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2017-05-02 05:53:53 来源网站: 百味书屋

篇一:高考英语单词3500 (乱序版)【极力推荐】

1. rat 2. valley 3. pence

4. unconditional 5. feather 6. zoo 7. build 8. field 9. nationality 10. salad 11. ferry 12. building 13. limit 14. stewardess 15. water 16. manage 17. path 18. example 19. purple 20. valid 21. hurry 22. argue

23. accommodation 24. mixture 25. time 26. picnic 27. consensus 28. smoke 29. protection 30. conscience 31. sense 32. owe 33. chant 34. term 35. urban 36. considerate 37. afraid 38. bandage 39. table tennis 40. candidate 41. combine 42. hurricane 43. independent 44. cancer 45. choose 46. town 47. desire 48. visual 49. life 50. submit

老鼠 山谷 便士 无条件的 羽毛 动物园 建筑;建立 田野;场地 国籍;民族 沙拉 渡口;摆渡 建筑物 界线;限制 女管家 水 管理 小路 例子 紫色的 有效的 匆忙 争论 住处 混合物 时间 野餐 一致同意 烟 保护 良心 感觉 亏欠 吟唱 学期 都市的 体贴的 害怕 绷带 乒乓球 候选人 使联合 飓风 独立的 癌症 选择 城镇 要求 视觉的 生活 使服从;递交

51. physics 52. meaning 53. country 54. half 55. joy 56. adult 57. servant 58. care 59. search 60. same 61. furniture 62. agree 63. heart 64. unemployment 65. nearly 66. bond 67. master 68. rise69. punish 70. monument 71. stick72. tax 73. personnel 74. fact 75. therefore 76. ox 77. ocean 78. eagle 79. cloud 80. fiber 81. bingo 82. fortunate 83. mommy 84. wage 85. along 86. surplus 87. add 88. outdoors 89. paper 90. fetch 91. church 92. edition 93. weather 94. opera 95. dot 96. service 97. disease 98. symphony 99. survival 100. thus

物理学 意思 国家 一半 欢乐 成年人 仆人 关心 寻找 同一的 家具 同意 心脏 失业 几乎 使结合 主人 升高 处罚 纪念碑 粘贴 征税 员工 事实 因此 牛 海洋 鹰 云 纤维 宾戈游戏 幸运的 妈咪 工资 沿着 过剩的 加 在户外 纸 抵达 教堂 版本 天气 歌剧 小圆点 服务 疾病 交响乐 生存 如此

104. dinosaur 105. properly 106. story 107. appetite 108. pronounce 109. socialist 110. certain 111. pea 112. bacterium 113. contrary 114. roof 115. carve 116. essay 117. reward 118. convenience 119. export 120. fit 121. racial 122. herself 123. bid 124. novelist 125. safety 126. off 127. east

128. misunderstand 129. razor 130. waiting-room 131. short 132. surprise 133. pleasure 134. tidy 135. garage 136. analyze 137. notice 138. violinist 139. ice

140. deliberately 141. alike 142. perfect 143. broom 144. welfare 145. keyboard 146. dad=daddy 147. approximately 148. hopeful 149. habit 150. confidential

恐龙 适当的 故事 欲望 发音;宣布 社会主义者 无疑 豌豆 细菌 相反的 屋顶 切 散文 报酬 方便 出口 合适的 种族的 她自己 出价 小说家 安全

在…外;在…前;离开;完东 误解 剃刀 等待室 短的 使惊奇 愉快 整洁的 车库 分析 预告 小提琴手 冰 故意地 相同的 完美的 扫帚 健康 键盘 爸 大约 抱有希望的 习惯 秘密的

154. kindergarten 155. sniff156. we 157. studio 158. overlook 159. barbershop 160. minority 161. escape 162. jeans 163. videophone 164. adapt 165. report 166. recorder 167. betray 168. vast 169. arrow 170. usual 171. eat 172. spread 173. agent 174. spare 175. conclusion 176. rock 177. hometown 178. bakery 179. conclude 180. worry 181. operate 182. floor 183. area 184. noise 185. chairwoman 186. classroom 187. communicate 188. attack 189. event 190. dream191. criminal 192. authentic 193. scarf 194. senior 195. OK=okay 196. description 197. representative 198. carriage 199. sacred 200. run

幼儿园 闻 我们 录音室 忽视 理发店 少数民族 逃跑 牛仔裤 可视电话 改编;使适合 报道 录音机 背叛 巨大的 箭 通常的 吃 伸开 代理人 多余的 结束;结论 岩石 家乡 面包房 结束;决定 烦恼 手术;运转 地板 区域;面积 噪声 女主席 教室 交流 攻击 事件 梦想 罪犯 权威的 围巾 年长的 很好的 描述 代表 四轮马车 神圣的 跑

204. eastern 205. carbon 206. sow 207. universe 208. folk 209. tendency 210. camp 211. likely 212. alive 213. harvest 214. devote 215. marathon 216. Christian 217. government 218. Franc 219. seminar 220. departure 221. forward 222. person 223. violence 224. basketball 225. gas 226. fox 227. advance 228. majority 229. credit 230. relief 231. prefer

232. qualification 233. sand 234. lift 235. attain 236. fantasy 237. trap

238. interesting 239. nothing 240. civilian 241. besides 242. homework 243. container 244. fireworks 245. toy 246. focus 247. decide 248. frighten 249. cleaner 250. autumn

东方的 碳 播种 宇宙 民间的 倾向 营地 可能的 活着的 收割 把…奉献给 马拉松 基督教徒 政府 法郎 研讨班 离开 向前 人 暴力 篮球 气体;汽油 狐狸 提前 多数 信用 减轻 更喜欢 资格;合格证书沙子 举起 实现 幻想 陷阱 令人感兴趣的 没有东西 平民 而且 家庭作业 容器 烟火 玩具 集中 下决心 使惊恐 保洁员 秋天

254. expert 255. super 256. significance 257. hair 258. phrase 259. authority 260. agricultural 261. explore 262. framework 263. cafe 264. consequence 265. geography 266. your 267. match 268. hall 269. ship 270. suppose 271. signature 272. borrow 273. create 274. companion 275. direction 276. except 277. big 278. nutrition 279. anecdote 280. string 281. breast 282. flashlight 283. unconscious 284. champion 285. funeral 286. since 287. how 288. jacket 289. robot 290. like 291. pleasant 292. airport 293. compensate 294. more 295. sandwich 296. boring 297. seldom 298. jazz 299. mile 300. apologize

专家 极好的 意义 头发 短语 权力;官方 农业的 探究 构架 咖啡 后果 地理学 你的 比赛 礼堂 船 猜想 签名 借 创造 同伴 方向 把…除外 大的 营养 轶事 一系列 胸膛 手电筒 失去知觉的 冠军 葬礼 自从 如何 夹克 机器人 喜欢 令人愉快的 机场 补偿 更加 三明治 无趣的 很少 爵士乐 英里 道歉

304. institution 305. upstairs 306. abortion 307. storage 308. bravery 309. envelope 310. amazing 311. disappoint 312. advantage 313. lab=laboratory 314. foreign 315. conduct 316. prison 317. agreement 318. botany 319. famous 320. mix 321. level 322. go 323. urgent 324. scholar 325. jet 326. cottage 327. sigh 328. maid 329. pop=popular 330. advertisement 331. western 332. course 333. wound 334. together 335. reservation 336. because 337. realize 338. grateful 339. huge 340. turn 341. knowledge 342. arrive 343. seaside 344. assessment 345. kilometer 346. plug 347. impress 348. else 349. fail 350. discuss

惯例;建立 在楼上 流产;失败 贮存 勇气 信封 令人惊异的 使失望 有利条件 实验室 外国的 引导 监狱 协议;同意 植物学 著名的 混合 水平 走 急迫的

奖学金获得者;学者喷气飞机 小屋 叹气 女仆 流行的 广告 西方的 课程 伤口 在一起 预订 因为 意识到 感激的 巨大的 转向 理解;学问 到达 海边 评估 千米 插头 给…印象深刻 另外 失败 谈论

354. asleep 355. amateur 356. material 357. fragrant 358. slave 359. itself 360. stupid 361. central 362. evening 363. collision 364. highway 365. staff 366. Asia 367. medicine 368. shop 369. pump 370. discourage 371. political 372. continent 373. bless 374. jeep 375. account 376. zoom 377. content378. trousers 379. tonight 380. spend 381. astronaut 382. belt 383. yet 384. result 385. gravity 386. worth 387. prize 388. up 389. quarrel 390. born 391. ring392. guard 393. driver 394. otherwise 395. repair 396. back 397. reasonable 398. could 399. disappear 400. shy

睡着的 业余的 材料 ;物质的 奴隶 它自己 笨的 中心的 傍晚 碰撞;冲突 公路 全体职员 亚洲 医学 商店 泵 使气馁 政治的 大陆 保佑 吉普车 帐户 猛涨 满足;容量 裤子 今晚 花钱 宇航员 腰带 还 结果

万有引力;重力价值 奖金 向上 争吵 出生的 戒指 保护 驾驶员 否则 修理 背 合理的 表示请求 消失 害羞的

401. questionnaire 402. cheers 403. interview 404. kindness 405. gold 406. gradual 407. quit 408. medical 409. waste 410. airmail 411. expensive 412. wisdom 413. favorite 414. attitude 415. touch 416. soil 417. especially 418. who 419. suck 420. breath 421. rice 422. stout 423. version 424. oxygen 425. grey 426. humorous 427. burn 428. regard 429. seaweed 430. tremble 431. pillow 432. garlic 433. straw 434. pineapple 435. hot 436. tradition 437. rescue 438. again 439. violent 440. as 441. terror 442. fortune 443. until 444. pride 445. foster 446. home 447. peace 448. shorts 449. vertical 450. jam

调查卷 干杯 面试 亲切 金 渐渐的 离去 医学的 浪费 航空邮件 昂贵的 智慧 特别喜欢 态度 接触 泥土 尤其 谁 吮吸 呼吸 大米 结实的 译文;看法氧 灰色 幽默的 燃烧 注视 海草 发抖 枕头 大蒜 稻草 菠萝 热的 传统 营救 再一次 暴力的 同样地 恐怖 机会;命运到…为止 自豪 培养 家 和平 短裤 垂直的 果酱

451. hatch 452. atmosphere 453. stadium 454. main 455. people 456. light 457. injure 458. witness 459. component 460. weekly 461. right 462. dialogue 463. audience 464. acquire 465. store 466. decline 467. very 468. user 469. spit 470. undertake 471. terrible 472. vacation 473. much 474. handbag 475. saucer 476. officer 477. whisper 478. pleased 479. greedy 480. horse 481. little 482. cloudy 483. mainland 484. fee 485. taste 486. alternative 487. opening 488. toothache 489. universal 490. cow 491. wheel 492. pipe 493. profession 494. dig

495. conversation 496. gain 497. subjective 498. thunder 499. clay 500. hill

孵化 大气;气氛 体育场 主要的 人们 光 伤害 目击者 成分 周刊

正当的;向右 对话 观众 获得 贮存;商店 下降 十分 用户 口水 着手 可怕的 假期 非常 手提包 茶托 军官 低声说 自鸣得意的 贪吃的 马 小的 多云的 大陆 费 尝 两者择一的 开张 牙痛 普遍的 母牛 轮子 管子 职业 挖 交谈 获得 主观的 打雷 黏土 小山



1、Fall in Love with English(爱上英语) ................................................................................ 2

2、Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes(不同的国家有不同的英语)...... 2

3、A Hard Trip(一次辛苦的旅行) ......................................................................................... 3

4、A Horrible Earthquake(可怕的地震) ................................................................................ 4

5、The Great President(伟大的总统) ..................................................................................... 4

6、A Brave Maid(勇敢的女仆) .............................................................................................. 5

7、A Fair Competition(公平的比赛) ...................................................................................... 5

8、Computers(电脑) ............................................................................................................... 6

9、Wildlife Protection(保护野生动植物) .............................................................................. 6

10、My First Band(我的第一支乐队) ................................................................................... 7

11、An Interesting Festival(有趣的节日) .............................................................................. 7

12、Balanced Diet(平衡膳食) ................................................................................................ 8

13、Sailing Home(划船回家)................................................................................................. 9

14、Explore MKII(探测MKII行星) ..................................................................................... 9

15、A Journey across Canada(横穿加拿大的旅行)............................................................. 10

16、A Woman Doctor-Lina(女医生丽娜) ............................................................................ 10

17、A New Farming Way(新的耕种方式) ........................................................................... 11

18、Chaplin - A Great Master of Humour(幽默大师卓别林) .............................................. 12

19、A Misunderstanding(一场误会) .................................................................................... 12

20、A Unique Theme Park(独一无二的主题公园) ............................................................. 13

21、A Strange Disease(奇怪的疾病) ................................................................................... 13

22、Sightseeing in the United Kingdom(观光联合王国) .................................................... 14

23、An Air Crash(飞机失事) ............................................................................................... 15

24、An Amateur Journalist(业余记者)................................................................................. 15

25、First Aid(急救) .............................................................................................................. 16

26、Abstract Art(抽象艺术) ................................................................................................. 17

27、A Russian Poem(俄国童谣) .......................................................................................... 17

28、Let’s Help Adolescents(帮助青少年) ............................................................................ 18

29、Refresh Our Environment(恢复环境生机) ................................................................... 19

30、A Volcano Eruption(火山爆发) ..................................................................................... 19

31、Defeat Disability(战胜残疾) ......................................................................................... 20

32、Happy Marriage Needs Fighting For(幸福的婚姻需要争取)....................................... 21

33、Mark and a Seal(马克和海豹) ....................................................................................... 21

34、Helping the Remote Village(援助山村) ........................................................................ 22

35、Study in America(留学美国) ......................................................................................... 23

36、Immigrate to America(移民美国) ................................................................................. 23

37、Be Careful about Cloning(谨慎对待克隆) .................................................................... 24

38、Strange Patent Applications(奇怪的专利申请) ............................................................ 25

39、Pronunciation and Status(口音与身份) ......................................................................... 26

40、A Sly Murder(一宗狡猾的谋杀案) ............................................................................... 26

41、A Courageous Amateur (勇敢的业余运动员) .................................................................... 27

42、A Hard Expedition 一次艰难的远征.................................................................................. 28

43、Welcome to Australia (欢迎到澳洲来)............................................................................... 28

44、The Exotic Plants from China (从中国来的外来植物) ..................................................... 29

45、Beware of Advertisements (小心广告) ........................................................................ 30

46、The stout captain (顽强的船长) ................................................................................... 31

47、The Story Carved on an Armchair (刻在扶手椅上的故事) ............................................... 32

48、Fighting Against Racial Discrimination (与种族歧视做斗争) .......................................... 33

49、Don’t Assess one by His Appearance(不要以貌取人) .................................................. 34

50、Betty was not the Burglar (贝蒂不是窃贼) ................................................................... 34


1、Fall in Love with English(爱上英语)

Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60.

His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well.

The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English.

有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电, 他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。



2、Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes(不同的国家有不同的英语)

Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary.

Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my

apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British.


因为这一情况的存在,你就可以利用这些英语之间的区别说出你们街区的外国人是哪个国家来的了。例如,如果有个老板流利地命令他的司机:“Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs(直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,而不是要求说,“Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis(请直接搭电梯到我公寓上来拿卡车和出租车的汽油)”,你就可以轻易地辨认出他的美国人身份,而后者却暗示着那是一位英国人。

3、A Hard Trip(一次辛苦的旅行)

My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mindto do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.

Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, where the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great views. One night, I put my head on my pillow--a parcel of wool coats, and lay beneath the stars. When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful!



4、A Horrible Earthquake(可怕的地震)

Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake. But no one judged that an earthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed. Railway tracks became useless bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.

The next day, this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers. With the reporters giving an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked by the damage and the victim’s extreme suffering. People were moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying “Congratulations! You survived!”. So they not only expressed their sympathy sincerely, but also organized together to help the victims right away. The injured were rescued and the dead were buried. The frightened survivors were dug out from under the ruins and were offered shelter, fresh water and electricity. Thanks to people’s help, the loss was minimized.

地震前,水井和运河里的污水都涨涌起来。但是却没人判断出地震即将来临。霎那间,一切都在摇晃,似乎整个世界就要结束。数以百万的砖房和许多水坝遭到破坏;铁路轨道都变成无用的铁条;煤矿管道纷纷爆裂,发出有臭味的蒸汽;到处都有骑车的人被巨大的裂缝陷住。 第二天,所有报纸都纷纷以大字标题或主要标题报道了这一事件。记者们描述了灾难的大概情况,全国都被地震的破坏和灾民们极度的苦难所震惊。当人们读到幸存者以“恭喜啊,你还活着。”来互相安慰时,都被感动了。人们不仅衷心地表达了他们的同情,而且还立刻组织起来帮助灾民。伤员被救助了,死者被埋葬了,吓坏的幸存者被从废墟中挖出来了,栖身处、净水和电力也很快得到提供。多亏了人们的帮助,灾区的损失被减到了最小。

5、The Great President(伟大的总统)

As the founder of the republic, the president had many good qualities. Before coming to power, he was a generous lawyer. He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him. He accepted no fee to offer legal guidance and opinions to those who were out of work or uneducated. Later, believing all mankind to be equal, he devoted himself tostopping the unfair anti-black laws. He set up the Black Youth League and was voted to be the leader. However, though he kept peaceful principles without violence and terror, his mean enemies still blew up his house and attacked his relatives, and he himself couldn’t escape being sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Not fearing of the prison guards’ cruelty, he kept active and begged no mercy from them. As a matter of fact, he was always hopeful and never lost heart during the stage even though he was in trouble.

Finally, people rewarded him with the leader’s position and a gold blanket.




高考英语3500单词配套练习 (2012/6/20)


1. 单词拼写

(1) The captain gave the order to a________ the ship because it was sinking.

(2) Plants a________ carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

(3) Tim was looking through an old photo a___________, with pictures of Christmas.

(4) I’m sorry about breaking the vase; it was an a________; I mean I did not intend to do it.

(5) I've opened an a_____________ with the Agricultural Bank of China.

(6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all a__________ about his safety.

(7) He has never achieved his a________________(夙愿,目标) of becoming a famous writer.

(8) She was born without the a____________(能力) to speak.

(9) Shelly speaks with a slight a_________(口音).

(10) I'd ___________ it if you give me an early reply. (感激)

2. 单项选择

(1) I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem ________ to find the time.

A. about B. ableC. active D. accurate

(2) Slavery was _______ in the US in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal fights.

A. absorbed B. abused C. abolished D. adopted

(3) A billion people in the world will not have _________ to clean drinking water.

A. action B. advanceC. accessD. agreement

(4) Dana admitted _________ hurt by what I had said.

A. to feel B. felt C. having felt D. feeling

(5) I couldn’t ________ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room

A. aim B. allowC. affordD. advise

(6) The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to __________ one

A. adaptB. adopt C. advertiseD. acquire

(7) This book teaches you how to _________ what is causing the stress in your life.

A. analyzeB. affect C. advocate D. admire

(8) ____________ music, he also develops a strong love for painting.

A. Anything butB. All but C. Apart from D. In advance

(9) He is a man full of ____________. He dares to run risks.

A. adventure B. adolescenceC. accommodation D. anniversary

(10) Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _________ honest.

A. above all B. after all C. at allD. all in all

3. 词组填空(必要时改变词形)

take action, be aimed at, be addicted to, adapt to, be against, agree with,

be just about to, add up to, take advantage of, be accused of

(1) The children are finding it hard to____________ the new school.

(2) The professor _____________stealing his student’s ideas.

(3) The numbers ______________exactly 100.

(4) Your story doesn’t ____________ what the police have told us.

(5) I ________________ the good weather to paint the door.

(6) The use of drugs _______________ the law; it’s illegal.

(7) These measures __________________ preventing violent crimes.

(8) We ___________________ leave when Jerry arrived.

(9) The government must _______________ now to stop the rise in road accidents.

(10) Some kids _______________ surfing the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.

4.完成句子 (写到作业本上)

(1) Tom ________________________ and was scolded by the manager. (缺席了会议) (absent)

(2) _________, Jason seemed to ignore what was happening outside.(全神贯注于工作中) (absorb)

(3) Only when you realize the importance of diligence, ______. (你才有可能达到目标) (achieve)

(4) With the price of goods going high, the living expenses _______.(增加了人们的经济负担) (add to)

(5) I believe that through hard work, I _______________. (我会被重点大学录取) (admit)

(6) We should make full use of time to _____________. (把我们所学的东西用于实践) (apply)

(7) ______, I hope every family in the world can get together happily. (随着中秋节的来临) (approach)

(8) You should _______________ when causing trouble to others. (为所作的事道歉) (apologize)

(9) You shouldn't have made him ______________________. (被如此小事所烦恼) (annoy)

(10) Students in our school ___________ good resources in the library. (有机会使用) (access)

5. 单词翻译 (写到作业本上)

1.抛弃;丢弃2.滥用;虐待 3.完成 4.准确的,精确地 5.丰富的

6.全神贯注于7.习惯于做某事8.达到目标 9.积极的10.改编

11.沉溺于12.另外 13.调整 14.羡慕 15.采纳

16.事先 17.登广告 18.提倡 19.担负得起……的费用

20.(气候、食物等)适合21.帮助 22.警报 23.活着的

24.准许 25.总而言之

第2课时 (ample ~ average)

1. 单词拼写

(1)He made funny faces to a_________ the children.

(2)You need to sit down and a_________ (分析) why you feel so upset.

(3)My a_________ (祖先) originally came from Ireland.

(4)The show attracts an a_________ (观众) of about 20 million.

(5)The family are making a_________ (安排) for his birthday party.

(6)The tall building was designed by the famous a_________ Frank Lloyd Wright.

(7)You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_________

(8) Ann wants to be an a_________. Does she really like to travel and work in a spacecraft?

(9)It was discovered that three of the Olympic a_________ had taken drugs.

(10)The couple celebrated their 20th wedding a_________ in January.

2. 单项选择

(1)The government has_________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs.

A. answered B. announced C. approved D. assumed

(2)I knocked at the door and nobody_________.

A. appliedB. apologized C. answered D. argued

(3)The bright colors can make a small room_________ much bigger.

A. ariseB. arrangeC. notice D. appear

(4)I don’t need any help, but I do _________ your offer.

A. applyB. appreciate C. annoy D. appeal

(5)Helen left her last job and has yet to find_________.

A. else B. otherC. another D. extra

(6) ---Hello, is _________ home?

---Yes. We’re here.

A. anyoneB. one C. nobodyD. someone

(7)Can you do the job alone,or do you want someone to _________ you?

A. affectB. assistC. apply D. arrange

(8)He decided to adopt a different _________ and teach history through story-telling.

A. analysis B. angleC. attitude D. approach

(9)The age of the students ranged from 17 to 21 with a/an _________ of 19.

A. averageB. usual C. normal D. regular

(10)Lily hoped she would pass her driving test at the first _________.

A. aspect B. attempt C. effortD. attack


(1)The school carried out an _________ (analyze)of pupils’ needs.

(2)There were puzzles and games to keep the children _________ (amuse).

(3)Silence,please.Mr. Bennett is about to make an _________ (announce).

(4)After an _________ (anxiety) wait, Audrey was told that her son was safe.

(5)She rushed into the hotel,_________ (apology) for being so late.

(6)Women are more concerned than men about their personal _________ (appear).

(7)I broke the vase during an _________ (argue) with my husband.

(8)She was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on ________ (arrive).

(9)He was one of 30 ________ (apply) for the manager’s job.

(10)The young man was accused of _________ (attempt) murder.

4. 选词填空(必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上)

atmosphere arrangeattracts available ancient

ashamed attack attend armed area

(1)Man has used the horse since ________ times.

(2)The hotel tries to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ________.

(3)What ________ me to the job is the salary and the chance to travel.

(4)We need someone to work on this job immediately.Who’s ________?

(5)A smoker has three times the risk of having a heart ________ than a nonsmoker.

(6)After ________ church, the family would go home for dinner.

(7)She was so ________ of cheating on the test that she went and told the teacher.

(8)If you have a lot of things to do,just make a list and ________ them in order of importance.

(9)The crowd ________ themselves with sticks and stones and fought with the police.

(10)The room is 12 square meters in ________.

5. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)


3)这项新科技已被应用到农业。(apply) 4)他知道真相后感到很惊讶。(astonish)


7)她对自己在晚会上的行为感到羞愧。(ashamed) 8)Tom为自己的迟到而道歉。(apologize)


6.单词翻译 (写到作业本上)

1.雄心,抱负2.数量 3.分析 4.宣告 5.无论如何 6.除了……外

7.道歉8.出现;显得9.适用于 10.任命;委任11.批准

12.争论 13.由……引起 14.安排;整理 15.逮捕 16.援助,帮助

17.交往18.大气层 19.达到,获得 20.试图;尝试 21.态度 22.吸引

23.可用的 24.避免,避开25.平衡 26.意识到27.讨价还价

第3课时 (avoid—blood)

1. 单词拼写

(1)His nose is b________. Call in a doctor; otherwise he’ll lose too much blood.

(2)Don’t worry about the dog; he won’t b________.

(3)The family have a strong b________ in God; they think God exists.

(4)My flat has got a b________, where I can stand and watch the sea.

(5)He drank strong, b________ coffee in order to stay up late and watch football.

(6)Two pieces of b________ (行李)went missing.

(7)I think I'll have a b________ (淋浴)and go to bed.

(8)By 9 o’clock the b________ (沙滩)was already crowded with people.

(9)His b________ (行为)in school is beginning to improve.

(10)She has a degree in b________ (生物).

2. 单项选择

(1)I don’t mind going there on foot. ________, the walk will do me good.

A. BesideB. BesidesC. BelowD.Because

(2)Brazil ________ Italy in the final, 2-1.

A. fought B. blessed C. beat D. avoided

(3)It’s important to understand people from different ________.

A. basis B. blocks C. behaviors D. backgrounds

(4)The radio stops working because the battery is ________.

A. slow B. flat C. belowD. behind

(5)Bill had done everything he could ________ to me.

A. avoid talking B. to avoid talking C. avoid to talkD. to avoid to talk

(6)I ________ my balance and fell on my face.

A. kept B. 1ost C. recovered D. gained

(7)Riding a bike helps develop a child’s sense of____________.

A. being B. blank C. balance D. behavior

(8)My leg really hurts —— I'm not sure how much longer I can ________ it.

A. bearB. bend C. blessD. betray

(9)I _______ the days which I spent in pursuing knowledge and building character.

A. benefit B. am beneficial toC. benefit fromD. am of benefit to

(10)I almost fell over the chair; put it back where it ________.

A. belongs B. blows C. bears D. boils

3.词组填空 (必要时改变词形) (写到作业本上)

belong to, become of, on the basis of, benefit from, because of,

beg for, begin…by, be aware of, be blessed with, believe in

(1)Many thousands have ________ the new medicine.

(2)Eric was chosen for the job ________ his rich experience.

(3)They’re not playing baseball today ________ the rain.

(4)The old man went from door to door, ________food.

(5)I’ll ________my speech ________ thanking you all for being here tonight.

(6)Most people ________ the dangers of drinking and driving.

(7)You’ve got to ________ yourself, or you’ll never succeed.

(8)Fortunately, we ________ good health.

(9)The watch isn’t mine; who does it ________?

(10)What ________that student who used to live with you?

4. 句子翻译 (写到作业本上)

1)你应该避免再次提及他的错误。(avoid) 2)这噪音吵得大家都睡不着。(awake)

3)他被禁止驾驶6个月。(ban) 4)她受不了家里有猫。(bear)

5)这个男孩表现得像个大人。(behave) 6)她低下身吻了那个孩子的头。(bend)

7)这个议案将于明年成为法律。(become) 8)许多路被大雪堵塞了。(block)


5.单词翻译 (写到作业本上)

1.忍受做某事2.(心脏等)跳动 3.弯曲 4.超出 5.空的,茫然无表情的

6.血7.流血 8.刮风;吹气9.上(船、飞机等) 10.沸腾 11.使烦恼 12.书;预定

13.鞠躬 14.呼吸15.简言之 16.负担;担子 17.燃烧 18.埋葬

19.纽扣 20.计算 21.取消;撤销22.起因 23.小心 24.庆祝

25.性格;人物26.欺骗 27.支票

第4 课时(blouse—careful)

1. 单词拼写

(1)You’re so kind; thank you from the b________ of my heart.

(2)The Agricultural Bank of China has b________ all over our country.

(3)Coke and Pepsi are the most popular b________ of cola.

(4)They’ve made a major b________ in the treatment of cancer. It is a great discovery.

(5)The b________ got in through the kitchen window and took away the jewelry.

(6)There are only three c________ (求职者)for the job.

(7)Students complain about the food in the c________ (食堂)of the school.

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