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2017-02-17 06:30:11 来源网站: 百味书屋

篇一:精美英文欣赏:Mother's Day and Father's Day

Mother's Day and Father's Day 美国人民以两个特殊的日子向父母表示敬意:这便是每年五月第二个星期日的母亲节和六月第三个星期日的父亲节。

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

People in the United States honor their parents with two special days:Mother’s Day,on the second Sunday in May,and Father’s Day,on the third Sunday in June.Mother’s Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Wood row Wilson in 1915.Ann Jarvis from Grafton,West Virginia,had started the idea to have a d ay to honor mothers.She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation1).

In 1909,Mrs.Dodd from Spokane,Washington,thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers.She wanted to honor her own father,William Smart.After her mother died,he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter.In 1910,the first Father’s Day was observed in Spokane.Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to establish Father’s Day as a national commemorative2) day,in 1972.These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents.They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens.They give love and care.These two special days are celebrated in many different ways.On Mother’s Day people wear carnations.A red one symbolizes a living mother.A white one shows that the mother is dead.Many people attend religious services to honor parents.It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery3).On these days families get together at home,as well as in restaurants.They often have outdoor barbecues4) for Father’s Day.These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.Another tradition is to give cards an d gifts.Children make them in school.Many people make their own presents.These are valued more than the ones bought in stores.It is not the value of the gift that is important,but it is “the thought that counts”.Greeting card stores,florists5),candy makers,bakeries,telephone companies,and other stores do a lot of business during these holidays.母亲节和父亲节










Sometimes it takes adverse conditions

for people to reach out to one another

Sometimes it takes bad luck

for people to understand their goals better

Sometimes it takes a storm

for people to appreciate the calm

Sometimes it takes being hurt

for people to be more sensitive to feelings

Sometimes it takes doubt

for people to trust one another

Sometimes it takes seclusion

for people to find out who they really are

Sometimes it takes disillusionment

for people to become informed

Sometimes it takes feeling nothing

for people to feel everything

Sometimes it takes our emotions and feelings to be completely penetrated

for people to open up to love

I have gone through many of these things

and I now know that

not only am I ready to

love you

but I do


























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篇三:精美英文欣赏月色迷人The Fascinating Mooise


The Fascinating Mooise

There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls. But it is the drama of the mooise that I come to see. For that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely.

From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn; shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, white winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer. Each, like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.

But we, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dust of pollution veil the night sky. Though men have walked on the moon, it grows less familiar. Few of us can say what time the moon will rise tonight.

Still, it tugs at our minds.

If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence. And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.

I learned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains. My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east. Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame. Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the

summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. Distorted thus by the hot breath of earth, the moon seemed ill-tempered and imperfect. Dogs at nearby farmhouse barked nervously, as if this strange light had wakened evil spirits in the weeds.

But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority. Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow. It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer. By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon, full-chested and round and of the colour of ivory, the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. The dogs,

reassured that this was the familiar moon, stopped barking. And all at once I felt a confidence and joy close to laughter.

The drama took an hour. Mooise is slow and serried with subtleties. To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time.

To watch the moon move inflexibly higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves. Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.

Moonlight shows us none of life’s harder edges. Hillsides seem silken and

silvery, the oceans still and blue in its light. In moonlight we become less calculating, more drawn to our feelings.



在我家的附近有座小山, 我常在晚间爬上山去。此时,城市的喧嚣成了遥远的低语。在这黑夜的静谧中,我尽情地分享蟋蟀的欢乐,感受猫头鹰的自信。不过,我上山是来看月出的,因为这可以让我的内心重新感到被城市消耗殆尽的平静与清新。




如果我们偶然遇见一轮黄灿灿的满月高高挂在空中, 我们都会禁不住抬头凝望她那高贵的仪容。而月亮会向那些注视她的人赐予厚礼。






  • 精美英文欣赏|优习英语学习网
