行)


(5号 空一行)


[1] 便成为一种可分析的客体,称之为造字理据。”造字方法是研究和运用这种造字理据的具体体现。汉字

的造字方法,是按字理,即把汉字的形体、读音和意义三者结合起来分析的,大致有前人总结出来的“六书说”和“三书说”。“六书”是汉代人根据小篆的形体归纳出来的六种造字方法和造字原则,即象形、指事、会意、形声、转注和假借。清代学者戴震进一步明确了六书的四体二用,前四种是造字之法,后两种是用字之法。到了近代唐兰把六书加以综合,分成象形、象意、形声。陈梦家也提出了“三书说”,即象形、假借、形声,裘锡圭又有不同的新“三书说”,即表意、假借、形声。不管是“三书说”还是“六书说”,汉字的造字是有源流的,并可以找出字的演变脉络,整个发展历程非常清晰。申小龙说:“汉字是一个以形达意、与思维直接相联系的独立的表意系统,因而汉字的结构系统体现出汉民族看待世界的样式。这种样式不把客观世界与思维主体对立起来,而是从内在的主体意识出发,按照主体意识的评价和取向,赋予世界以某种意义。”[2] 申小龙强调了汉字的形体与思维的关系。本文主要由汉字形体归纳出来的汉字造字法来看中国的传统思维,以突出汉字表意性的特点。


《说文解字·序》说:“苍颉之初作书,盖依类象形,故谓之文。其后形声相益,即谓之字。”揭示了汉字的前身经历过一个图画文字的阶段,即原始具象造字的阶段。汉字的起源,是从汉民族形象思维的胚胎中发育而成的,汉字由图画衍生。“汉字本于图画,最初的文字是可以读出来的图画,但图画不一定能读。后来文字跟图画渐渐分歧,差别逐渐显著,文字不再图画,而是可以书写的。”[3] 尽管汉字最后从图画里面分离出来了,但汉字的字形中仍然保留着不少的图画痕迹。



仰则观象于天,俯则观法于地,观鸟兽之文与地之宜,近取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作《易》八卦,以垂宪象。” 后人从认识论和方法论的角度描述汉字的造字方法,即“观物—取象—比类—体道”。古人造字之初通过仰观俯察,凭着自己对客观事物的直观认识,从感性出发,由自然之象到文字之形,体现了古人不脱离感性形态、整体的、非理性的认知方式。


(山) 、(牛) 、(羊)、






数象形字比较特殊,它所表示的并不是所象之形的具体实物,而是这种实物具有的某种性质或状态。如 (高),本像台观之形,而这个字表示的并不是台观,而是台观具有的性质或状态。这说明了华夏民族造字有自己的独特视角,追求的不是形似而是神似。那些虎、马和犬的形状栩栩如生,生龙活虎,除了形象的逼真外,更为重要的是内在神韵的相通,(虎)突出大头,(马)突出长髦,(犬)突出卷尾,把最有区别性的特征通过线条表现出来,以显现动物的神灵之气。因为虎有了大头才显得凶狠勇猛,马有了长髦才显得高大健壮,狗常常卷起尾巴,从外在的字形可以看出内在性格习性。


,是一个头、角、腿、尾俱全的形象,角还有许多交叉。在小篆中已减为两个交叉,而在隶书中为 鹿,只有象征性的一点一横。“车”字在甲骨文中为

,画的是车厢和车轮,在隶书中为车 ,保留了一个车厢和两个象征性的车轮。在隶变的过程中一种追求简洁明快的心理起了重要作用,字形充当记录语言的符号,总是越简单、越便于书写就越好,如果形体过于繁杂,就会阻碍社会文化的交流。总之,隶变后的汉字字形虽然褪去了古汉字原始的象形特征,但在笔势笔画中保留了相当程度的象形象意的理据。归根结底,形象思维方式使汉民族太习惯于用相应的具体形象以做到概念生动,有所依托。



[6] 所谓抽象思维,是“运用抽象概念进行判断、推理、得出命题和规律。”如果说象形字停留在“观物”


汉字的形成发展需要一个过程,思维的发展也如此,但这并不意味着汉字和思维同步进行,汉字的构形只是思维演变的一条狭长的轨迹。造字之初有象形,后来又发展到指事和会意。六书曰:“指事者,视而可识,察而见意,上下是也。”指事实质上是在象形字的基础上加指事性的符号,以标示字意所指的造字方法。指事的造字思维介于形象和抽象之间,因为指事以象形作为基础,其指事符号具有抽象性,起标明、标识事物的作用,如 “寸”字,在



有些指事字包含了抽象思维的辩证法。所谓辩证法,是“关于世界普遍联系和永恒发展的科学,它是用联系的、发展的、全面的观点看世界。对立统一规律是唯物辩正法的实质和核心。”[7] 传统思维方式认为,有无、阴阳、刚柔、虚实、动静相辅相成,因而在主观世界中建立了客观事物对立统一的观点。有些指事字正好是这种辩证思维的见证,这类字表达相对相反的概念,字多是同中存异,异中求同。如甲骨文

(上)、 (下),长划是古人大脑中想象的基准,空间被分为上下两部分,用短划指代向上或指代向下,中间一横是两者共同的联系。“本末”二字都与木有关,“本”字在木的下面加一条短横,表明字的本义为树木的根,“末”字在木的上面加一条短横,表明字的本义为树木的梢部,所以本末相对,有源流之别,有轻重之异,本末不能倒置。中华民族在看待世界的同时,创造了富有辩证特征的汉字,反映了事物本身存在对立统一的两面,双方既相互依赖又相互对抗。借助汉字放射智慧的光芒,汉字的广泛应用,使辩证思维的哲学深入人心,因而汉字呈现出汉民族的文化心态。





义需要根据某种情理、经验对两个或两个以上的独体字义进行推断,须发挥想象才能得其意旨,如 “息”字,从自(古鼻字),从心,古人认为动物的呼吸发于心脏行于鼻腔,本义为气息和呼吸。又如“灋”字,从廌,从去,从水,廌是一种神兽,能分辨是非曲直,去其不平,使诉讼得以公平似水,反映了古人对公平执法的向往。







,像长着头发的头部,是侧视形,小篆为 首 ,是正面形,本义为人头,引申为其它事物的开头。

“耳”字甲骨文为 ,像人的耳朵,本义为人耳,引申为其它动物的耳。“走”字小篆为 走,上部分像人急行时甩开双臂,下部分为止(足),本义为奔跑。这些字都是以人为原点,向各个方向牵引,以自我为参照,触类旁通,是特定思维环境下的特殊产物,反映了汉民族以人为本的人文精神。 (5号空一行)





※※※※※※※※※ ※2015年 学生 ※

※※ 学期设计(论文)材料

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姓 名

学 号

学 院 专 业


张汝洁130510506英语 蔡爱春 副教授

2015 年 6月25 日





二〇一五年 六 月 二十五日


Abstract ............................................................................................. 1 Key words. ................................................................................................ 1 摘要 ............................................................................................................ 2 关键词 ........................................................................................................ 2 Introduction ............................................................................................. 3 Chapter 1 The Comparison between Jane Eyre and Scarlett

O’Hara .............................................................................................. 5

1.1 Jane Eyre’s and Scarlett O’Hara’s family background and

appearances ................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Jane Eyre’s and Scarlett O’Hara’s attitudes toward love .............. 7

1.3 Jane Eyre’s and Scarlett O’Hara’s attitudes toward money ........ 10 Chapter 2 The Similarity and the Differences between the

Themes ............................................................................................ 12

2.1The similarity of the theme .......................................................... 12

2.2 The differences of the theme ...................................................... 13 Chapter 3 The Comparisons between New Images and Old

Images ............................................................................................. 16

3.1 Jane Eyre’s old images ................................................................ 16

3.2 Scarlett O’Hara’s new images .................................................... 17

Conclusion .............................................................................................. 19 Notes ........................................................................................................ 22 Bibliography .......................................................................................... 24 Acknowledgements ............................................................................... 25

A Comparison between Female “Old

Images” in Jane Eyre and “New

Images ” in Gone with the Wind

Abstract:Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of 19 century English female writer Bronte Charlotte,and it tells a story about love and women’s dignity .Gone with the Wind is created by Mitchell Margaret,a famous American female writer ,which is a novel related to reflect the Civil War of America.However,both of them have something similar.Jane Eyre and Gone with the Wind are love stories,the two heroines in Jane Eyre and Gone with the Wind are independent women and they are different from other women in the Victorian times.They no longer adhere to men.In addition,they have their own thought and fight with society and fate in the process of self-fulfillment.But after comparing these two novels we can know that the heroines have differences.Although Jane has the courage to struggle with the fate she still maintains the female old images,Scarlett O’Hara totally gets rid of the restriction of the society and becomes the new images.This thesis analyzes the female images through comparison of every section and it shows that women’s female consciousness have been improved.

Key words:Jane Eyre ;Scarlett O’Hara ; old images; new images; comparison

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