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2017-04-02 13:11:42 来源网站: 百味书屋


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 14

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A 1 I drove on to the next town after I had left a small village.2 I said good morning to him in French as soon as he had got into the car.

3 I had nearly reached the town, when the young man said:‘Do you speak English?’

C 1 After she had written the letter, she went to the post office.

2 After he had had dinner, he went to the cinema.

3 When I had fastened my seat belt, the plane took off.

4 We did not disturb him until he had finished work.

5 As soon as he had left the room, I turned on the radio.

6 He had been very ill before he died.

D 1 regretted2 had begun/ began3 arrived


1 Except for2 both of3 Apart from

4 asked…ask for5 neither of…asked


1. b根据课文第3行I stopped and he asked me for a lift, 只有b. he wanted a freeride in the car 最符合课文内容,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合。

2. c根据课文最后一句话,可以判断c. They each thought the other was French 是正确答案。

a. neither of them spoke French 虽然符合课文内容,但作者并不知道搭车人也不讲法语。b., d. 都与课文内容不符合。

3. a本句是一般过去时形式的疑问句,需要选正确的动词形式。 B. drove 不符合语法,因为已经有助动词did提问了,就不应该用过去式形式;c. driven 和d. driving 也不符合语法; 只有a. drive最符合语法规则。

4. c只有c. just after 可以替换前一句中的as soon as. 而其他3个选择都与as soon as 意思不同。

5. d只有d. said (说)最符合题目意思.a. spoke(讲某种语言,同??说话,后面应有to),b.talked(谈话,谈论),c. told(讲述,告诉)这3个词的词意思都不符合题目意思和习惯用法。

6. ba. many 许多, c. plenty of 充足的,都不用来修饰某种语言.

b. much 很多,和 d. a little 都可用在某种语言前面,但 a little 不能用在否定句中,不可说 I don'tknow a little French. 所以选b.

7. c只有c. both didn't speak 语法正确,而其他3个选择都有语法错误,所以我们只能选c.

8. b前一句中的短语on the way 是“在路上”的意思,只有b. during the writer’sjourney(在作者旅途中)同这个短语意思最接近,而另外3个选择都与它的意思不同。

9. c本句需要选出与前句中的waved to (向??招手)意思相同的词。

a. saluted(向??致意/致敬)词意思不够接近;b. greeted(问候,向??打招呼)意思也不对;d. nodded(点头)表示同意或打招呼,意思也差得远;只有c. signaled(用手势等动作向??示意)意思同waved to 相同,所以选c.

10. b本句是要进一步说明前一句的含义He asked for a lift(他提出要搭车)。他的身份应

该是什么? A.

tramp(徒步旅行者)意思不够准确,因为徒步旅行不应该搭车; c.

passenger(乘客,旅客)是坐火车、汽车、飞机的,也不应搭车;d. foreigner(外国人)更不符合题目意思;只有b.

hitch hicker(边走边搭车旅行的人)最能准确的表达这句话的含义。

11. b需要找出前一句中的replied(回答)的同义词。

a. responded(回答,答复)做及物动词后面要用that引导的宾语从句,如要表示对人或某种建议做答复,则要用to.

c. returned(返回)词意思不同于replied;d. remarked(评论,议论,注意到)词意思不符合;只有b. answered(回答)与replied意思相同,而且这两个词经常互换。

12. b需要找出前一句中replied(回答)的同意义词。 a. responsed(回答,答复)做及物动词时后面要用that引导的宾语从句,如要表示对人或某种建议作出答复,则要用to.

c. returned(返回,回答)词意思不同于replied; d. remarked(评论,议论,注意到)词意思不符合;只有b.

answered(回答)与replied 意思相同,而且这两个词经常可以互换。


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 3

练习答案 Key to written exercises



A went (1.1);visited (1.2) ;sat(1.2) ;taught(1.2);lent;read(1.3) ;did not understand;thought (1.4);passed (1.5) ;did not send(1.5) ;made; go up (1.6) ;bought (1.7) ;spent(1.7) ;did not write(1.8)C ?Roy died last year?left me?spent a lot of money?bought one or two?never went to the cinema?stayed at home?listened to music?often lent CDs?they kept them?lost many CDs?


1 He paid some money to the shopkeeper.

2 He handed the prize to me.

3 The waiter brought the man a bottle of beer.

4 He sold me all his books.

5 The shop assistant found me some curtain material.

6 He did a big favour for me.

7 She showed her new hat to her husband.

8 She promised the finder a reward.

9 He gave some advice to his son.

10 His uncle left some money to/ for him.

11 He is teaching us English.

12 I bought you this bunch of flowers.

13 Bring me that book please.

14 He offered a cigarette to me.

15 Read the first paragraph to me.

16 I've ordered you some soup.

17 I owe a lot of money to him.

18 Pass your father the mustard.


1. c根据课文可以判断出作者不喜欢写明信片,但他很想收到别人寄来的明信片,所以应该选c.

d. doesn’t like postcards 不喜欢明信片,和课文的含义不符合,所以不选d.

2. a根据课文最后两句话可以判断出:作者作出的“一项重大决定”是给他的朋友们写明信片,可是还是一张没有写成,所以应该选a.

3. ca. at 表示在小的地点和空间;b. to 表示方向;d. on 表示在??上;只有c. in 表示在大的空间和地方,如城市国家等,所以选c.

4. a只有选a. Who taught ,这句问话才与回答相配。

5. d只有选d. in a friendly way(以友好的方式)才能说明前一句He was a friendlywaiter,也合乎语法和逻辑。而其他3个 a. friend(朋友), b. as friends(作为朋友),c. likefriends(像朋友一样)在语法上都讲不通。

6. b本句的时态是一般过去时,应该用动词的过去式形式;a. reads 是第3人称蛋单数现在时形式;c. red 词意思不符合;d. reading 是现在分词形式;b. read 过去式和现在式形式相同,发音不同。所以只有选b.

7. ca. the hole 词意思不对;b. the ball 和 d. all of 不合乎习惯用法; 英语中不用the all day, all of day这样一来的短语。 只有选c. all 才能使句中的词组all day 同前一句中的the whole day 意思相同。

8. c句中的waiter 是“饭店服务员”的意思,他通常在饭店工作,而不在a. public garden(公园),b.

shop(商店),d. private house(私宅) 工作,所以选c. restaurant.

9. b只有b. borrowed 才与前一句中的lent相对应,而其他3个选择都不是。 英语中的borrow 和lend都有“借”的意思,但是borrow是“向??借”,而lend则是借给。

10. ab. end(最后,结束)有名词和动词词性,不能用在名词前修饰名词。

c. latest (最近的)不符合意思。

d. bottom(底部)是名词,不能修饰名词只有a. final(最后的)才能使句子的意思成立。

11. b只有b. made up his mind(下决心)才同前一句中的made a big decision 意思相近。 而其他3个选择a. thought about it (考虑),c. changed his mind(改变主意),d. made awish(立下心愿)都没有下决心的意思。

12. b只有b. didn’t write even one(连一张也没有写)与前一句中的didn’t write a single card意思相同, 而a. wrote only one, c. wrote just one, d. wrote all the cardsexcept one 都与其意思有别。


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 12

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A will sail (1.1); shall meet (1.2); will be (1.3); will set out (11.4-5); shall have(1.5); shall see (1.5); shall say (1.6);will be (1.6); will take part (1.7)

C I shall go to the theatre…Reg and I shall see the first

performance…the producer will give a short speech. He will speak to…The play will be very…people will enjoy it very much.


1 He is not back yet. He will be back in ten minutes.

2 A new play is on at the Globe Theatre.

3 When the concert was over, We went home.

4 They will set out/ off very early tomorrow morning. (Here be off is also possible.)

5 You can't take the exam yet. You are not up to it.

6 He will be away from home for two months.

7 She swam across the English Channel and set up a new world record.


1. c根据课文第3-4行Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across theAtlantic many times, 只有c能够说明为什么Topsail is famous ,而其他3个选择都不符合逻辑。

2. c根据课文最后一句He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic,只有c. will be in the race across the Atlantic同这句意思相同,而其他3个选择课文中都没有提到。

3. a本句是个关系从句,需要一个相应的关系代词引导。

b. whose his 不合乎语法,这两个词不能用在一起;c. his 不是关系代词;d. of whom 不合乎题目意思;只有a. whose 是关系代词,符合题目意思,所以应该选a.

4. d本句中的Portsmouth是一个地名(港口),在某个地方一般要用介词in或at, at 是指在小的地点或空间,因此只能选d, at.


5. d只有d. the name of which 符合语法,其他3个选择都不对。

6. a要选出与前面句子中的plenty of (足够的)意思相同的词。

b. almost enough(几乎是足够的)意思不够准确c. less than enough(不充足的)意思相反,d. hardly enough(几乎不够)意思相反,只有a. enough(足够)是plenty of 的同义词。

7. da. say him goodbye 不符合语法;b. tell him goodbye 和c. tell goodbye to him都不符合习惯用法,意思上也讲不通;只有d. say goodbye to him 最符合语法。

8. a只有a. near才最符合题目意思。b. a long way from,和 c. in a different town from都与题目意思相反。d. next door(隔壁)后面缺少介词to,不合乎语法9. c只有c. often(经常)最接近前面句子中的many times 的含义,而其他3个选择a. sometimes(有时),b.

always(总是),d. usually(通常)在意思上不够接近many times.

10. d前面句子中的词组set out是"出发,启程"的意思。只有d. the journey begins(旅程开始)最接近setout的含义,其他3个选择a. the trip ends, b. the journey ends, c. voyagestops都有“旅程结束”的意思,正好和题目意思相反。

11. a只有选a. be 才最符合前面句子He will take part in a race 的含义,而其他3个选择意思都不够准确。

12. a只有a. an ocean(大洋)与事实相符,而b. a sea(海),c. a river(河) ,d. lake(湖)都不


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