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2018-06-11 09:20:56 来源网站: 百味书屋

  英 语









  第1卷 选择题






  1. What will the woman do?

  A. Go shopping. B. Attend a meeting

  2. How much do the speakers still need?

  3. Why does the woman suggest the Mexican place?

  A. It has been there for ages. B. A friend recommended it

  4. Where does the conversation most likely happen?

  A. At a barber shop. B. At a bookshop.

  5. What does the man say about the woman?

  A. She is normal. B. She needs a new phone.

  C. Go to the bank

  C. She went there yesterday

  C. At a dress shop

  C. She should get some help






  6. What will the man do next week?

  A. Write a long essay. B.Practise free writing. C.Take a school trip.

  7. How will the man do his homework?

  A. By thinking very hard.

  B. By writing down whatever comes to mind.

  C. By writing about many different topics.


  8. When does Charlie need to finish photocopying the report?

  A. In about an hour. B.By 11:00 this mornmg.

  9. Where does Jenny's boyfriend live?

  A. In France. B.In Spain.

  10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student.


  C. This afternoon

  C.In Italy

  C. Boss and secretary

  11. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. At a garage B. At a parking lot. C. At a store that sells cars

  12. How many people are there in the woman's family in total?

  A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.

  13. What will the woman probably do next?

  A. Drive a small car. B. Drive a yellow car. C. Call her husband.

  14. What did the woman study in college?

  A. Art. B. Writing. C. Advertising

  15. Who put pictures in the woman's first book?

  A. Her best friend. B. Her husband. C. Her neighbor.

  16. How many books have been published in total according to the woman?

  A. Three. B. Four. C. Eight.

  17. Why is the man interviewing the woman?

  A. For ajob. B. For his school newspaper. C. For a class assignment.

  18. Why are more mothers going to work outside the home?

  A. They are bored at home.

  B. Their living costs have increased.

  C. Their children are old enough.

  19. What's the benefit of the role change?

  A. The family gets to eat dinner outside.

  B. Mothers can return home before their children.

  C. They can save money for the children's school fees.

  20. How do the children often feel according to the speaker?

  A. Lonely. B. Pressured. C. Happy





  ◆The Necomimi

  This is basically a pair of brain-controlled cat ears that allows users to express emotional states: relaxed, mild interest, strong interest and focus. This is made possible by a built-in machine that reads and translates emotions. It's a kind of technology that can also be useful for athletes to determine the best state for performance. The Necomimi can be bought for $49 through maker Neurosky's website.

  ◆The ostrich pillow

  There are times when you're so tired that nothing is better than taking a short sleep.Whether it's being stuck at the office or on a long bus ride or at the library, the pillow is designed to put the wearer in soft supportive cushioning in any resting position. Thestrange-looking pillow has a hole in which to put your head, and a mouth hole designed to allow its wearer to breathe easily. It also has two side holes where you can store your hands.It is now being sold online for $99.今The Hovding bike helmet

  The Hovding allows riders to get around easily. It's actually an airbag system that'swom around the neck, working only when there's a sudden shake or the unlikely event thatmay get you knocked off your bike. After winning the world's most famous design prize, thecreators are developing a new and better model. Now the first-generation helmet is being soldat various sporting shops throughout Europe for about $500.令The treadmill desk

  The treadmill desk on sale is the perfect solution for our increasing sedentary(久坐不动的) lifestyles. Recently a study found those who spent three hours a day on a treadmill deskbecame healthier. Still, it shouldn't be treated as a卫an for not getting enough exercise.

  Another study suggests that meeting the recommended amount of phsical activity requires more exercises than walking. It's also recommended that treadmill speeds should be limited to around 2 miles per hour or less to make sure they can be used safely while working.

  21. When a runner wears the Necomimi, it can help

  A. show how he or she is feeling B. protect him or her from injuries

  C. improve his or her running speed

  22. What do we know about the Hovding bike

  A. It can work at users ' request.

  C. It is being improved now.

  23. The underlined part "a panacea" in the last

  A. a huge success

  C. a small risk

  D. keep him or her in good condition


  B. It is designed for athletes.

  D. It is put on the wearer's shoulders

  paragraph probably means

  B. a perfect solution

  D. a big trouble


  There was trouble from the start when the young American composer Daniel Gregory

  Mason came to Boston to interview the great pianist and composer Ignacio Jan Paderewski.

  Because of a misunderstanding Mason was two and a half hours late for his meeting

  with the great pianist. Mason was waiting at the gate of the hotel while Paderewski was upstairs, getting more and more annoyed by Mason's delay.

  Finally Mason went up to see Paderewski and found him friendly enough, but

  Paderewski's wife was cold and distant. Mason felt embarrassed. He complimented

  Paderewski with great honor on his "Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme." Then he added, "You don't think that's empty flattery because l'II tell you frankly that I do not care so much for some of your early pieces."

  Paderewski's wife gave Mason a stony look and said, "What pieces? What do you not care for?" Mason got in deeper, "Well, for example, I do not care so much for 'Piano Concerto in A Minor (a水调钢琴协奏曲 ) ' ." Her gaze was steady, "The concerto is one of my favorites among my husband's compositions. I love it very much."

  Bravely, Mason complimented Paderewski's use of French impressiomsm. Now

  Paderewski himself spoke, "I completely refuse to accept any use of French impressionism. I do not believe in the modern French school, because it is not founded in tradition. It is very trange and unusual."

  At last Mason ventured to show Paderewski a movement of his new violin sonata(责鸣曲 ). Paderewski shook hands with him about eight times as he read through the sonata,singing the melody and exclaiming "beautifull" Finally, with his music, Daniel GregoryMason won over the master.

  24. Why did Paderewski get angry?

  A. Because the hotel service was very bad.

  B. Because Mason forgot the meeting place.

  C. Because Mason was late for the meeting.

  D. Because he was unwilling to meet Mason

  25. What was the Paderewski's attitude toward French impressionism?

  A. Worry.

  B. Unconcern.

  C. Approval.

  D. Disapproval.

  26. Mason gained Paderewski's special respect in the end because of

  A. his musical talent

  B. his sweet talk

  C. his mental endurance

  D. his frank criticism

  27. What would be the best title for the text?

  A. Arguing with the master

  C. Criticizing great pieces

  B. Winning over the master

  D. Talking about writing styles


  Dancing antelopes【羚羊)

  Long ago many African people did not write down their histories. They remembered

  things from the past by singing songs, dancing, acting, and telling stories - and by making works of art.

  In Mali, a group of people called the Bamana believed that long ago, a special being called Chiwara used magical powers to teach the people to farm. To remember their ancestors

  and to honor the powers of Chiwara, Bamana artists carved tall wooden figures shaped like antelopes, designed to be worn on top of the head. During planting and harvest festivals,young men hid their bodies under costumes, wore these tall headdresses, and performed a dance like leaping antelopes. The dance told the story of Chiwara.

  Bamana artists didn't try to make their sculptures look exactly like real antelopes.Instead, they suggested the shape of the antelope's body with big, thick curves.

  Sculptures in clay and bronze

  The Yoruba people of West Africa lived in the city of Ife. From about A.D. 1000 t0 1500,artists in Ife carved beautiful sculptures.

  Ife sculptures are made of brass (a metal) and terra cotta (red clay baked in a hot fire).Ife sculptors made sculptures that looked like real people, with delicate features, serious expressions, and eyes that stare straight ahead.

  To make this brass head, the sculptor first shaped the head, using a mixture of sand and clay. He covered it with a thin layer of beeswax【蜂蜡). Next, using a knife made of bone, he carved the details of the face into the beeswax, then covered it all with a thin layer of clay.

  When he put the sculpture on a hot fire, what do you think happened? The beeswax melted

  and flowed away, leaving a thin hollow space between two face-shaped shells of clay. Thesculptor then poured hot melted brass into the space. After the brass cooled, he broke the clay shells. What remained was this brass sculpture.

  28. According to the text, ancient African people made artworks to

  A. decorate their homes B. celebrate festivals

  C. record their histories

  D. entertain themselves

  29. How did the Bamana remember Chiwara?

  A. They were dressed as Chiwara.

  B. They made costumes in the way Chiwara had taught them.

  C. They passed the story of Chiwara down to each new generation.

  D. They danced wearing antelope headdresses.

  30. The last paragraph is mainly about

  A. the process of making the sculptures B. the materials used to make the sculptures

  C. the principle of making the sculptures D. the tools used to make the sculptures

  31. What do Mali and Ife sculptures have in common?

  A. Both of them are shaped with big, thick curves.

  B. Both of them are examples ofAfrican art.

  C. Both of them can be worn by people.

  D. Both of them represent real beings.


  Citizen science projects are designed to get the average observer involved in the worldaround them. But what if it could help students discover new interests, narrow down theirfocus in school, and ~ perhaps most importantly - set them apart in the universitypplication process? University professors believe this is exactly what they can do. These projects ask networks of non-scientific volunteers - also known as

  crowdsourcing - to examine scientific questions, collect information and create databasesto help researchers make unusual and important discoveries that may be too challenging tocomplete alone.

  "I work a lot on endangered species - and they're very difficult to study because asyou can imagine, they're rare and you're going to come across them infrequently," says Mark Poesch, a professor at the University of Alberta's department of renewable resources.

  His citizen science project, the Report-a-Fish tool, allows people to upload to hiswebsite a photograph of a fish they've seen or caught. Dr. Poesch can then use this tool to create a more extensive database about the locations of various fish species and determine a

  more accurate picture of their numbers. "By crowdsourcing, we can get a better sense of where these fish are in particular," he says.

  These projects are open to anyone, as the aim is to ';break down the model of the ivorytower," Poesch says. But students may get more out of the experience than they realize at first because it's this type of hands-on learning experience that allows these students to stand

  out in the competitive university application process. "We want students to come in with some kind of on-the-ground knowledge and this is one opportunity for them to gain that knowledge," Poesch says.

  "Once you hit university, there're lots of opportunities that come your way, but for a high school student it's better to get in early," Poesch says. "It's a very competitive atmosphere now, and so anything they could put on their application that would tell esearchers that虫星Y are really involved will help them."

  32. What is one of Mark Poesch's difficulties in his study on endangered species?

  A. It is dangerous to study them.

  C. Scientists know very little about them

  B. It is difficult to find them

  D. Most collected data are imagined

  33. The Report-a-Fish tool is aimed at

  A. studying the senses of fish

  C. collecting information about fish

  B. drawing better pictures of fish

  D. helping people catch more fishparagraph refers to

  34. The underlined word "they" in the last

  A. university students B. researchers

  D. high school students

  C. educators


  35. High school students who have done crowdsourcing

  A. know more about the university application process

  B. tend to have more job opportunities

  C. are more likely to be admitted into universities

  D. may have more knowledge about universities














  益阳市2017 届高三9 月调研考试


  1-5 BABCC 6-10 ABBCC 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 CBBCA

  21-23ACB 24-27 CDAB 28-31 CDAB 32-35 BCDC 36-40 FGCBD

  41-45 CBADC 46-50 CBBDA 51-55 CDABC 56-60 ABDDB

  61. beneficial 62. has shown 63. less 64. to reduce 65. breaths

  66. apology 67. who/ that 68. a 69. accepting 70. from


  Last winter, I went skiing in Switzerland. One day, I was skiing down a mountain while I saw a girl


  aged about 15 who had fallen. She was clearly hurt, crying and trying∧get up, and she couldn’t. So I flagged

  to but

  down someone to get the ski patrol and stayed with her, talking about her. It was getting extreme cold. About half

  with/ to extremely

  an hour late, the ski patrol showed up and took him down the mountain. I stayed with her because she was so

  later her

  scaring. She kept saying, “I think there might be something wrong.” I said, “I’ll make sure of that you get the care

  scared 去掉

  you need.” Finally the ambulance come and took her to the nearest hospital. I was very happy that day because my


  presence and assistance were significant to someone in need.


  The city library is recruiting (招募) volunteers among high school students who are supposed

  to work on weekends.

  Those who take an interest are expected to be patient, enthusiastic and responsible high school

  students in our city. It is required that you should spend at least two hours every weekend working

  in the library.

  Tasks for a volunteer include sorting out books, helping readers to borrow or return books and

  doing some cleaning work. It is also your duty to remind readers to keep quiet in reading rooms and

  put books in place after reading.

  If you’d like to join us, you’d better fill in the application form online and email it to

  citylibrary@126.com before next Saturday. The application form can be downloaded from the

  library website. We are looking forward to your participation.










  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据“ It's a kind of technology that can also be useful for athletes to determine the best state for performance. ”可知,这对于运动员来说是一种有用的科技,可以判定最佳的表现状态,故选A。







  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据“After winning the world's most famous design prize, the creators are developing a new and better model.”可知,获得世界最有名的设计奖项后,创造者有致力于更新更好模型的发展,故选C。







  【解题思路】推理判断题。根据“ Recently a study found those who spent three hours a day on a treadmill desk became healthier.”可知,最近的研究发现一天用三个小时跑步桌的人变得更加健康,那么接下来就说“但这并不能作为不做足够锻炼的一个万能药”,故选B。









  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据第二段“ Because of a misunderstanding Mason was two and a half hours late for his meeting with the great pianist. ...getting more and more annoyed by Mason's delay.”可知,因为误会Mason迟到会议两个半小时,Paderewski为此很生气,故选C。







  【解题思路】推理判断题。根据“I completely refuse to accept any use of French impressionism.”可知,Paderewski对印象派的态度是拒绝接受,是反对的,故选D。







  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据“ Finally, with his music, Daniel Gregory Mason won over the master.”可知,Mason用他的音乐赢得了大师的认可,故选A。























  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据“ During planting and harvest festivals, young men hid their bodies under costumes, wore these tall headdresses, and performed a dance like leaping antelopes. The dance told the story of Chiwara.”可知,人们通过跳舞来纪念Chiwara,故选D。























  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据“ I work a lot on endangered species - and they're very difficult to study because as you can imagine, they're rare and you're going to come across them infrequently.”可知,困难之一就是濒危物种稀有并不能经常遇见他们,故选B。







  【解题思路】事实细节题,直接信息理解题。根据“ ...collect information and create databasesto help researchers make unusual and important discoveries that may be too challenging tocomplete alone.”和“ Dr. Poesch can then use this tool to create a more extensive database about the locations of various fish species and determine a more accurate picture of their numbers.”可知,这种方法可以创造出一个更加广阔的数据库,其目的就是为了收集信息,故选C。









































































  【解题思路】此题是词义辨析题,句意为:我拉起泵 ……。A泵B轮子C货车D线条。所以选择A选项。










































  【解题思路】此题是词义辨析题,句意为:然而,她还需要5美元去付钱。A除了B相反C因此D然而。所以选择 D。

  【解析】本题考查了词义辨析。根据词意,联系上下文,所以选择 D。
























































































  【答案】has shown



  【解题思路】此题是时态判断题,句意为:到目前为止,研究显示能够原谅他人的人...。句中出现so far,那么一般用现在完成时,确定答案has shown。

  【解析】本题考查了时态。句子中出现so far,那么一般用现在完成时,确定答案has shown。










  【答案】to reduce



  【解题思路】此题是不定式判断题,句意为:它让他们减少疲劳……变得可能。Make it +形容词+for sb +to do,可作固定搭配。确定答案to reduce。

  【解析】本题考查了不定式。Make it +形容词+for sb +to do,可作固定搭配。确定答案to reduce。






  【解题思路】此题是名词复数判断题,句意为:做几次深呼吸然后想想让你开心的事。句中出现a couple of,说明应该用名词复数形式,确定答案breaths。

  【解析】本题考查了名词复数。句中出现a couple of,说明应该用名词复数形式,确定答案breaths。




















  【解题思路】此题是冠词判断题,句意为:所以如果你等待别人说道歉,你可能会等很长时间。空格后的单词是辅音开头,a very long time意为“一段很长的时间”,确定答案a。

  【解析】本题考查了冠词用法。空格后的单词是辅音开头,a very long time意为一段很长的时间,确定答案a。






  【解题思路】此题是固定搭配题,句意为:...意味着接受打扰到你的那个人的行动。Mean doing sth意为“意味着做某事”,确定答案accepting。

  【解析】本题考查了固定搭配。Mean doing sth意为“意味着做某事”,确定答案accepting。










  Last winter, I went skiing in Switzerland. One day, I was skiing down a mountain while(when) I saw a girl

  aged about 15 who had fallen. She was clearly hurt, crying and trying∧(to)get up, and (but)she couldn’t. So I flagged down someone to get the ski patrol and stayed with her, talking about(with) her. It was getting extreme (extremely)cold. About half an hour late(later), the ski patrol showed up and took him(her) down the mountain. I stayed with her because she was so scaring(scared). She kept saying, “I think there might be something wrong.” I said, “I’ll make sure of(去掉) that you get the care you need.” Finally the ambulance come(came) and took her to the nearest hospital. I was very happy that day because my presence and assistance were significant to someone in need.






  2、对照着考查方向逐句找错误。1)时间状语从句,be doing sth when...正在做某事突然...2)固定结构,try to do sth尽力做某事3)考查连词,表并列用and4)介词使用,talk with sb和某人谈论 5)副词使用,副词修饰形容词 6)段时+later,表示多久以后7)人称代词的一致性8)用-ed形式的形容词修饰人 9)make sure +that从句,make sure of表示查明弄清 10)时态的一致性。









  二要要注意文章的措辞,如be supposed to,take an interest,be expected to,It is required that,spend at least two hours every weekend working,If you’d like to join us,We are looking forward to your participation.




  The city library is recruiting (招募) volunteers among high school students who are supposed

  to work on weekends.

  Those who take an interest are expected to be patient, enthusiastic and responsible high school

  students in our city. It is required that you should spend at least two hours every weekend working

  in the library.

  Tasks for a volunteer include sorting out books, helping readers to borrow or return books and

  doing some cleaning work. It is also your duty to remind readers to keep quiet in reading rooms and

  put books in place after reading.

  If you’d like to join us, you’d better fill in the application form online and email it to

  citylibrary@126.com before next Saturday. The application form can be downloaded from the

  library website. We are looking forward to your participation.

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