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2017-03-03 05:52:17 来源网站: 百味书屋


  3. 亲爱的顾客您好,感谢您对我们产品的支持与信赖。您的问题和建议我们会及时整理反馈上去,让我们努力为您排忧解难,期待您的再次光临!


  5.感谢亲购买本店的宝贝,收到宝贝后若有任何问题请您立即与我们的售后工作人员联络,我们一定会尽力为您处理,亲别忘记给我们一个好评价(*^__^*) ,期待您再次光临!

  6. 感谢亲光临!期待我们能有幸继续为您提供更多的惊喜!有不满意或者建议请您直接与我们联系哦~~请您千万记得收藏我们!哦,旺旺加为好友~这样可以及时联系哦.

  7. 感谢亲的支持和惠顾,期待下次能够能您提供更优质的服务!如果我们的产品和服务好,请推荐给您的朋友;如果还有什么不满意的,请一定告诉我哦。

  8. 感谢亲的好评,授人玫瑰手有余香,您的好评是对我们最大的支持与鼓励,也将是我们不断前进的动力! 谢谢您的光顾,希望与您有更多的合作!再次非常感谢,祝你生活愉快、万事如意.


  我们承诺会以更快更好的服务回馈我们的顾客,也期待着您在将来为我们的发展提出宝贵意见。 谢谢亲送的大红花,o(∩_∩)o~~


  11.感谢您对我们的支持与厚爱,您的满意就是我们最大的动力,谢谢您对我们的肯定。我们会继续努力的。也请亲们多多支持,多多关照哦。 谢谢亲的支持~!您的满意是我们最大的欣慰,。。关心您的每一寸肌肤,期待我们的产品能给您带来全新的改变!记得要爱自己,爱生活哦!(*^__^*)... 欢迎下次光临,祝您生活愉快哦!


  13.亲爱的买家,您好!非常感谢您对我们的商品做出的评价,感谢您对本店的支持, 因为您的赞许让我们充满了动力,专业的服务就在您身边!我们期待您的再次光临!o(∩_ ∩)o~


  如果亲亲对我们有什么好的建议都是可以随时联系我们在 线客服的哦!~我们很期待您的宝贵建议呢。也很期待亲亲的再次光临哦!~祝您购物愉快,生活愉快哈!


  一、 感同身受(周一)


  1. 我能理解;

  i can understand.

  2. 请您不要着急,我非常理解您的心情,我们一定会竭尽全力为您解决的;

  please don’t worry, i can fully understand how you are feeling now, we will try our best to resolve the problem for you.

  3. 如果我碰到您的这么多麻烦,也会是您现在这样的心情;

  i have the same feeling as you if i have such a problem like this.

  4. 我能感受到您的失望,我可以帮助您的是??;

  i can feel your disappointment, i can help you to??.

  5. 给您带来这么多的麻烦实在是非常抱歉,如果我是您的话,我也会很生气的,请您先消 消气给我几分钟时间给您说一下这个原因可以吗?

  im sorry about giving you so much trouble, if i were you, i also will be angry. could you please calm down and let me tell you the reason?

  6. 给您造成的不便非常抱歉,我们的心情跟您一样;

  i am so sorry for the inconvenience, we have the same mood.

  二、 被重视(周二)

  be valued-tuesday

  7. 您对我们服务这么熟,肯定是我们的老客人了,不好意思,我们出现这样的失误,太抱 歉了;

  you must be our regular customers, sorry for the trouble we brought you due to our mistake.

  8. 先生/小姐,您都是我们**年客人了

  三、 用“我”代替“您”(周三)

  use honorifics-wednesday

  9. 我已经说的很清楚了 ——(换成)可能是我未解释清楚,令您误解了;

  i have said very clear.——(replaced) im sorry, maybe i wasnt being clear.

  11. 啊,您说什么? ——(换成)对不起,我没有听明白,请您再说一遍好吗?

  what you said?——(replaced) i am soryy, i am not understand, could you say it again.

  12. 您需要 ——(换成)我建议??/您看是不是可以这样??;

  you need——(replaced)i suggest??/how about this??

  四、 站在客人角度说话(周四)

  stand in the shoes of guest-thursday

  13. 这样做主要是为了维护您的利益;

  it’s in your interest to do this.


  if everyone who can deal with such important business like yours, there is no protection for you.

  15. 我知道您一定会谅解的,这样做就是为了确保像您一样对我们酒店有着重要意义的忠诚 顾客的权益;

  i knew that you would understand, it was for the benefit of such loyalty guests like you that we did all that.


  have a way with words-friday

  16. 非常感谢您这么好的建议,我们会向酒店管理层反映,因为有了您的建议,我们才 会不 断进步;

  17.(客人不满意但不追究时)谢谢您的理解和支持,我们将不断改进服务,让您满意; (when guest was satisfied) thanks for your understanding and support. we will continue to improve our services.

  18. 先生,您都是我们的老客人了,我们当然不能辜负您的信任??;

  you are regular customer that we will not fail this trust.

  19. 这次给您添麻烦了,其实,我们也挺不好意思,您所说的情况我们将记录下来,并一定 反馈给这个部门,并尽可能避免问题的再次出现??;

  i am sorry to trouble you, well convey your opinion to related department and try our best to avoid this problem.

  20. 感谢您对我们工作的支持,希望您以后一如既往支持我们;

  thank you for your support of our work as always.

  21. 针对您刚才所反映的情况我们酒店会不断的去改善,希望改善后能给您带来更好地服 务;

  we will continue to improve our services for your advice, provide more excellent experience.

  22. 非常感谢您提供给我们的宝贵建议,有您这样的客人是我们酒店的荣幸;

  it’s my honor to have such guest like you, and thank you for your valuable advice,

  六、 拒绝的艺术

  art of rejection

  23. 先生/小姐,我很能理解您的想法,但非常抱歉,您的具体要求我们暂时无法满足,我 会先把您遇到的情况反馈给相关部门,查证后再与您联系好吗?

  sir/ms, i can understand your mind, but so sorry, we can’t meet your requirement. we will convey your suggestion to related department, and contact with you as confirmed.

  24. 尽管我们目前暂时无法立刻去处理或解决这件事情,但我可以做到的是??; although we are unable to settle or resolve this matter immediately, i can??

  25. 先生/小姐,非常感谢您的反馈,我们会尽最大的努力改进这方面的问题,也希望您能 一如既往地支持和监督我们的工作,谢谢!

  mr. /miss, thanks you very much for your feedback, we will do our best to improve this issue and wish you support and supervise our job as usual . thank you!

  26. 小姐,您的心情我能够理解,您希望我们怎样帮您解决会更好一些呢;

  miss, i can understand you , how can i solve the problem to make you feel better?

  27. 先生,您是我们的客人,帮助您本来就是我们的荣幸和职责,但您的要求的确超出了我 们的工作职责且有可能不符合当地的法律要求,请您谅解,对您的理解我们深表感谢; sir, you are our guest, it’s my honor and responsibility to serve you, but your quest is really

  beyond our duties and may not meet the local law , thank you for your understanding .

  七、 缩短通话

  long story short

  28. 您好,为了方便您了解(记忆),我现在将该内容通过短信(邮件)发给您,请您留意 查询;

  in order to make you easy to understand, i will sent you a mail about the contents, please check it carefully .

  29. 因涉及的内容较多,具体内容我会通过邮件方式发给您详细了解,好吗?

  because of involving a lot of contents, i will send you the specific contents by e-mail, all right?

  八、 如何让客人等

  how to let guest to wait

  30. 不好意思,耽误您的时间了;

  excuse me, thank you for your time.

  31. 等待之前先提醒:“先生/小姐,请您稍等片刻,我马上为您查询”;

  remind others before they wait: mr/miss , please wait for a moment , i will check for you .”

  32. 等待结束恢复通话:“先生/小姐,谢谢您的等待,已经帮您查询到??/现在帮您查询 到的结果是??”;

  recover the conversation after waiting:“mr/miss , thanks for your time , i have checked that??/now the result i have checked is??

  33. 请您稍等片刻,马上就好;

  please hold on, i will be ready soon .

  34. 感谢您的耐心等候;

  thank you for your patience.

  九、 其他


  35. 您的满意是我们的追求,祝您有个阳光好心情(当客人对我们解决了他的问题表示感谢 的时候)

  your satisfaction is our pursuit, wish you have a good day! (when guests thank us for solving his problems)

  36.“去那个输入您的密码验证,请关注页面提示”,把关注页面提示放在后面可起提醒作用; “please enter your pass code, pay attention to the page prompt”,it will remind you if you put the page prompt behind.

  37. 非常感谢您的耐心等待;

  thank you very much for your patience.

  38. 感谢您的批评指正,我们将及时改正,不断提高服务水平;

  thank you for your criticism, we will correct it in time and improve our service continuously.

  39. 谢谢!这是我们应该做的;

  thank you! it’s my duty and responsibility.

  40. 请您留下联系电话,我们将在*小时内给您答复;

  would you please give us your telephone number, we will reply you in ** hours.

  41. 也许我说的不够清楚,请允许我再解释一遍;

  maybe i wasn’t being clear, could you allow me to explain again?

  十、 结束语


  42. 祝您生活愉快!

  wish you a happy life!

  43. 祝您下榻愉快!

  wish you a pleasant stay!

  44. 当客人说他在开车时,结束语:路上要注意安全!

  when the guest is driving , you should say:“be careful on the way!”

  45. 祝您生意兴隆!

  wish you a great business!

  46. 期待您的再次光临;

  look forward to seeing you again;

  47. 请路上小心;

  please be careful on the road.

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