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2017-02-18 05:05:37 来源网站: 百味书屋


?No problem Go ahead Think nothing of it Forget it Take your time Take it easy Never mind Don’t mention it Come on Go on I beg your pardon Excuse me Business If possibleIf any 1. 若有的话 Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any. 如果下列句子中有错,请改正。 there will be few, if any 就算有,也是极少数的. If ever if ever prep. 如果……的话 e.g. 1. He seldom, if ever, reads a book. 他几乎从来不看书。 2. His wife seldom, if ever has a holiday. 他的妻子难得有一天休息。 3. She rarely if ever plays the piano now. 她现在极少弹钢琴。 If any

? 1. 若有的话

78. at any rate 不管怎样,反正...79. if any 若有的话...80. in any case 不管怎样

? 2. 如果有的话,即使有

phylum 门(分类),语系...if any 如果有的话,即使有...underway 1,在进行中;2,在航行中,开始前进

? 3. 即便要

IER 乘数...if any 即便要...if one is spared 如果活着

? 4. 如果有的话

(课本第 2 页第 6 行)...if any 如果有的话...if necessary = if required

1. s, if any.


2. American, if there are any.


3. having few if any teeth.


4. If you need any help.


5. If you still have any.


Guess what? 猜猜看?

干嘛? What?/ What do you want?/ What’s wrong? / what do you think you are doing? / what happened? / what for?

No problem的口语用法

1. 用来回答感谢(主要用于美国英语中),意为:不用谢; 别客气;没什么。如: A:Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

B:No problem. 没什么。

2. 用来回答道歉(主要用于美国英语中),意为:没关系; 没什么。如:

A:Excuse me for smoking here. 请原谅我在这儿抽烟了。

B:No problem. 没关系。

A:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

B:No problem. 没关系。

3. 用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩。如:

A:Could you post the letter for me? 请帮我寄这封信好吗?

B:No problem. 没问题。

A:Would you mind my keeping it for another week?我可以再借一个星期吗?

B:No problem. 没问题。

4. 用来表示有能力做某事,意为:没问题;不在话下。如:

A:Can you make a kite? 你会做风筝吗?

B:No problem. 没问题。

A:Can you finish the work in an hour? 你能在一小时内做完这工作吗?

B:No problem. 没问题。

5. 用来表示安慰(也说That’s no problem),意为:没问题;那不成问题。如: A:I’ve left my money at home. 我把钱忘在家里了。

B:(That’s) no problem. I can lend you what you need. 那没问题,你要多少我可以借给你。

有时直接用来回答用 problem 提的问题。如:

A:What’s the problem? 有什么问题吗?

B:No problem. Grandpa has solved it. 没问题,爷爷已把它解决了。

Go ahead的口语用法

(1) 表示同意或允许,意为:说吧;做吧;开始吧;进行吧。如:

A:May I start? 我可以开始了吗?

B:Yes, go ahead. 好,开始吧。

A:Will you do me a favour? 请你帮个忙好吗?

B:Go ahead. 说吧。

A:Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?

B:No, go ahead. 不介意,你抽吧。

A:Can I borrow your dictionary?我可以借你的词典吗?

B:Yes, go ahead. 可以,拿去吧。

(2) 表示继续做某事,意为:继续??吧。如:

Go ahead, we‘re all listening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听着呢!

Go ahead, what are you waiting for? 往前走呀,你在等什么?

A:Don‘t interrupt me while I’m explaining the problems to you. 我在给你们解释这些问题时,请不要打断的话。

B:All right, go ahead. 好,说下去吧。

(3) 表示请对方先走或先做某事,可译为:你先走上步;你先请。如:

You go ahead and tell him that we‘re coming. 你先走一步,告诉他我们就来。 You go ahead. I‘ll join you shortly. 你们先开始,我一会儿就来(和你们一块儿干)。

Go ahead, please. 你先请(劝别人先吃或先走等的客套说法)。

(4) 表示有进展或有进步。如:

Work is going ahead. 工作有进展。

She‘s going ahead fast in her studies. 她的学习进步很快。 think nothing of:

vt. 不把...放在心里(轻视)


1. Please think nothing of it.


2. Think nothing of it.


3. I think nothing of this man.


4. She thinks nothing of walking30 miles a day.


Forget (about) it的口语用法

Forget (about) it的口语用法

1. 用来回答感谢,意为:算不了什么,不用谢了。如: A:Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

B:Forget it. 算不了什么,不用谢了。


Don‘t push me up. 别逼我。

Have a good of it。玩的很高兴。

What is the fuss? 吵什么?

It doesn’t make any differences. 没关系。

Don’t let me down. 别让我失望。

Does it serve your purpose? 对你有用吗?

Don’t flatter me. 过奖了。

Big mouth! 多嘴!

Sure thing! 当然!

I”m going to go. 我这就去。

Never mind. 别担心。

Drop it! 停止! Bottle it! 闭嘴!

Don”t play possum! 别装蒜!

There is nobody by that name working here。这里没你说的这个人。

Break the rules. 破坏规则。

How big of you! 你真棒!

Poor thing! 真可怜!

Nuts! 胡说!

Make it up! 不记前嫌!

Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。

Any urgent thing? 有急事吗?

Don’t over do it. 别太过分了。

Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗?

What if I go for you? 我替你去怎么样?

Who wants? 谁稀罕?

Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

Gild the lily. 画蛇添足。

I’ll be seeing you. 再见。

I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能让我搭一程吗?

I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。

Is that so? 是这样吗?

Don’t get loaded. 别喝醉了。

Don’t get high hat. 别摆架子。

Right over there. 就在那里。

That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。

Sleeping on both ears. 睡的香。

Play hooky. 旷工、旷课。

I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家。

It’s up in the air. 尚未确定。

You have my ears. 我洗耳恭听。

Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。

Good for you! 做的很棒!

Help me out. 帮帮我。

Let’s bag it. 先把它搁一边。

Lose one’s mind. 丧失理智。

Talk truly. 有话直说。

He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。

You bet it! 当然!

That is a boy! 太好了,好极了!

It’s up to you. 由你决定。

The line is engaged. 占线。

My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。

Don’t make up a story. 不要捏造事实。

She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。

Get an eyeful. 看个够。

He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。

Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。

Why so blue? 怎么垂头丧气?

What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了?

Chin up. 不气 ,振作些。

You never know. 世事难料。

High jack! 举起手来(抢劫)!

She’ll be along in a few minutes. 他马上会过来。

He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。

I’ll get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平

She’s got quite a wad. 她身怀巨款。

I don’t have anywhere to go. 没地方可去。

I’m dying to see you. 我很想见你。

Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。

None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。

Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。

You don’t say so. 未必吧,不至于这样吧。

Don’t get me wrong. 别误会我。

You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲。

Do you have any money on you? 你身上带钱了吗?

Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。

Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!

We have no way out. 我们没办法。

I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。

It doesn’t take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。

Not in the long run. 从长远来说不是这样的。

You ask for it! 活该!

It’s up in the air. 尚未确定。

You have my ears. 我洗耳恭听。

Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。

Good for you! 做的很棒!

Help me out. 帮帮我。

Let’s bag it. 先把它搁一边。

Lose one’s mind. 丧失理智。

Talk truly. 有话直说。

He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。

You bet it! 当然!

That is a boy! 太好了,好极了!

It’s up to you. 由你决定。

The line is engaged. 占线。

My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。

Don’t make up a story. 不要捏造事实。

She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。

Get an eyeful. 看个够。

He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。

Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。

Why so blue? 怎么垂头丧气?

Talk truly. 有话直说。

He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。

You bet it! 当然!

That is a boy! 太好了,好极了!

It’s up to you. 由你决定。

Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。

Not precisely! 不见得,不一定!

We have no way out. 我们没办法。

I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。

It doesn’t take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。


1. Anytime 别客气,随时愿为您效劳。

Anytime 这个词的本意是“任何时候,无论何时”。当别人说“谢谢”的时候,你说 anytime就表示“别客气,(无论何时都)愿为您效劳”的意思。口语里,还可以说anytime my friend,对陌生人甚至也可以这样讲,很礼貌。

2. Don't mention it. 别和我见外,不用客气,别提了。


3. My pleasure. 别客气,我很荣幸。

这句话比“You’re welcome”更加正式,语气也强。通常男生们会在女生面前显示一下自己足够绅士,用上这句话。你还可以说,“It was my pleasure.”或者“Pleasure is all mine.”

4. No worries. 没问题。

在澳大利亚可能会更常用一些,意思就是不用担心啦(do not worry about that), 也可以说 “that’s alright”, 或者 “sure thing”。这句话,给人感觉很友好风趣,有一种澳洲的兄弟情义。在美语里,也可以说 “no problem”或者 “not a problem”。

5. No sweat. 小意思!

“Sweat”在英文里是“汗水”的意思,no sweat,你可以理解为一滴汗也没出就把事情办好了。是不是听上去很够意思呢?

6. Not at all. 不用谢!

Not at all 就是“一点儿也不”的意思,它既可以表达“没关系”,也可以是“不客气”。比如,他人道谢后,你就可以说,“Not at all. I enjoyed it.”(别客气,很高兴能帮到你。)

(1) 用来回答感谢,意为:不用谢;不客气。如:

(2) 用来回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为:没什么;哪里哪里。如:

(3) 用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。

(4) 用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为:一点也不;完全不。

7.after you

after you就是“你先请”的意思,用来表达某人可以在你之前使用某物和做某事。

8.Never mind





9. You are welcome

You are welcome的意思是:别客气。


It doesn't matter 没事

Not at all 不算什么

No,thanks 不用谢

I am glad to help you 很乐意帮助你

It's my pleasure 我很高兴(能帮助你)

It's my honor 我的荣幸

10.pardon me






11.not really


12.No way



13.well done


14.That’s right


15.That’s all right.

(1)That’s all right. 用于对别人表示感谢的答语,意思是“不用谢,不客气”,相当于That’s OK. /Not at all. /You’re welcome.

(2)That’s all right. 用于别人向你道歉时的答语,意思是“没关系”,相当于Never mind /It doesn’t matter.

16.All right/it ‘s all right


(2)用在系动词be(am, is are)之后,表示健康状况,相当于fine或well,意思为“身体好”.


17.come on

Come on的口语用法

1. 表示请求、鼓励、劝说等,意为:来吧;行啦。如:

Come on, Lucy, come on. Don‘t be so shy. 来吧,露茜,来吧,别不好意思。

Come on, Bill, you can tell me, I won‘t tell anybody. 来吧,比尔,告诉我吧,我不会告诉别人的。

2. 用来催促别人快走(做),意为:快点。如:

Come on, it‘s getting dark. 快点,天要黑了。

Come on, Mr Wang is waiting. 快点,王先生在等着呢。

3. 表示责备或不耐烦等,意为:得啦;行啦;够啦。如:

Come on, don‘t sit there dreaming. 得啦,别坐在那儿空想了。

Oh,Jane, come on, for goodness‘ sake. 噢,简,看在老天爷的份上,算了吧。

4. 用于挑战或激怒对方,意为:来吧;好吧;试试吧。如:

Come on! I‘m not afraid of you. 来吧,我不会怕你的。

Come on. I don‘t think you can jump over it. Come on. 来吧,我才不信你能跳过去,你跳呀!

5. 用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为:加油。如:

"Come on! Come on!" shouted the audience again and again. “加油!加油!”观点一再地喊。

"Come on, Wu!" shouted the Class I students. “小吴,加油!”一班的学生喊道。

18.for pleasure

19.fine. That’s fine.

20.No problem.

21.nothing at all

22.think nothing of it.

23.That’s it.

24.You got it./I got it

25.how is it?/what is it?

26.go ahead, go right ahead

27.not surprisingly

28.i suppose so.i like to./I prefer to

suppose 可用于简略答语中,用 so 代替一个肯定的宾语从句;用 not 代替一个否定的宾语从句。

— Do you suppose he'll fail to catch the train?


— I suppose so./ I suppose not. (= I don't suppose so. )

—我想会的。 / 我想不会。

注意:与 suppose 这种用法相同的还有: think, believe, expect, imagine 等。但应注意 hope 和 be afraid 则不同于以上的用法。

— Will he win the game?

— Yes, I hope so./No, I hope not. (不能用 I don't hope so. )


30.It is hard to say.

31.I’d love to

The same to you>

I couldn’t agree more

All right.与That's all right.都是英语口语中常用的应答语,其主要用法如下:

一、All right. 应用平台

1. 作对方建议或劝告的应答语。例如:

—Let's go and ask him. 咱们去问他吧。

—All right. 好的。

—Shall we go home? 我们回家好吗?

—All right. 好的。

—You'd better not smoke. 你最好不要抽烟。

—All right. 好的。

2. 作对方想法或请求的应答语。例如:

—I think it is green. 我认为它是绿色。

—All right. 对。

—Pass her a piece of paper,please. 请递给她一张纸。

—All right. 好的。

—Can I put my bag here? 我把书包放在这儿行吗?

—All right. 行。

—Will you please say that again? 你再说一遍好吗?

—All right. 好的。

二、That's all right.应用平台

1. 作对方抱歉的礼貌应答语。例如:

—I'm sorry, I can't go there with you. 对不起,我不能同你一起去。

—That's all right. 没关系。

2. 作对方感谢的应答语。例如:

—Thank you very much for your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。

—That's all right. 别客气。

It's all right 还是That's all right

三、That's all right 是不客气的意思,没有It's all right这种说法,然而

(2007全国II,1分)——We have booked a room for today and tomorrow.——_____,sir

A I'm sureB My pleasure C It's all rightD I'll check


四、Thank you的所有英文回答都有那些除了Not at all?

OK/That's all right./it's my pleasure./you're welcome.

五、Forget (about) it的口语用法

1. 用来回答感谢,意为:算不了什么,不用谢了。如:

A:Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

B:Forget it. 算不了什么,不用谢了。

A:Thank you very much for your help. 多谢你的帮助。

B:Forget about it. 不用谢。

2. 用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。如:

A:I‘m sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话道歉。

B:Forget it! I don‘t remember anyway. 没关系,反正我也没有记住。

  • Never,mind的口语用法

    口语用法?NoproblemGoaheadThinknothingofitForgetitTakeyourtimeTakeiteasyNevermindDon’tmentionitComeonGoonIbegyourpardonExcusemeBusinessIfpossibleIfany1 若有的
