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2016-11-29 12:14:59 来源网站:百味书屋

篇一:智慧朗读 品析语言精彩

智慧朗读 品析语言精彩





















篇二:英语精品阅读 解析


It‘s true that quite a few most respected scientific authorities have confirmed that the world is becoming hotter and hotter. There‘s also strong evidence that humans are contributing to the warming. Countless recent reports have proved the same thing. For instance, a 2010 summary about the climate science by the Royal Society noted that: ―The global warming over the last half-century has been caused mainly by human activity.‖

You may not believe that humans could change the planet‘s climate, but the basic science is well understood. Each year, billions of tons of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere because of human activity. As has been known for years, these gases hold heat that would otherwise escape to space, wrapping the planet in an invisible(看不见的) blanket.

Of course, the earth‘s climate has always been changing due to ―natural‖ factors such as volcanic eruption(熔化) or changes in solar, or cycles concerning the Earth‘s going around the sun. According to the scientific research, however, the warming observed by now matches the pattern of warming we would expect from a build-up of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere – not the warming we would expect from other possible causes.

Even if scientists did discover another reasonable explanation for the warming recorded so far, that would give birth to a difficult question. As Robert Henson puts it: ―If some newly discovered factor is to blame for the climate change, then why aren‘t carbon dioxide and the other greenhouse gases producing the warming that basic physics tells us they should be?‖

The only way to prove with 100% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming would be to run an experiment with two Earths – one with human influence and one without. That obviously isn‘t possible, and so most scientists are careful not to state human influence as an absolute certainty.

1. In most scientists‘ opinion, the global warming is mainly caused by ________.

A. solar activity B. volcanic activityC. natural factors D. human factors

2. The text is developed by ________.

A. giving typical examples B. following the order of space

C. analyzing a theory and arguing itD. comparing and finding differences

3. The underline word ―identical‖ in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A. totally different B. exactly the same C. extremely important D. partly independent

4. Which of the following can be the best title?

A. Are All the Scientists Really Scientific?

B. Where Is Global Warming Leading Us to?

C. Are Humans Definitely Causing Global Warming?

D. What‘s Relation of Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases?


1.D考查事实细节。根据第一段第二句―here‘s also strong evidence that humans are contributing to the warming‖(这儿也有强有力的证据表明人类为全球气候变暖做出了―贡献‖)可知人类因素是导致气候变暖的主要原因。 human factors(人类因素).。

2.C考查综合理解。纵观全文,第一段提出人类活动因素是导致全球气候变暖的主要原因。接下来分析讨论为什么说人类活动可以导致气候变暖。文章就是按这种方式叙述的。analyzing a theory and arguing it(分析理论并进行辩论)符合本文描述方式。


个没有)来证明人类的确应该为全球气候变暖承担责任。exactly the same(极端相似)符合该词词义。

4.C标题判断题。文章开始提出人类活动因素导致了全球气候变暖,然后分析讨论为什么人类活动能够导致全球气候变暖。文章通篇都贯穿人类的活动。Are Humans Definitely Causing Global Warming?(的确是人类导致全球气候变暖吗)符合该文章标题。


【2012贵州五校11月一次联考】Talk to yourself

It may be obvious, but the best way to get better at a language is to speak it. Even if there is no one around to speak to, talk to yourself. Name things as you pass them – chair, television, cat, tree, school. Learn basic phrases like – ?it is cold today‘ or ?it is sunny today‘ and use whichever is appropriate when you first look out of the window. This simple language learning tip will help this everyday vocabulary sink in and become second nature.

Talk to friends

Even if they don‘t speak the language, talk to the people you know in your new language. Warm them in advance that you are practicing your new knowledge and they will know what‘s coming. Even a simple ?good morning ‘ or ?see you later‘ in your new language will make those phrases more natural to you. Your friends may even start to pick up a few phrases as well. Listen to music

Listen to music in your new language. You‘ll hear the language used in a real context and this will help you pick out the rhythm and the pronunciation even better. You will also come to further understand and better appreciate the culture behind the language.

Make mistakes

The easiest language learning tip to try! Go ahead and speak and write! Don‘t be afraid to make mistakes, because I guarantee you will! In fact, you will learn as much from your mistake as you will learn from your success. Never let the fear of making any mistakes hold you back. Without making any mistakes, how will you ever to be fluent or even comfortable with the language?

Find a language club

When you are ready, try to find a language club in your area. Speaking with other people who have already gone through or are still going through the process of learning the language can be extremely helpful. They will give you lots of language learning tips and helpful advice.

1. If you want to keep everyday vocabulary in your mind, you‘d better _____________.

A. try to find a language club in your area

B. talk to yourself and name things as you pass them

C. not to be afraid to make mistakes

D. listen to music in your new language

2.According to the passage , we know ___________

A. the more mistakes we make, the more fluent our English might be

B. "talking to yourself" is the best way to learn a language

C. If someone doesn‘t speak your new language, you should not practice with them.

D. Not all language clubs are helpful.

3. You will master the usage of your new language if you ________ according to the material.

A. talk to yourself B. talk to friends

C. listen to music D. find a language club

4.The main idea of this passage is ___________ .

A. the more practice, the better your English will be

B. practicing speaking English in different ways

C. language learning tips

D. some advice on English learning


1.B细节理解题。第一段的―This simple language learning tip will help this everyday vocabulary sink in and become second nature. ‖所说的―This simple language learning tip‖就是―Talk to yourself‖。

2.A推理判断题。倒数第二部分告诉我们:Without making any mistakes, how will you ever to be fluent or even comfortable with the language?由此可以推断,犯的错误越多,英语就会说的越流利。

3.C推理判断题。由listen to music 部分可以看出,通过听音乐学习语言,可以感受真实的语境,还能更深层的理解语言背后的文化,这也就是题干所说的真正掌握了语言的用法。

4.C主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出,文章向我们介绍了5种语言学习的建议,即:language learning tips。


Does a Tea Break Make You More Efficient?

China has been drinking tea since the time of Shennong, 5,000 years ago. Britain‘s relationship with tea is much shorter, but tea enjoys pride of place as the UK‘s national drink. According to the UK Tea Council, British people drink an average of three cups a day or a national total of 165 million cups every day.

With figures like these, it is no surprise that time spent taking tea affects the working day in Britain. A recent survey found that 24 minutes a day are lost to making, buying and drinking tea and coffee. That is, £400 a year is lost in working hours per employee, or 190 days over a lifetime. So, should employers be worried about this lost working time, or does the tea break make up in other ways?

One argument is that caffeine improves mental state: a drink of tea or coffee can make you active and focus on work.

Professor Rogers of the University of Bristol disagrees. After years of studying caffeine he sees nothing can prove that. ―Workers would perform equally well if not drinking it at all,‖ he says. ―But if they‘re often drinking it and then go without, they‘ll feel tired and won‘t work well.‖

Psychologist Cooper instead emphasizes the role tea breaks play in office life, and in building social relationships. ―We need to make people more active and see other people. The tea break is one way of doing this,‖ says Cooper.

And Professor Rogers also points out the comfort effect of a hot drink: ―We warm our hands on them on a cold day; they‘re comforting and play a big role in our everyday life. Whatever the caffeine‘s doing, I‘d say these 24 minutes aren‘t wasted.‖

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Tea Breaks cannot make people more active at work.

B. British people drink more tea than people in other countries.

C. Tea break plays an important role in people‘s life in Britain.

D. A lot of time has been wasted drinking tea in the working day.

2. We learn from a recent survey that in Britain _______.

A. £400 is lost in working hours for each person

B. tea breaks take up 24 minutes in a working day

C. people spends 190 days drinking tea and coffee each year

D. people drink 165 million cups in working hours every day

3. What‘s Psychologist Coopers‘ attitude towards tea break?

A. Doubtful. B. Uncertain.C. Negative.D. Positive.

【答案与解析】 喝茶已经成为英国人的习惯、,且不论喝茶休息是否真的可以提高工作效率,一旦人们戒除了这个习惯,他们的工作将会受到影响。





【2012·浙江调研】Bonus(奖金) culture has become the subject of many studies nowadays. Many people have been angered by the way some bankers and high officials seem to have been rewarded for failure. Others find the idea of offering many-million-dollar bonuses morally disgusting.

But few have asked whether performance-related bonuses really do improve performance. The answer seems so obvious that even to ask the question can appear ridiculous. Indeed, in spite of all the complaints about them, financial encouragements continue to be introduced in more and more areas, from healthcare and public services to teaching and universities.

So it may come as a shock to many to learn that paying for results can actually make people perform badly in many circumstances, and that the more you pay, the worse they perform.

No one is arguing that bonuses can help companies and institutions attract and keep the best staff. Nor does anyone argue against the idea that you can encourage people to do specific tasks by linking payments to those tasks. Rather, the point is about how to get the best out of people. Do employees really perform better if you promise to pay them more for getting results?

There are some obvious reasons why such payments can fail. It has been argued, for instance, that cash bonuses contributed to the financial crash, because traders had little enthusiasm to make sure that their companies enjoyed long-term survival.

Most bonus projects are poorly designed, says Professor Malcolm Higgs. He thinks the reason is that organisations try to keep bonus arrangements simple. Nevertheless, he thinks bonus projects can work as long as they link the interests of individual employees with the long-term goals of a business.

Bonuses can also encourage cheating. ―Once you start making people‘s rewards dependent on outcomes rather than behaviours, the evidence is people will do whatever they can to get those outcomes,‖ says Professor Edward Deci. ―In many cases the high officials simply lied and cheated to make the stock (股票) price go up so they got huge bonuses.‖

But the work of Deci and others suggests the problem with bonuses runs far deeper than poor

design or cheating. In 1971, he asked students to solve puzzles, with some receiving cash prizes for doing well and others getting nothing. Deci found those offered cash were less likely to keep working on puzzles after they had done enough to get paid.

These studies suggest that offering rewards can stop people doing things for the pure joy of it. This was the basis for a series of books by Kohn in which he argues that rewarding children, students and workers with grades, scholarships and other ―bribes‖ (贿赂) leads to low-quality work in the long run.

Those who believe in the power of bonuses fail to distinguish between inner drive and outside pressure — wanting to do something because you like it for itself in contrast to doing something because you want the reward, Kohn says. ―It‘s not just that these two are different, it‘s often that the more you reward people for doing something, the more their inner drive tends to decline.‖

A ―do this and get that‖ approach might improve performance in the short term, but over longer periods it will always fail, Kohn says. People who receive bonus will naturally , become less creative, cooperate less and feel less valued, he adds. What‘s more, the studies also suggest that offering rewards can also stop people taking responsibility.

1. The effect of performance-related bonuses has not been well studied because people _______.

A. take the function of bonuses for granted

B. see that bonus offering is done everywhere

C. think financial encouragement is disgusting

D. are shocked by the practice of rewarding for failures

2. According to Malcolm Higgs, designs that _________ are the good ones.

A. drive people to finish short-term tasks

B. help to attract and keep good employees

C. link financial rewards with the quality of the outcomes

D. connect individual interests with long-term business goals

3. If a person plays safe to get a bonus, he is probably being ________.

A. more enthusiasticB. more risk-taking

C. less daring D. less responsible

4. Which of the following do you think the author would most probably agree with?

A. Companies should make their bonus projects simple.

B. The benefit of bonus helps to get the best out of people.

C. The biggest problem with bonus is it creates cheating.

D. Bonus offering can stop people doing things for pure joy.

5. Which do you think is the best title of the passage?

A. What Is Bonus?B. Does Bonus Work?

C. Why Bonus Offered? D. How Bonus Works?




篇三:注重语言品析 开展高效阅读

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注重语言品析 开展高效阅读




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  • 英语容易朗读的文章品析

