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四下 Unit7 What’s the matter? 教案

2018-12-21 09:41:34 来源网站: 百味书屋

四下 Unit7 What’s the matter? 教案


  Unit7 What’s the matter? (Fun time & Cartoon time)


  1. 通过情境表演巩固所学感觉类单词,能听懂、会说、会读thirsty, ill,tired,happy;

  2. 在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读句型What’s the matter?以及应答句I’m…;

  3. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型What’s the matter?以及应答句I’m…;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助;

  4. 能够理解Cartoon time故事内容并能生动表演。


  1. 通过情境表演巩固所学感觉类单词,能听懂、会说、会读thirsty, ill,tired,happy;

  2. 在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读句型What’s the matter?以及应答句I’m…;

  3. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型What’s the matter?以及应答句I’m…;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助;


  1. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型What’s the matter?以及应答句I’m…;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助;



  Step1 Greeting and free talk


  T:Hello,boys and girls. I’m very happy to have an English lesson with you.

  2.Free talk

  T: I like English very much. How about you? What subjects do you like?

  S1: I like English.

  S2: I like Chinese.


  T: I’m very happy to know all of you like English. In this lesson , let’s talk about feelings,use “What’s the matter?” well and act out the cartoon time.(教学目标) OK?

  Step2 Presentation


  T:Good. Let’s play a game first,OK?(课件出示看单词、图片、句型,大声朗读,完成后进行Ticking)

  Ss read and then finish “Ticking”.

  T:You did very good job.Are you happy now? What about Liu Tao ? What’s the matter with him? Do you remember? Let’s have a look.(课件出示看图和句子进行判断) 小组讨论后回答

  Ss discuss and answer.

  2. Fun time

  T: Liu Tao is tired. And I’m a little tired too.I want to play a game.Do you want to play with me? Let’s look at the rules.Who wants to come here and play with me? 师生、生生示范一组。通过纸牌配对游戏进行练习。两人一组轮流抽牌,根据牌面上的feelings做表情或者肢体动作,另一人进行猜测并给予具体的帮助,最先全部完成的小组获胜。请几组进行表演,完成后进行Ticking

  Ss practice and act.

  3.Cartoon time

  T: You are great and you can guess well. What’s the matter with Bobby? Can you guess? Let’s have a look.(出示第一幅图)

  T: Let’s watch and try to find the answer.(观看动画,找出答案)


  Ss read together.

  T: Read in 4.(根据角色全班朗读,读到自己角色起立大声读)

  Ss read together.

  T:Act in 4.(反馈3组,教师帮助学生站位及道具使用)Ticking

  Ss read together.

  Step3 Consolidation

  1. Summary

  T: We know Bobby is happy now. And I think that helping others can make you happy. But how?引导学生思考不同的情况如何进行帮助Say this in a different way。

  2. Show time

  We know how to help others now . Try to make a dialogue in 4.(课件出示相应情境的图片) 示范一组。

  Ss practice and show.

  Step 4 Homework

  1. Read Cartoon time three times.

  2. Preview Sound time, Rhyme time,Checkout time and Ticking time after class.

  Blackboard design :

  Unit 7 What’s the matter?

  What’s the matter?

  I’m …

  Here’s … /Have … /…

四下 Unit7 What’s the matter? 教案》出自:百味书屋
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