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2016-11-17 12:53:47 来源网站:百味书屋




关键词:语音 教学策略














埃利斯(God Ellis)在他的《第二语言习得研究中》认为,正迁移是指当母语规则与外语规则相同时,学习者把母语规则迁移到外语中去,此时母语规则能减轻外语学习的负担,减少外语学习中的错误,促进了外语的学习。母语对外语学习的影响称为“迁移”,迁移分为正迁移和负迁移,由于母语对外语的学习影响是积极的,故称之为“正迁移”;负迁移是指当母语规则与外语规则有差异时,学习者把母语规则迁移到外语中去,母语便会干扰外语的学习,此时母语规则对外语的学习影响是消极的故称为“负迁移”【5】。由于英语与母语有相似但实际不同的音节时,学生往往会用母语发音去代替英语发音从而造成很大的错误,或者是当英语中有一些在汉语中不存在的音时,学习者无法理解相应的发音技巧,便将母语的发音模式套用在英语上。方言中,zh,ch,sh声母的音普遍念成z,c,s,舌尖后、浊擦音r念成舌尖前、浊擦音[z]。学生在英语发音中往往不能有效的区分


[zis]。这种特点在以舌尖后、浊擦音r开头的英语单词中也有体现,例如“rose”和“red”中的[r]音大部分学生都不习惯发出卷舌的发音,容易发成[z?us]。唇齿音声母f 与舌根音声母h混淆,“黄”,读作“房”。这样的方言发音也迁移到了学生的英语发音中,“flower”中[f]的发音读成了[hu],“who”读成了[fu]。同

样,由于本地方言中大部分都无唇齿音[w]和[v],而[w]和[v]的发音差异很大,[v]属于唇齿音和摩擦音,通过上齿和下唇的接触,迫使气流从唇齿间挤出而形成。而[w]却属于双唇音和滑音,受到方言的影响,学生混淆[w]与[v],比如把“five”错发成[faiw],“very”被读成[weri]。 在贵州整个方言片区中,都没有后鼻音的韵母ing,eng,ing的字音,所以对于学习者来说英文中的后鼻音







单词中的字母对应一个音素, 或者两三个字母组合对应一个音素。在教学时,可以引导学生把这样的字母或字母组合合称为一个音节。音节是说话是最小的语音片段,以音节为单位的方式来拼读单词就会使学生省力很多。例如PEP小学英语六年级下册Uint 1 Part B Let’s talk 中“shorter”、“heayy”【6】,其中“shorter”一词中主要分为两个音节“??:”和“t?”,让学生可以将它们连起来就是“shorter”的正确读音。?















关键词:小学英语语音 教学策略







由于学生在一年级时对汉语拼音掌握得很好,而许多英语字母的发音其实与汉语拼音是很相似的,如英语字母中的辅导字母的发音与汉语拼音的声母的发音很相似,而很汉语拼音中的ei与/ei/,ai与/ai/, u/与/u:/等基本相似;另一方面,辅音字母在单词中的发音相当于声母的作用,元音字母在单词中的作用相当于汉语拼音的韵母,一个单词的拼读由辅音和元音组成。于是我利用这些有利的因素对学生进行音素的教学和教给学生拼读的方法,通过一段时间的实践,现在我班学生已基本掌握了5个元音在开音节和闭音节中的发音,还有基本不变的辅音的发音,基本能做到见词能读。因此学生的学习英语的兴趣很浓。



为了缩短语音学习的学程,改变学生从一开始学英语就处于被动的学习地位的现状,充分发挥学生学习的智力,发展学生的学习能力,我充分利用三年级学生对新教材的欣喜心理,在三年级期中时,要求学生能认读26个字母,不要求写,期间穿插对日常英语的复习,简单用语的渗透和简短易学的英语歌曲,让学生有充分的成就感。在集中学习字母之后,我有意识地对学生进行认读训练,将字母的认读与Let’s learn中的词汇学习充分结合起来,适当地让学生听听辨辨,如让学生看着两个单词:mouth, nose选择所听到的一个单词,再进行字母发音的渗透,NN/nnn/,nose nose nose, MM/mmm/,mouth mouth mouth.在期中考试后,我们可以根据教材对字母教学的编排着重对字母和音素进行训练,通过以前所学单词的积累,让学生通过比较逐步得出字母音素歌,/AA/ A,/b//b/B,/k//k/C的吟唱,使学生在吟唱过程中逐步感觉到英语单词的发音是有规律的。








论文题目:Teaching in Junior Middle School 初中英语语音教学研究


Pronunciation is one of the three elements of language, it is the basis of the mastery of language knowledge and language skills. If the students can not master the pronunciation knowledge, they won’t understand the other people’s speaking and make self-expression in communication with a strong language sense. But English pronunciation teaching effect in junior middle school is not ideal at present. Pronunciation teaching is usually neglected under the exam-oriented education background, but all the aspects of English learning are influenced by the pronunciation ability, since there is a closely connection among listening, speaking, reading and translating, So how to improve the quality of English pronunciation teaching and make the junior middle school students master systematic pronunciation knowledge is a urgent problem to solve in this paper. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is a brief introduction about the pronunciation teaching; the importance of pronunciation in English teaching is introduced in the second ;In the next is the third part that mainly analyzes the current situation about competent insufficiencies of English pronunciation teaching, the influence of local dialect in junior middle school English pronunciation teaching and other situations. From the analyzing, we put forward some effective countermeasures like strengthening pronunciation awareness and ameliorating teaching methods to solve the problems of the current pronunciation teaching on the fourth part. The fifth part is a conclusion.

Key words: junior middle school; English pronunciation teaching; countermeasures

1. Introduction

According to Deng Chunyan (2008), pronunciation is the physical form and the essence of language. Pronunciation is the first stage of teaching. English pronunciation teaching is the initial point of English teaching. For students, pronunciation learning is the starting of English study. The purpose of any kind of language teaching is to train students’ ability to use it. Hedge (2002) pointed out that the ability to produce sounds intelligible to other speakers is part of the competency of speaking English. As the material basis of existed language and the starting or the key point of language teaching, pronunciation teaching aims to cultivate students to form correct way of pronunciation, speak naturally and have a fluent flow of language and intonation. But there is no way to express concepts without vocabulary, and the exchange of ideas will be inevitably influenced without rich vocabulary. Esling,J & Wong,R (1983) suggested early training should be given to the learners, hoping to awaken the students’ desire to practice. However, in real English teaching process, pronunciation teaching is not ideal. The effect of English teaching in junior middle schools is unsatisfactory in China. Many problems still exist in English pronunciation teaching, such as irrational teaching methods, lack of attention and effect of the local dialect, etc. What causes these problems? How can we solve these problems? This paper will discuss some major problems through the way of literature analysis and practical research in junior middle school English pronunciation teaching and put forward some countermeasures or provide valuable reference to improve English pronunciation teaching situation in junior middle school.

2. The Importance of Pronunciation Teaching Pronunciation teaching is an important stage in English teaching. It should be paid much more attention. Voice is the material shell of a language, the language is first voiced, teaching a language is always starting from the teaching of pronunciation. Adult’s learning of a second language and students’ learning of a foreign language have to start from pronunciation

learning. When the right English pronunciation and intonation is stored in students’ brain, it will be a basic guarantee or a foundation to learn English well. What’s more, it will also ensure students to express their own thoughts correctly and understand English information properly.To speak any language a person must know nearly 100% of its phonetics,while only 50-90% of its grammar and 1% of the vocabulary may be sufficient (A.C.Gimson,1989). From this perspective, we elicit the conclusion that teaching pronunciation plays an essential and integral role in the education of English for second language learners. The famous language expert Stern (1922:117) considered that pronunciation learning is a progress of learning step by step and it needs a long time to strengthen the knowledge or the ability of language. From this viewpoint, we know that pronunciation is a vital part in language teaching. Pronunciation teaching also affects the other part of language teaching, such as listening, grammar and word which is the fundamental materials of a language. If the students can not get a good pronunciation teaching, they won’t get a strong language sense for the language learning. Therefore, as English teachers, they need to teach in patience and teach the pronunciation throughout the whole English teaching progress. They need to make sure their students have a good pronunciation foundation.

3. The Current Situation of Pronunciation Teaching in Junior Middle School

According to the observation and research in teaching practicum and data analysis, there are multifarious problems in the English pronunciation teaching. Here, we will set five major problems: competent insufficiencies in English teachers, the influence of local dialect, the weak awareness in pronunciation, the deletion of pronunciation materials in the new curriculum standard, the students’ psychological dependence.

3.1Competent Insufficiencies in English teachers

English teachers’ English pronunciation competence is not very desirable. Some of them have no no systematic English phonetic knowledge.They can not pronounce accurately and clearly. They often pronounce without rhythm and they don’t know where to put the stress and weak stress. What’s more, when students make pronunciation errors, they can not point out the errors at first time, their sensitivity about errors is not enough. Besides, the teacher's

pronunciation teaching methods are monotonous and boring. They can not easily stimulate students' learning interest and enthusiasm. For example, according to Fang Xinjing’s research (2010) on the competency of English teachers in Chongyang County, there is only 55% teachers having got Bachelor's Degree of English, and most of them got it through on-job training and self-study. Most of them had no systematic English phonetic knowledge. In reality, it is not just the competence of Chongyang County English teachers are not desirable, the other place’s English teachers also have this problem. Their pronunciation ability isn’t enough for their English teaching.

3.2 The Influence of Local Dialect

Local dialect affects the pronunciation teaching. Since most of the English teachers are local people and their pronunciation is also considerably influenced by the dialect. Many teachers like to use the dialect to explain the lesson in class. English teachers' poor oral English and that they seldom speak English in the class are big problems in English pronunciation teaching. The students cannot study English in a good English environment and have few chances to open their mouths. Chongyang County is a remote district in HuBei province. Almost all people speak Chongyang dialect, which is totally different from mandarin. Most of teacher speak dialect in school, and a large portion of them even speak it in the class. Under the effect of teaching in Chongyang dialect, students can hardly make a distinction between/l/ and /r/, /l/ and /n/, /∫/ and /t∫/.Consequently, when they speak English, similar pronunciation problems arise. Negative transfer from the local dialects in English pronouncing has became a thorny issue for these students to tackle in learning English pronunciation (Fang Xinjing, 2010).

3.3 The Weak Pronunciation Awareness of English pronunciation teaching

English teachers do not realize the importance of pronunciation teaching. In junior middle school, teachers tend to focus on the text reading, listening and writing training for the high school entrance examination. They think that pronunciation teaching is in the assistance of pronouncing words, and they do not make a great difference in language teaching.They don’t like to spend too much time on pronunciation teaching which give rise to problems in

  • 英语语音教学论文

