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2017-02-21 06:45:28 来源网站: 百味书屋

篇一:The Harm of Computer Games

Recently,an increasing number of college students are lost in computer games and a lot of talk about computer games are listened everywhere.And it also draws persons’ attention truly.

As we can see,the computer games have much harm we have to face. To begin with,for those who play PC games usually,much time is spent in them,which should be used in class and they do not concentrate on their study,causing many of them often can’t finish their scholarship.Additionally,they may use more money,which can be spent in other meaningful things.

As far as I’m concerned,computer games just are part of our life,not all.So,it is essential for us to strike a balance between games and others.In other words,we can play games properly when we finish tasks and relax ourselves.Only do as that,can we live a better and better university life.



1,We have witnessed---------.2.According to---------.3.And--------.

4.Many reasons contributed to--------.

5.To begin with--------.6.Moreover,---------.7.In addition,--------.8.

As a result,--------.

9.As to me,--------.10.First of all,--------11.Besides,---------.12.To


范文 一 Cheating in Exams

1. We have witnessed that many students cheat in exams. 2.According to

the report of related authorities,cheating in exams is becoming more and more serious .3.And the

students have found many ways to cheat. 4.Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon..现象

5.To begin with,some students are under great pressure from parents and they fear to fail in

the exams or fall behind others.6.Moreover,some just play time away and want to pass the exams

without efforts.7.In addition,some cheat to get high scores and scholarships.8,As a result,the

problem of cheating in exams becomes very serious.

9As to me,cheating in exams can be wiped out if we take the following measures.10.First

of all,we shoud explain the harm of cheating to the students.11.Besides,punishment shoud be

given to those who have found cheating.12.To conclude,education and punishment are effective

ways to stop cheating.教育和惩罚是杜绝考试舞弊的有效办法。 ( 154个字)

范文二 The Harm of PC Games

1.We have witnessed the growing concern on students playing PC games. 2.According to the

related reports, more and more students seem to get accustomed to games. 3.And PC games really

do harm to the students. 4.Many reasons contribute to the harm resulted from them.

5.To begin with, it will waste our time to study. 6.Moreover,it will do harm to our health if we

play PC games day and night. 7.In addition,some games are about violent and unhealthy content.

8.As a result, PC games not only harm us physically but also mentally.

9.As to me, I don’t think we should play PC games especially during the school time. 10.First

of all, as students , we should put study in the first place. 11.Besides,we shouldn’t spend money

given by our parents on meaningless games. 12.To conclude,we should try to avoid the harm of

PC games and live a more meaningful life.

范文三Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports `

1.We have witnessed that sports have become a common part of people’s life. 2.According to

the related reports,more and more people like taking part in sports. 3.And sports really do good to

us. 4.Many reasons contribute to this.

5.To begin with,,we can learn the importance of cooperation when we have collective sports like basketball or football. 6.Moreover,while taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse in ourselves the competitive spirit. 7.In addition,sports can also help us relax. 8. Yet,every coin has two sides,and sports are no exception.. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.And again,excessive or severe training can also do harm to our health.

9.As to me, I love sports. 10.First of all,sports can make me healthy . 11.Besides,I can get much pleasure from sports. 12.To conclude, if we can make good use of sports, we will get a lot .

原文 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports

Sports do us good in many aspects. It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength..In collective sports like basketball,volleyball,or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation.While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse in ourselves the competitive spirit.Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work.

Every coin has two sides and sports are no exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. And again, excessive or severe training can also do harm to our health.

Generally speaking,I love sports. I feel that sports make me healthy both physically and psychologically. And I have also made many friends and derive much pleasure through taking part in sports.


1.Prevention is better than cure. 治病不如防病。

2.Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。

3.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

4.No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。

5.Where there is a will, there is a way.. 有志者事竟成。

6.Time is money . 一寸光阴一寸金。

7.Nothig seek, nothing find. 无所求则无所获。

8.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

9.Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。

10.Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事今日毕。

范文一Cheating in Exams 范文二The Harm of PC Games

1) 学生作弊现象越来越严重。1)现在电脑游戏在校园里流行。

2) 作弊的原因。 2)电脑游戏的危害。

3) 如何杜绝作弊。3)怎样正确对待电脑网络游戏。

提示:写作之前一定要注意审题。抓住题目及段落中的关键词,进行扩展。(一到两句话就可以了。)尽量套用我给你的十二句。按照我给你的模式,大约会有120字左右。写作时要注意时态及人称,前后要保持一致。字迹要清楚,以便识别。做听力时一定要做简单记录(1,2个字),一方面帮助答题,另一方面防止思想不集中,影响做题。有关阅读也是要先通读题目,有的可以在文章里直接找到答案。抓住问句里的信息词及关键句去解题。 加油! 祝成功!


Topic 1: Specialist or Generalist (专才和通才)

1)有人认为专业人士更有发展前途, 为什么?

2)有人认为通才更有发展前途, 为什么? (选择观点型)

Topic 2: Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China (在中国是否应该鼓励发展私家车)

1)有些人认为有必要发展私家车, 有些人则持反对态度



Topic 3: Good Manners (良好举止)




Topic 4: Stop Spreading Diseases (停止疾病的传播)




Topic 5: Going on Studying or Going to Work (选择继续深造还是工作)





Topic 6: Choose a Good Major or a Good University(选择好专业或是好学校)

1)考大学时有些人看重好专业, 有些人则注重好的大学



Topic 7: Gap Between the Rich and the Poor (贫富差距)




Topic 8: Cheating in Exams (考试作弊问题)




Topic 9: The Harm of PC Games (电脑游戏的危害)




Topic 10: Can We Change Our Fates (我们能改变自己的命运吗)




Topic 11: Temptation (诱惑)

Topic 12: Brain Drain in China (中国人才外流) Topic 13: Cyber Crime (网络犯罪)

Topic 14: Don’t Hesitate to Say “No” (该说 “不”时别犹豫)

Topic 15: How to Succeed in a Job Interview (如何取得求职面试成功)

  • 电脑游戏的危害(The,harm,of,

    TheHarmofComputerGamesRecently,anincreasingnumberofcollegestudentsarelostincomputergamesandalotoftalkaboutcomputergamesarelistenedeverywhere Anditalso
