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2016-11-26 14:28:05 来源网站:百味书屋




首先,字面来翻译的话自然是strong taste/strong flavor,不过这个用来解释菜品的味道还凑合,要用来表达网友们的引申义绝对是不给力的。

昨天,网上一位大虾给出了一个给力翻译:“我第一时间想到hardcore,电影里若讲到重口味或有点变态的事情,会说hardcore shxx。这个词表程度挺好用, 比如你很控某事或某人,是死忠支持者,可以说自己是hardcore fan:I'm a hardcore high-heel fan.”


hardcore: A branch of underground/indie music influenced by faster abrasive punk rock. Originating in the early 80’s as a variant of punk rock, hardcore evolved to a modern sound that can be compared to non commercial metal. The constant themes range from Straight Edge, to Politics, to Positive and Negative. ---- from Urban Dictionary


以上我们可以看出,这是一种相当“重口味”的音乐,一般人玩不来?? 除了朋克摇滚音乐,hardcore显然还有其它的意思。

hardcore: very determined and completely unwilling to change your opinions or your behavior ---- from Macmillan

正如上面那位大虾网友解释的:“比如你很控某事或某人,是死忠支持者,可以说自己是hardcore fan.”hardcore的第二个意思就是来形容顽固、疯狂、坚定的人,比如:

eg.Many hardcore players do not consider themselves hardcore. 许多游戏发烧友并不认为他们很发烧。

这里小编补充一句,和hardcore这个意思很相近的有一个英文单词:die-hard,形容词,指铁杆粉丝:I'm a die-hard fan for Beckham. 我是小贝的铁杆粉丝。


Hardcore can act as a modifier for a word or phrase, making it more severe; intense, relentless.

eg1. This girl just spend a year train-hopping around the country surving only on dumpster-dived food and clothing. She was pretty damn hardcore. ---- from Urban Dictionary





愤青 young cynic

人肉搜索 flesh search

性感妈妈 yummy mummy

熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)

奉子成婚 shotgun marriage

上课开小差 zone out

时尚达人 fashion icon

脑残体 leetspeak

团购 group buying

裸婚 naked wedding

山寨 copycat




首先,字面来翻译的话自然是strong taste/strong flavor,不过这个用来解释菜品的味道还凑合,要用来表达网友们的引申义绝对是不给力的。

昨天,网上一位大虾给出了一个给力翻译:“我第一时间想到hardcore,电影里若讲到重口味或有点变态的事情,会说hardcore shxx。这个词表程度挺好用, 比如你很控某事或某人,是死忠支持者,可以说自己是hardcore fan:I'm a hardcore high-heel fan.”


hardcore: A branch of underground/indie music influenced by faster abrasive punk rock. Originating in the early 80’s as a variant of punk rock, hardcore evolved to a modern sound that can be compared to non commercial metal. The constant themes range from Straight Edge, to Politics, to Positive and Negative. ---- from Urban Dictionary


以上我们可以看出,这是一种相当“重口味”的音乐,一般人玩不来?? 除了朋克摇滚音乐,hardcore显然还有其它的意思。

hardcore: very determined and completely unwilling to change your opinions or your behavior ---- from Macmillan

正如上面那位大虾网友解释的:“比如你很控某事或某人,是死忠支持者,可以说自己是hardcore fan.”hardcore的第二个意思就是来形容顽固、疯狂、坚定的人,比如:

eg.Many hardcore players do not consider themselves hardcore. 许多游戏发烧友并不认为他们很发烧。

这里小编补充一句,和hardcore这个意思很相近的有一个英文单词:die-hard,形容词,指铁杆粉丝:I'm a die-hard fan for Beckham. 我是小贝的铁杆粉丝。


Hardcore can act as a modifier for a word or phrase, making it more severe; intense, relentless.

eg1. This girl just spend a year train-hopping around the country surving only on dumpster-dived food and clothing. She was pretty damn hardcore. ---- from Urban Dictionary





愤青 young cynic

人肉搜索 flesh search

性感妈妈 yummy mummy

熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)

奉子成婚 shotgun marriage

上课开小差 zone out

时尚达人 fashion icon

脑残体 leetspeak

团购 group buying

裸婚 naked wedding

山寨 copycat


讲一: Angry Words 愤怒的话 Words said in anger are like scars left by nails in a fence. Even though you can pull all the nails out, the fence is never really the same. You can pierce a knife into a man and draw it out. No matter how many times you say, “I’m sorry”, the wound is still there. Verbal wounds are as damaging as physical wounds. 【参考翻译】 怒的时候说的话,就像钉子钉在栅栏上留下的疤痕。尽管你可以把栅栏上的钉子 都拔出来,但栅栏却永远不会恢复原样了。你可以一刀刺到别人身上,然后拔出 来。但无论你说多少次“对不起。伤口永远都在那儿。口头上带来的伤害跟身体 上的伤害一样严重。 经典演讲二: Real Beauty 真正的美丽 【1】Beauty is only skin-deep. Physical beauty can only be held fleetingly. Real beauty is much deeper and far greater. It is a life force, an energy, which radiates from within and transcends the physical. Real beauty may not be visible at first glance, but it lasts forever. 【2】 Inner beauty is limitless. Physical beauty is limited. What you can see is never as deep and profound as what you can’t see. 【参考翻译】 【1】美丽是肤浅的。外表的美丽会飞快地流逝。而真正的美丽要深刻和伟大得 多。它是一股生命力,是一种能量,它从内到外散发出来并超越外表的美。真正 的美丽可能不会一眼就看出来,但却能持续到永远。 【2】内在美是无限的。外内在美是无限的。外在美是有限的。你肉眼所无法看 到的永远比你能看到的更加深刻和意义深远。 经典演讲三: How to Get What You Want 如何得到你想要的 【1】If you want something, give it away. 【2】When a farmer wants more seeds, he takes his seeds and gives them to the earth. When you want a smile, give yours. When you want affection, you give affection. And if you want people to give you money, what must you do? Share some of yours. 【3】You have to do something first, then others will do it too. u should perform a kind act first then others reciprocate. 【4】Remember, deeds before words! 【参考翻译】 【1】 如果你想得到某样东西,就要先付出。

【2】 农民想得到更多的种子,就要把自己的种子撒到泥土里。你希望别人喜 欢你,就要先去喜欢别人。那么如果你希望别人给你钱,你该怎么做呢?那就是 自己的一些钱拿出来分享。 【3】 你必须先去做一件事情,别人才会跟着做。你要先对别人作出善意的举 动,别人才会回报你。 【4】 记住,先付出,再索求!

经典演讲四: Three Key Points of Success 成功三要素 Everyone wants to be successful. Today I would like to share three simple key points of success. Number one is: Know what you are doing. Number two is: Love what you are doing.Number three is: Believe what you are doing. If you follow these three key points, success is easy to achieve! 【参考翻译】 每个人都想成功。今天我想分享一下成功的三点简单要素。第一点是:知道自己 在做什么。第二点是:热爱自己做的事。第三点是:相信自己做的事。如果你能 做到这三点,成功便唾手可得! 经典演讲五: Faith 信念 Today I’d like to talk about faith. With faith, you’ll go further and never be lost. Faith is free and available to all people at all times. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in your fellow men. Have faith in your country. 【参考翻译】 今天我想谈一下信念。 有了信念,你就能走得更远,永不会迷失。 对任何人来说,信念都是无需代价随时可得的。 要对你自己有信心。 要对你的同伴有信。 要对你的国家有信心。 经典演讲六: Be Nice!要善良 【1】 It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice. 【2】 What simple act of kindness could you show another person today? Decide now, take action, and be sure to appreciate how this makes you feel. Make kindness a lifelong habit. 【参考翻译】 【1】 拥有重要地位固然好,但更重要的是为人要善良。 【2】 今天,你能向其他人展示什么样的简单善行吗?现在就决定,采取行动, 并且一定要体会这一行动带给你的感觉。让善良成为你终身的习惯。 经典演讲七: Focus on the Good 专注于好的方面 【1】 Dealing with people is like digging for gold. When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don’t go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold.

【2】 What is your focus? Become a digger of gold. If you are looking for what is wrong with people or with things, you will find many. 【3】 Focus on the good, not on the bad. Dig for the good in all people until you reach the gold in a person. Don’t worry about the dirt. 【参考翻译】

【1】 与人打交道就像掘金。当你掘一盎司黄金时,你得搬开好几吨的泥土才 能得勸一盎司黄金。但你掘金时,你不是去找泥土,你是去找黄金。 【2】 你的注意力集中在那里呢?你是一心想成为掘金者。如果你要挑人或事 的毛病,那么你会发现很多。 【3】 要专注于好的方面,而不是坏的方面。要挖掘所有人身上的闪光点,直 到找到一个人最有价值的优点。别去操心周围的泥土。 经典演讲八: Have a Good Attitude 良好的态度 Poor attitudes lead to poor communication. Poor communication leads to poor service. Poor service leads to no customers. No customers leads to no company. No company leads to no job. No job leads to no money. No money leads to no food. In the end, a poor attitude really will make you poor! 【参考翻译】 恶劣的态度导致沟通不畅。 沟通不畅导致劣质的服务。 劣质的服务导致顾客的流失。 顾客的流失导致企业倒闭。 企业倒闭导致失业。 失业导致贫穷。 贫穷导致饥饿。 恶劣的态度真的会让你变得一贫如洗。

经典演讲九: Be a Winner 当成功者 Winners see opportunities. Losers see. Winners see possibilities. Losers see problems. Winne

  • 疯狂用英语怎么说

    英语疯狂演讲讲一:AngryWords愤怒的话Wordssaidinangerarelikescarsleftbynailsinafence Eventhoughyoucanpullallthenailsout,thefenceisneverreallythesame Youcanpierceakn

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