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2016-11-02 11:25:01 来源网站:百味书屋


13 个 QQ 使用小技巧一、真正地隐藏 QQ 在单位您可能也需要使用 QQ,但并不是每个单位都会同意使用 QQ 的,抛去技术上的 封锁不说,上司监视的目光也是很危险的,怎么办呢?别着急,我有办法! ①首先, 点击桌面上的 QQ 图标, 在在线状态下用鼠标右键点击系统托盘中的 QQ 图标, 在弹出菜单中选择“系统参数”, 此时, 会出现“QQ 参数设置”对话框, 找到“参数设置” 选项卡, 去掉其中的“在任务栏显示图标”复选框前面的“√”, 确定后托盘中的小企鹅图 标就立刻消失了。由此实现第一步隐藏。 ②接着, 取消“自动弹出信息”前面的“√”, 然后将“设置提取消息热键”中的“使 用热键”打上“√”,现在你可以使用默认热键“CTRL+ALT+Z”,也可以自定义热键。这样 就可以用热键来激活 QQ 了。哦,对了,请顺手将“好友上站通知”前面的“√”也去掉。 ③然后, 打开 QQ 后把显示好友在线的显示屏拖到显示器的四个边角中的任一个, 由此 实现了第二步隐藏! ④最后,在“QQ 参数设置”对话框中点击“声音设置”标签,在“声音开关”中选择 “关闭声音”,免得 BOSS 听到声音。 ⑤经过上面的一番设置,基本可达到了“无声无息”的效果,应该可以满足你的要求 了吧?二、对付飘叶 OICQ 千夫指有妙招 飘叶 OICQ 千夫指属于 QQ 消息炸弹, 通过给你发送大量的洪水信息, 使你不得不下线。 多数情况下,大家对付它的办法都是采用下线再上来的方法,其实有更简单、更容易的对付 它的办法,具体做法是: 启动 QQ,用鼠标右键点击任务栏中的 QQ 图标,在弹出的菜单中选择“个人设定”, 会弹出“修改用户资料”对话框, 在该对话框中点击“基本资料”标签, 在“用户呢称”前 加上“275297”(注意输入时没有引号);接下来在该对话框中点击“联系方法”标签,然 后在“电子邮件”栏中把你的 E-mail 改成作者飘叶的 QQ 号码“275297”就可以了。 这样只 要用飘叶 OICQ 千夫指向你发消息,他(她)的计算机就会重新启动!那些讨厌的洪水消息 当然也就被拒之门外了! 这个方法的原理就是作者飘叶在该软件中留下了后门——飘叶在程序中做了处理,屏 蔽了对 QQ 号码“275297”的攻击,一旦该号码遭到飘叶千夫指的攻击,就会调动程序中相 关代码,重新启动攻击者的电脑!想想也真是的,作者怎么会让自己的软件攻击自己呢!三、打造个性化的 QQ 声音 QQ 提供了四个声音文件, 分别是“客户消息”, 是用来提示有好友或客户传来了消息; “系统消息”, 用来提示有系统提供的消息, 如果你设置了要验证才能将你加为好

友的话 , 当有人要将你加为好友时,系统就会发出该声音提示你;“新上线”,用来提示有新朋友刚 刚上线; “组”声音, 在来设置组时提示用的。 这四个文件都是 WAV 文件, 如果要修改它们, 可按以下方法实现。 ①首先,将制作好的声音文件(WAV 格式的)存放到 Crograme filesoicqsound 文件夹中, 当然也可以放到其他文件夹中,这是为了查找方便。 ②单击系统选单中的“系统参数”命令,打开“参数设置”对话框,在该对话框中单 击“声音设置”标签,在下面“声音选择”框中可以对声音文件进行设置。四、查找全部 QQ 昵称为空的用户 在“通过对方昵称”输入框中粘贴两个“Tab”键即可。五、扮酷你的 QQ 头像 你想让自己的头像更有个性、更美观吗?来,和我一起做!先来了解一下 QQ 头像的有 关知识:QQ 头像都存储在 QQ 所在目录的 Newface 文件夹下,这些基本头像为 32×32 点阵 大小、16 位真彩色,以 bmp 的形式存放。每个头像都有三种状态(一张彩色,一张黑白,一 张眨眼),所以准备 3 张头像图片是必须的。 ①首先选择一幅自己喜爱的图片,利用“画图”程序或其他图形处理软件将之转换成 32×32×16 格式,将它保存。同理,制作出黑白和眨眼头像图片(这两个不做也可,不过, 那样会使你的头像看起来只有一种状态)。 ②进入 Newface 文件夹,找到目前代表你本人的头像,假设你使用的是“68-1”、 “68-2”、“68-3”文件,把刚才准备好的头像文件重命名为“68-1”、“68-2”、 “68-3”(注意彩色的为“68-1”,黑白的为“68-3”,眨眼的为“68-2”),拷贝至 Face 文件夹中覆盖原文件即可。 ③启动 QQ,鼠标右键单击 QQ 图标,选择“个人设定”,再单击“头像”向下的箭头, 你就可以发现自己制作的头像已经存在于头像框中。 选中它, 就可以将其作为自己的新头像, 然后更新资料即可。六、快速返回 QQ“我的好友”用户首部 单击 QQ“陌生人”组,然后单击 QQ“我的好友”组。七、快速找到“我的好友”中的指定用户 选择 QQ 为当前窗口, 将当前正在使用的输入法转换成“英语”输入法, 按你要找的用 户昵称第一个字拼音的第一个字母键, 若该用户的昵称是英文字母开始, 则直接按此字母键, 若该用户的昵称是数字开始,则直接按此数字键,均按到找到该用户为止。八、批量删除 QQ“我的好友”用户 进入 QQ“好友管理器”, 按住“Ctrl”键, 选定要删除的用户 (若要删除连续的用户, 则按住“Shift”键,单击其中的第一名用户和最后一名用户),右击任意被选中的用户, 单击“删除好友”。九、让自己的昵称再酷一

点 QQ 好友中某人的昵称很酷?很希望自己的昵称也能那样?容易!按下面的方法做就可 以了:在好友列表中用鼠标左键点击此昵称,会弹出一个菜单,选择“查看资料”。用鼠标 选中对方昵称中的酷字符,使之反白显示,然后按“Ctrl+C”将其复制到剪贴板。现在,点 击 QQ 界面中的主菜单,选择“个人设定”,然后切换到“基本资料”标签,在你的昵称前 面按下“Ctrl+V”粘贴,再点击“修改”按钮即可。十、清除 QQ 登陆对话框中 QQ 号码列表框中的号码 打开资源管理器,找到 QQ 所在目录,找到其中的 dat 文件夹,打开后可以看到一个 QQ2000.cfg 文件,删除这个文件。同时删除 QQ 目录下面不属于你的号码的文件夹。连接上 网,启动 QQ,会出现注册向导,依次输入属于自己的 QQ 号码,进行注册,完成以后你就发 现里面除了自己的号码外,再也没有其他号码了,成功!十一、快速进入 QQ 聊天室的技巧 很多使用 QQ 聊天的朋友一定发现现在要想进入 QQ 聊天室里的某些房间是非常地困难 了,常常是被告知“断开与服务器的连接!!! ”,在网吧里上网都如此,更不要说是家里的 “猫”了。哈哈,这里有个技巧,就是你想进入 QQ 聊天室时,显灰一个在线人数少的房间 进入,由于其在线人数少,所以一次就能成功进入房间。然后再点击“服务器”按钮,换个 你原本想进入的房间,你会发现能很轻松地一次就成功进入了。十二、在 QQ 组别里查找网友的技? 我想每位使用 QQ 的朋友其“我的好友”组别里已经加入了很多的网友吧。 尽管一些网 友为了在“我的好友”组别里占有所谓的“眼球”效应, 常用的做法是在呢称前加上多个空 格, 但总还有排在最后面的, 如要是我想消息给他们, 难道是频繁的点击下拉箭头来实现吗? 其实这里有个很简单的方法,就是只需你记住对方的呢称,比如我需要查找的网友呢称是 “格式化”, 而“格”字的开头字母是“g”, 只需按下“G”键, 你就会马上看到“格式化” 的头像,哈哈,是不是真的很方便啊!不过需要注意的一点是,如果你的 QQ 是分了组别的 话,那么就必须点击某个组才能进行查找。十三、快速回复信息的技巧 有时给 QQ 上的好友回复信息, 许久发不出, 真急人。 此时不妨按下 Ctrl+Shift+Enter 试试,可能会很快发送出去的!



















































机票预订 Making airline reservation

I want to book a seat to New York.

I'd like to make a reservation to Shanghai.

I'd like to reserve a seat to Singapore

I want a one-way ticket for June 23

I want to depart tomorrow morning.

I want a round-trip ticket

I want a return ticket

What time are you flights to Atlanta tomorrow?

What flights do you have going to Atlanta tomorrow?

Will you be travelling first class or economy?

Which would you prefer,first class or economy?

Cabin : fist class, business class, economy/tourist class

Which airline would you prefer to fly with?

Is there a discount?

How long will this flight take?

When will it take off / arrive?

I want to take a direct flight

I'd like to confirm my reservation

Making Airline Reservation

Clerk: Oriental Airlines. Can i help you?

Jason: yes, i'd like to reserve a seat to Singapore.

Clerk: just one moment, please. Let me check for you.


Clerk: we have two flights, one at 2:00 pm, and the other at 5:00 pm. Both flights have seats available. Which would you like to take,sir?

Jason:i'd like to take the first available flight.

Clerk:which would you prefer,first class or economy?

Jason:economy,please. What time does the flight get into Singapore?

Clerk: at 8:00o'clock. Do you have any other questions?

Jason:when do i have to check in?

Clerk: you have to be there an hour before the departure. Thank you for flying with us.

更改航班 Rescheduling a flight

I'd like to cancel my reservation to London

What if i want to put off my flight?

I'd like to change my reservation if possible

How about changing my flight to tomorrow noon? 把某人加入排队等待的行列。 我可以等退票

How many hours in advance should i return the ticket?

Are these tickets non-refundable?

Is there a penalty for returning the ticket?

I just missed my flight and need to reschedule it.

Can i change my flight schedule?

When does the nest flight leave?

Can i get onto the next flight?

Which flight shall i take then?

Are there seats still available?

Are there seats available?

Please check it again for me.

Are you sure that there's no ticket on the flight?

Rescheduling a flight

Nick: i just missed my flight.

Clerk: oh,i'm sorry to hear that

Nick:could you reschedule it?

Clerk:yes,when would you like to reschedule it for ?

Nick: how about changing my flight to tomorrow noon?

Clerk:that was for tomorrow at noon? Please let me verify flight availability?


Clerk:OK,there's still one seat available on that flight. But it's in business class. I can let you have that if you like for no additional charge,but rescheduling costs a little extra.

Nick:what;s the charge for rescheduling ? It's not too steep,is it?

Clerk: no, not very. It's only a $20charge. And we now have a city terminal so you can check your bags before you get to the airport.

Nick: that's great. Thank you.

办理登机手续 checking in

May i see your ticket and passport, please?

Do i have to write down all the things i have to declare?

Can my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos?

How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted?

How much hand luggage am i allowed?

I have a piece of baggage to check.

I'd like to check this item of luggage.

I'd like a window seat

Can i have an aisle seat,please?

Is the plane on time?

How long is the flight delayed?

What's the departure time?

What's the arrival time?

When does the plane get there / here?

When will we begin boarding?

We will begin boarding soon

Which boarding gate should i go to ?

Which gate is for the flight to New York?

Tell me the gate number, please.

Checking in

Clerk: may i see your ticket and passport,please?

Cindy: sure! Here they are.

Clerk:any luggage?

Cindy: just this suitcase

Clerk: your backpack is very big and today's flight is quite full. I'm afraid that you will have to check your backpack too.

Cindy: no problem. Can i have an aisle seat, please?

Clerk: yes. I will give you an aisle seat in the center row. Here you are,your ticket,passport and boarding pass. Please board the plane atGate 15

Cindy: thank you very much

Clerk: you're welcome. Have a nice flight

Cindy: are there any in-flight movies on this trip?

Clerk: yes, there are. Please ask your flight attendant when you board; i don;t have thaat information here

Cindy: thanks.

On plane 在飞机上

May i see your boarding pass,please?


I can't let you in without a boarding pass

Please observe the no smoking signs.

Can you show me the way to my seat?

Would you mind exchanging seats with me?

Can i put it in the overhead compartment 头顶行李舱?

I feel sick.

Do i have to keep the seat bet fastened at all times?

How do i bring my seat back to its full upright position?

Can i use the toilet now?

Would you please help me adjust the air flow?

Could i have a blanket?

Can you offer me a snack?

Will lunch be served in flight?

Can i have something to drink?

On the plane

Stewardness:what's your seat number,sir?

Eric: it's 30A

Stewardness: that will be three rows up on the right. It's the window seat. Is this your bag? Eric: oh, yes. Can i put it in the overhead compartment?

Stewardness: well ,it's too big. It might fall down and hurt somebody. Could you place it under the

seat in front of you, please?

Eric: sure. Would you please help me adjust the air flow? I feel a bit cold.

Stewardness: yes. You just turn the knob here above you in whichever direction you like. You can shut it off by turning it tightly to the right. Would you like a blanket?

Eric: yes, thanks. Can i have something hot to drink?

Stewardness: yes, of course. What would you prefer?

Eric: coffee,please/

Stewardness: we will be serving lunch in about 15minutes. Would you prefer the beef or the chicken today?

Eric: i think i'd like the chicken today. Thank you.

Stewardness: coming right away, sir.

Picking up luggage 行李提取

Excuse me, where can i get my luggage?

Which carousel(行李传送带) is for the baggage from China?

Where is the luggage claim area行李领取处?

Please present your luggage tag.

I see our bags on the conveyor belt.传送带

Can i use this baggage cart

Where can i find a cart?

It's incredible that you lost my luggage.

One of my bags seems to be missing.

One of my suitcases hasn't come out yet.

My luggage seems to be damaged.

You need to take responsibility for my luggage.

Please have someone bring my luggage up.

i need someone to help me with the luggage

I'm not happy with the way you handled my luggage.

I'm not satisfied with the way you dealt with my luggage.

There's a rip(裂口,裂缝) in my luggage

My luggage is damaged.

Losing luggage

Bert: one of my suitcases hasn't come out yet.

Clerk: were you on Flight 138 form New York?

Bert: yes ,i was

Clerk: all of the baggages form that flight has been cleared.

Bert: are you sure?

Clerk:yes, the plane is empty.

Bert: oh ,my god! That means you lost my luggages. What do i have to do?can you check again? Just to be sure.

Clerk: i'm sorry, sir. But the plane has been cleared and is being reloaded for the nest flight. You'll have to fill out this insurance claim form and submit it at the airline office either here at the airport or downtown.

Bert:what can i expect to happen now?

Clerk: the airline will do a computer search to find out where your bag ended up and try to get it back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, please deal with the offices;they have many more details than i do.

Bert: thanks.

Having border entry inspection 入境检查

Do you have a visa?

This is my visa.

Here is my passport.

What's your nationality?

What's your citizenship?

My visa expires in one day.

My visa is valid for one year.

This is my final destination.

How long do you plan on staying?

How long were you out of the country?

What's the purpose of your visit? For business or for pleasure?

I'll stay here for 3monthes

I'll leave this country very soon.

I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.

I'm planning to stay for 20days or so. I'm here on business.

I'm here on holiday.

I've come for a conference.

I lost my passport

Oh, dear, i left my passport on the plane.

Can you wait a second? I'm looking for my passport

I'll extend my visa.

I lost my medical certificate

My medical certificate is missing.

Entering a country

Officer: can i see your passport please, sir?

Steve: ok, here it is.

Officer: how long will you be in China?

Steve: for two weeks.

Officer: where will you be staying?

Steve: Beijing and Shanghai.

Officer: what is the purpose of your visit? For business or for pleasure?

Steve: business and pleasure.

Officer: do you have anything that requires declaration?

Steve: yes, i have my declaration form here. I bought some extra bottles of alcohol and a few extra cartons of cigarettes.

Officer: not to worry. We'll have you all sorted out very quickly.... There you go. Enjoy your stay.

  • qq飞机头像

