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2017-04-05 07:06:26 来源网站: 百味书屋




absencen. 缺席,离开 absentadj. 不在,不参与


absorb v.吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 abstract n. 摘要 accessn. 接近(或进入)的机会,享用权v.获得使用计算机数据库的权利 accommodationn.设施,住宿

account n.会计帐目 accountancy n会计工作 accountant n.会计 accounts n.往来帐目 account for解释,说明 account executive n.(广告公司)客户经理

*accruals n. 增值,应计 achieve v. 获得或达到,实现,完成


acquire v.获得,得到 *acquisition n收购,被收购的公司或股份 acting adj. 代理的 activity n.业务类型 actualadj.实在的,实际的,确实的

adaptv. 修改,适应 adjust v.整理,使适应 administration 实施,经营,行政

administer v.管理,实施 Adoptv. 采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人

advertisev. 公布,做广告

adn.做广告,登广告 advertisement n.出公告,做广告

advertising n.广告业 after-sales service n.售后服务 agenda



approve v. 赞成,同意,批准

aptitude n.天资,才能 *arbitrage n.套 arbitration



balancen. 收支差额,余额

balance of payments n. 贸易支付差额

balance sheet n. 资产负债表

bankrupt adj.破产的 bankruptcy n.破产 bank statement n. 银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单

bar chartn. 条形图,柱状图

bargain v. 谈判,讲价

*arrears n. 欠

assemble v.收集,集合

assembly-line n. 装配线,流水作业线 assess v. 评定,估价 asset n. 资产


agentn.代理人,经纪人 allocatev.分配,配给 amalgamation n合并,重组 ambition n. 强烈的欲望,野心

*amortisev. 摊还 analyse v分析,研究 analysis n.分析,分析结果的报告

analyst n. 分析家,化验员

annual adj.每年的,按年度计算的

annual general meeting(AGM) 股东年会 anticipate v. 期望 anticipated adj. 期待的 appealn.吸引力 applyv. 申请,请求;应用,运用

Applicantn. 申请人 Application n.申请,施用,实施

Appointee n.被任命人 Appraisal n.估量,估价 Appreciate v. 赏识,体谅,增值

*Appropriate v.拨出(款

assetn.流动资产 fixed asset n.固定资产

basen. 基地,根据地 batch n. 一批,一组,一群

frozen asset n. 冻结资产

intangible assets n.无形资产

batch production批量生产

liquid assets n.速动资产

bear market n.熊市beatv. 超过,胜过 behave v. 表现,运转 behaviourn. 举止,行为,运转情况

tangible assets n.有形资产 assistv.援助,协助,出席 audit

n. 查账,审计


advertising 线下广告,尚未被付款的广告 benchmark 衡

automate v. 使某事物自动操作

averagen.平均,平均水准 awarenessn. 意识;警觉

benefitn. 利益,补助金,保险金得益 fringe benefits 附加福利

Sickness benefit 疾病补助费


backing n.财务支持,赞助

backhander n. 贿赂 *backlog n. 积压(工作或订货)

bid n. 出价,投标takeover bid n. 盘

(一个公司)的出价bill n.账单,票据

billboard n. (路边)广告

bad debt 死账(无法收回的欠款)


black adj.违法的 in the black 有盈余,贷方

品牌的忠实break even v.


n. 案例分

compensation n补偿,酬金 competev.比赛,竞争 competition n.比赛,竞争



competitive adj.竞争性的 component n. 机器元件、组件、部件,部分 concentrated

marketing n. 集中营销策

condition n.条件,状况 *configuration 备的结构、组合

conflictn. 冲突,争论 *conglomeraten. 综合商社,多元化集团公司 *consolidate v. 帐目合并

*consortium n.财团 constantadj.恒定的,不断的,经常的

consultantn. 咨询人员,顾问,会诊医生 consumables n.消耗品 consumer durablesn.耐用消费品(如:洗衣机) consumer goods 品,生活资料

*contingency n. 意外事件

continuum n.连续时间 contract n. 合同,契约 contractor n.承办商,承建人

contribute v. 提供,捐献 contribution n贡献,捐献,税

conversion n. 改装,改造 conveyorn. 运送,传递,

n.消费 n.设

case study 析

break even point 收支相抵点, 盈亏平衡点

breakthrough n. 突破

catalogue n. 产品目录

black list黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

black Monday n.黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子


CEOn. Chief Executive Officer(美)总经理

brief n. 摘要 brochuren. 小册子 broker 人

n. 经纪人,代理

blue chips蓝筹股,绩优股 blue-collar adj.蓝领(工人)的

Board of Directors n.董事会

bull market 牛市budget

n. 预算

chain n. 连

challenger n.挑战者 channel n.(商品流通的)渠道

chargen. 使承担,要(价),把……记入(账册等) chart n.图表 checkoutn.付款台 chief adj. 主要的,首席的,总的

CIF, c.i.f.成本保险费加运费

circular n.传阅的小册子(传单等) circulate v.传阅 claim n./v.要求,索赔 client n.委托人,顾客 cold adj. 没人找上门来的,生意清淡的 commercialise v.使商品化 commission n.佣金 *commitment n.承诺 commodity 商品,货物 companyn. 公司 limited


bulk n. 大量(货物)adj.


bust adj. 破了产的buyout

n. 买下全部产权

Bond n.债券

Bonus n. 津贴,红利books公司帐目

book value n. 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值

n. 簿记


CAD(=Computer Aided Design)

n. 计算机辅助设计

bookkeeper 员,记帐人

calln.打电话 call on v. 呼吁,约请,拜访

campaign 战役,运动 candidaten.求职者,候选

boomn.繁荣,暴涨 boostv.提高,增加,宣扬 bottleneck 窄路,阻碍

bottomadj. 最后的,根本的 v. 到达底部,建立基础 bounce

v. 支票因签发

n. 瓶颈,

canteen n.食堂 canvass v. 征求意见,劝说

capacity n. 生产额,(最大)产量

caption n. 照片或图片下的简短说明

capital n. 资本,资金

人无钱而遭拒付并退回 brainstorm


议,献计献策, 头脑风暴 branch n. 分支,分部 brand n. 商标,品牌

company (ltd.) 股份有限公司

public limited company (plc) n. 股票上市公司 compensate v. 补偿,酬报

capturev.赢得 cashn. 现金,现付款v. 兑现

cash flow n. 现金流量

brand leader n. 占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌 brand loyalty n.(消费者)


core timen. (弹性工作制的)基本上班时间(员工于此段时间必须上班,弹性只对除此以外的时间有效) costn. 成本 fixed costs固定成本 running costs 日常管理费用

variable costs可变成本 cost-effective

current liabilities n. 流动负债

customise v. 按顾客的具体要求制造(或改造等);顾客化cut-throat adj.


deferred paymentsn. 延期支付 deficit n. 赤delivery cycle 货周期

字 n.交

dismissal n. 打发走 dispatch n./v. 调遣 displayn./v. 展出,显示


dispose of 去掉,清除

*demand management n.需求规化

demotivated adj. 消的,冷谈的

cut-price a. 削(出售)的

distribution n分配,分发,分送产品 *diversify 经营;多样化


CV(=curriculum vitae)n.



deposit n. 储蓄,预付(定金) depot

n. 仓

cycle time

adj. 合算的,有效益的 costing n.成本计算,成本会计 credit


damages n.损害,损失 deadline n. 最后期限

divest v.剥夺

dividend n. 股息,红利,年息

division n. 部门*dogn. 滞销品down-market a./ad.低档商品的 *down-time/downtime n. 设备闲置期 DP(=Data Processing) n. 计算机数据处理,计算机数据处理部门 dramatic adj. 戏剧性的 drive积极性,能动


v.贬值,(对资产)折旧 depressing adj.令人沮丧的 deputy n. 代理人,副职,代理

devalue v. 货币贬值(相对于其它货币)dietn.饮食,食物,特种饮食 differentiation 区分,鉴别

n.赊购,赊购制度credit control

赊销管理(检查顾客及时付款的体系) letter of credit 信用证

deal n. 营业协议,数量v. 交易

dealer n. 商人 debit

n. 借方,欠


credit limit赊销限额credit rating 信贷的信用等级,信誉评价creditor


debtn. 欠款,债务to get into debt 负债to be out of debt 不欠债


dimensionsn. 尺寸,面积,规模 direct



*creditworthiness n.信贷价值,信贷信用crisis n.危机,转折点 critical adj. 关*critical

path analysis n. 关键途径分析法

currency n.货币,流通 currentadj. 通用的,现行的

Current account 往来帐户,活期(存款)户 current assets 动资产


to pay off a debt 还清债务 debtor


dueadj. 的


director n.经理,主管Managing Director n.总经理

dynamic 有活力的earnings n. 工efficiency n. 效率 endorse v.背书,接受engage

v. 雇


debtors 长期债务人 declare v.申报,声明 decline n./v. 缓慢,下降

direct cost n. 直接成本 direct mail

n.(商店为招揽生意而向人们投寄的)直接邮件 direct selling n.直销,直接销售 directory n.指南,号码簿 discount n.折扣,贴现 dismiss v.让……离开,打



decrease v.减少 deduct


entitle v. 授entitlement n.应得的权利 holiday entitlement n. 休假权

default n. 违约,未履行

n. 缺陷


defective adj有缺点的 defer

v. 推




equity capital股本 equities 普通股,股estimated demandn.估计需求

filen. 文件集,卷宗,档案,文件v. 料)归档 fill v. 充任

finance n. 资金,财政



市场价格 goods

n. 货物,商品

forecast v.预测

goodwill n. 声誉

v. 首次公

evaluate v. 估价,评价

four P's


*go public 开发行股票 grapple

eventual adj.v. 提供资金 financial adj. 财

exaggeratev. 夸张 exceed v. 超过 exhibit n.展览,表现 expenditure n花费,支出额 expense n.费用,支出 expense account 费用帐户

expenses n.费用,业务津贴


framework n. 框架,结构

*franchise n. 特许经销


financing n. 提供资金,筹借资金 finished goods



与……搏斗,尽力解决 grievance n. 抱怨


权v.特许经销,给予特许经销权 franchisee

n. 特许经

grossadj. 总的,毛的 gross margin n. 毛利率


firm n.公司 fire v. 解雇

营人 franchiser 经营权者 fraud

n. 欺骗

gross profit n. 毛利

fix v. 确定,使固定在

gross yieldn. 毛收益


fix upv. 解决,商妥 fiscal 政的

adj. 国库的,财

expertise n.专长,专门知识和技能

exposure n.公众对某一产品或公司的知悉;广告所达到的观众总数

*freebie n. (非正式的)赠品,免费促销的商品

gradually 地 group

*flagship n.同类中最成功的商品,佼佼者

n. (由若干公

freelance n.& adj.自由职业者(的) funds

n. 资金,基金 n.




facilities n.用于生产的设备、器材

facilities layout n.设备的布局规化、计划facilities location n.设备安置 factoring n.折价购买债券

flexibleadj. 有弹性的,灵活的

flextime n. 弹性工作时间制

grow v. 增长,扩大



growth n.

flier(=flyer) n. 促销传单 float

v. 发行股票

guarantee n. 保证,保单 guidelinesn. 针,准则



gap n. 缺口,空隙

flopn. 失败



hand in v. 呈送


*gimmick n. 好主意,好点子


fail-safe system n.安全系统

feasibility study n.可行性研究

flow shopn. 车间

hand in one's notice


v. 经营

fluctuatev. 波动,涨落,起伏 FOB, f.o.b

n. 细节落n. 离岸价


feedbackn. 反馈,反馈的信息

field n.办公室外边,具体业

going 中的

adj. 进行的,运转

*hands on adj. 有直接经验

n. 产品的

*follow-up going rate

hard sell n. 强行推销

n. 危险,危害行

incentiven. 鼓励 income

刺激; 在途存货

innovate v. 革新

raw materials inventory n.


hazard 为

n. 工资或薪金



n. 投入



v. 投资

n. 投资

headn. 主管,负责

earned income 劳动收入,劳动所得 unearned income


insolvent adj. 无清偿力的

health and safety n.


installment n. 部分,分期付款 insure 投保

insurance n. 保险 interest n. 利息,兴趣 interest raten. 利率 interim n. 中期,过渡期间

intermittent production n.


v. 给……保险,



n. 套期保值

adj. 隐藏的,不明


hidden 显的




n. 偿还,

investor n. 投资者

hierarchy n. 等级制度,统治集团,领导层 hire v. 雇用


invoice n. 发票 v.


*indemnity 赔偿 index

irrevocable adj. 不可撤消的,不能改变的

hire purchase n. 分期付款购物法

hit v. 击中,到达

n. 指数,索引

retail price index



interviewn./v. 面试 interviewee n. 被面试的人

interviewer n. 主持面试的人,招聘者

introduce v.介绍,提出 inventory n. 库存 buffer inventory n.




n. 持有者


indirect costs 间接成本

rights issuen.优先认股权

holding company



IT=Information Technology


hostile adj. 不友好的,恶意的

HRD n. 人力资源发展部


industrial adj. 工业的 industrial actionn.


itemn. 货物,条目,条款

行动 存货

capacity inventory n.


human resources


industrial relationsn. 劳资关系

inefficiency n. 低率,不称职


job n. 工作


hype n. 天花乱坠的(夸张)广告宣传

cycle inventory



job description 明,职务说明

inflate v. 抬高(物价),使通货等)膨胀


impact 响

implement v. 实施,执行


n. 冲击,强烈影

decoupling inventory *job lot n. 一次生产的部分或少数产品



n. 保险性存货(以应付万一)

finished goods inventory

n. 制成品存货(盘

inflation 膨胀

job mobility 动

*infringe v. 违法,违章

implication n 义


pipeline inventory n.

job rotation 换


initial adj. 初步的


M4U2 Sports events


1.opening 15.torch 29.flame 43.tradition 57.technique

2.absence 16.stadium 30.championship 44.wrestling 58.bowling

3.excite 17.roof 31.boxing 45.significance 59.continent

4.hurdle 18.transport 32.heavyweight 46.delighted 60.budget

5.gymnastic 19.citizen 33.medal 47.committee 61.remove

6.champion 20.vest 34.boxer 48.routine 62.unusual

7.final 21.underwater 35.well-known 49.toast 63.power

8.joy 22.kettle 36.contemporary 50.lemonade 64.rugby

9.attempt 23.otherwise 37.nation 51.net 65.golf

10.boundary 24.per 38.male 52.origin 66.eagle

11.movement 25.association 39. honour 53.outdoors 67.teammate

12.nest 26.grain 40.compete 54.frequent 68.kangaroo

13.goal 27.whistle 41.reporter 55.bitter 69.tie

14.shoot 28.referee 42.unfair 56.meanwhile 70.precious


1.in honour of 纪念 17.bring?back 把??带回

2.lead the way 领先 18.for the first time 第一次

3.side by side 共同;肩并肩 19.come to public attention 引起公众的注意

4.hang on (在逆境中)坚持 20.realize one’s dream 实现梦想

5.make contributions to 对??做出贡献 21.join sb in doing sth 加入某人做某事

6.every four years 每四年 22.play a role in 在??中扮演角色

7.pass sth on(to sb) 转交,传给 23.meet one’s requirements 满足某人的需要

8.be similar to 和??相似 24.at least 至少

9.be popular with 受??的欢迎 25.by accident 偶然地

10.play a role in 在??中发挥作用 26.compete with/against sb 和某人竞争

11.be connected with 与??有关 27.be absent from 不参加,缺席

12.keep?under control 使??处于控制之下 28.make an attempt to do 试图做某事

13.make way for 给??让路 29.remove?from 从??除去

14.keep a close watch on 密切关注 30.hold on to 抓紧某物;坚持

15.be delighted to 高兴做某事 31.by no means 决不

16.by tradition 传统地 32.be busy doing 忙于做某事


1. Today , both male and female athletes from around the world can take part, no matter what nation they come from.(no matter引导让步状语从句)

2. The Eagles went home angry and bitter because they did not win the tournament.(形容词短语angry and bitter作状语,说明主语the Eagles的心理)

3. He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace.(make it+adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth.“使??怎么样”,其中it是形式宾语,不定式为真正宾语)

4. I hope this information will be of use to you.(be of use 属于“be of+抽象名词”结构,它相当于“be+相应名词的形容词形式”)

5. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men's 110-metre hurdles.(the first/last (one/person) to do sth.意为“第一个/最后一个做某事的人”。在该结构中,动词不定式作定语,修饰前面的名词或代词)

M4U2 Sports events


1. _____________ n权力;统治vt.驱动,提供动力 → adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→ adv.强有力地;强大地;强烈地

2. ____________adj.愉快的,高兴的→_____________n& vt.高兴;使高兴→__________adj.令人愉快的,可喜的

3. n.重要性,意义→ adj.重要的,有意义的

4. ____________ vi.比赛;竞争→.竞争,竞赛→ _____________adj.竞争的;竞赛的→___________n.竞争者;对手

5. vt.使激动,使兴奋→兴奋的,激动的→adj.令人激动的,使人兴奋的


7. ___________n.缺席,不在场;不存在→ adj.缺席的,不在场的

8. ___________ n.传统;风俗→______________ adj.传统的→_______________ adv.传统地

9. ___________ n.国家,名族→______________ adj.国家的→_______________ n.国籍

10. __________ n. 社会运动,移动;进展→____________ vt. 运动→_____________adj.受感动的→__________ adj. 感动人的

11. ___________ n.起源,起因→ ___________ adj.原先的,最初的→____________ adv.原先,最初→_____________ vi. 起源,起因

12. ____________ n.频率→______________ adj. 频繁的,经常发生的→____________ adv.频繁地,经常


1. This is just a ____________ (日常的)medical examination, nothing to worry about.

2. His _________ (缺席)from school was caused by illness.

3. My time is ___________ (珍贵的). I can only give you a few minutes.

4. You must be well prepared as the interview is of great ________________ (重要性).

5. He knows a lot about the _____________ (当代)art.

6. It is a ____________ (传统)for us to hold a memorial for the dead on the day of Qingming.

7. Five athletes will ____________ (竞争) for the gold medal.

8. _____________ (频繁的)earthquakes make many people believe in 2012

9. Both of us made the same mistakes, but the boss only punished me. It was ____________.(不公平的)

10. All the ___________ (公民) must obey the rule.

2. The two boys played _____________ all the afternoon.

3. The two stores have to _____________ customers at Christmas.

4.You must be tired, but try to until all the work is finished.

5.Lots of buildings were torn down to a new square.

6.We're sure that these measures will ________________reducing industrial accidents.

7. His friends had a party ______________________ his promotion.

8. My opinions on the matter ___________________ Kay’s.

9. Is that the best excuse you can ___________________ .

10. My new evidence forced them to __________________.


1. 无论发生什么,我将支持你。____________________________________________________

2. 一些学生认为学英语是很困难的(it做形式宾语)。________________________________

3. 他在风雪中度过了七天,又冷又饿。____________________________________________

4. 虽然年龄大了,他仍习惯于参加一些体力劳动(make it a rule)。



一 1.power powerful powerfully

2.delighted delight delightful

3.significance significant

4.compete competition competitive competitor

5.excite excited exciting

6.honour honourable

7.absence absent

8.tradition traditional traditionally

9.nation national nationality

10.movement move moved moving

11.origin original originally originate

12.frequency frequent frequently

二 routine ;absence ;precious; significance;

contemporary ;tradition ;compete ;Frequent ;unfair ;citizens

三 By tradition ; side by side;compete for; hang on; make way for; make contributions to; in honour of ;is similar to; come up with; give way

1. No matter what happens, I will stand by you.

2. Some students find it difficult to learn English.

3. He spent 7 days in snow and wind, cold and hungry.

4. He make it a rule to take part in some physical labor though he is old.

5. Doing morning exercises will be of benefit to your health.

篇三:西航一中 景云皓 教学设计

Book 3 Unit 4 Astronomy


Part 1 Teaching Material

This lesson is an revision. By summary, the Ss can improve their summary ability; get know something about the key wards and the key phrases ; Let the Ss become stronger-mind to face the difficulty in their lives. On studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of the Ss’ growing of mind, I put forward the teaching objectives according to English Syllabus and new lesson standard.

1 Perception objective

Get to know something about the key wards and the key phrases.

2 Ability objectives

Train the Ss’ summary skills.

The Ss master the language points and can apply it flexibly.

3 Emotional objectives

By studying the text, let Ss become stronger-mind to face the difficulties in their lives.

Make Ss be aware of the importance of life and require them to the study of the astronomy. Next is teaching important points:

Get to know something about the key wards and the key phrases.

Teaching difficult points:

Develop some basic skills of summary.

Something about the Ss:

The senior students have learned some vocabularies, so they can express their ideas to some extent.

Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes. So we should encourage them to practice.

Well, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below.

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopts the question-and–answer method, cooperate method and discussion method in my teaching.

First, question-and–answer method, to some degree, it can arouse Ss’ interest and develop their corpus.

Second, cooperate method can cultivate the Ss’s communicate skills and influence efficiency of the class.

Third, discussion can help develop their thinking and communicative ability.

At the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipment and all kinds of teaching means. It can mobilize the Ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.

Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Let the Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere, Ss understand the main idea of text through the mental process of summarising, saying, thinking ect.

After summary the passage, let the Ss talk something about the phrases and the key words. Thereby, develop the Ss’ abilities of summary and cultivate their thinking.

Part 4 Teaching Process:

Task: 1 the summary of the words and the phrases (20 minutes)

(the aim of the task 1: By using the PPt the students can get to know something about the key wards and the key phrases.)

1. solar systemteaching system

2. begin with start with end up with

3. in time on timeahead of time提前

all the time一直 at any time在任何时候

at no time在任何时候都不 in no time立刻

at a time每次,逐一,依次at one time曾经

at the same time同时 from time to time时而不时的,偶尔

4. presence present absence absent

be absent from school/ work/a meeting

5. encourage encouragement encouraging courage

encourage sb to do sth

6.放置,下蛋lay laid laid laying

躺,位于 lie lay lain lying

撒谎 lie lied lied lying

7. in one’s turn

8. depend on/upon depend on sb to do sth depend on sb doing sth

That depends. It all depends

9. forceby force the air forceforce sb to do sth force sb into doing sth

10. warn warn sb (not) to do sth warn sb of/about/against doing sth




(3)―A+be+倍数+the size/height/length/width,etc.+of+B‖,表示―A是B的多少倍‖。 Task 2: The key wards and the key phrases. (10 minutes)


3.对…至关重要的_____________________ 4.对…有害__________________


7. 通过下蛋____(lay的过去式和过去分词)_____ 8. 不同,不像__________

9.存在,生存_______ 10.产生,分娩____________

11.轮到某人,接着______________ 12.阻止…做…______________

13.谜,难题,使迷惑___________ 14.感到迷惑不解的______________


17.既然_________ 18.突发,爆发__________


21.因此,作为…结果___________ 22.依靠,取决于_________

23.朝四面八方____________ 24.参观月球_________________


1. No one exactly knows how the earth began, as it happened so long ago.

as 在这里作连词,意为―因为,由于‖。

e.g. As I caught a cold, I was absent from school.

2.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.

Make it +adj. for sb. to do sth. it 作make 的形式宾语,adj.作宾语的补足语,to do 作真正宾语。

3.Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.

主语从句why they suddenly disappeared 作remain 的主语。

4.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth.


1. A is 倍数 as adj. as B.2. A is倍数 adj.的比较级 than B . 3. A is 倍数 the n. of B. e.g. China is ten times as large as Japan.

课堂作业 设计意图:巩固课堂练习,加深课堂语言的理解与应用。

三.Practice (15 minutes)

I 单词拼写。

1.The plan sounds perfect in t________, but will it work in practice?

2.As is known to everyone, smoking is h_________ to our health.

3.The _______(氛围)over dinner is quite warm and friendly.

4. The wind was so v_____ that I hardly open my eyes.

5. For our mother earth, we should lead a low c________ life.

6.Plants can produce___________ (氧气)。

7.To be honest, he is a man who can be _________(依靠)on.

8.It _______(迷惑) me a lot how they could do it without modern technology.

9. The audience_______(欢呼) him as he walked on the stage.

10.The custom of arranged marriages still ______(存在) in many developing countries.


It is reported that the United States uses __________ energy as the whole world.

A. as twiceB. twice muchC. twice much asD.twice as much

2. He rushed out, ________on the desk.

A. with books laying open B. with books lying opened

C. with books laying openedD. with books lying open

3.I would appreciate _____ if you could call back this afternoon for the doctor’s appointment.

A. this B. thatC. it D. one

4. The way he speaks English is different ______ we are taught.

A. in whichB. in what C. from whichD. from what

5. She started as an office junior, and _______ became the director of the whole company.

A. in surpriseB. in returnC. in her turn D. by turns

6.——How often do you go to the cinemal?

——_______, but usually twice a month.

A. It all dependsB. Have no ideaC. As usual D. Not at all

7.______ is known that those actions that people dislike go against the will of people.

A .As B. It C. What D.That

8.A life without worries just _________.

A. isn’t existing B. doesn’t exist C. isn’t existed D.isn’t being existed

9. From his ___look, I knew that the questions during the interview were


A. puzzling, puzzledB. puzzled, puzzling

C. puzzling, puzzlingD. puzzled, puzzled

10.We were shocked to hear the news that _______ two Chinese engineers were shot to death in Pakistan; worse still,______ third one died in hospital afterwards.

A. the: a B.the: theC. /; aD./; the

11.In modern society full of fierce competition, ______ a person does is not always the same as ______he says .

A. what; what B. what; thatC .that; that D. that; what

12. My idea is different ___ yours; that is to say, I don’t allow ___ here.

A.from; smoking B. in; smokingC.of; to smoke D.from; to smoke

13.This is the best way I could think of ______ into the dangerous areas.

A. stopping people getting B. to stop people getting

C. to keep people getting D. preventing people from getting

14. He was still sleeping when the fire_____, and then it spread quickly.

A. broke outB. put outC. came outD. got out

15. _____ everyone can hear the speaker there is no ____ turning up the radio.

A. Now that; point B. Even if; point

C. Now that; need D. Even if; need


I visited my aunt in the countryside near the city last week. I was surprising to see that great changes had been taken place there. Take my aunt’s family for example. We supply precious trees and flowers to the stores in the city and have ten workers working for themselves. Their family’s income reached as much 100,000 yuan last year. Not only did they have a house, a car and computers, they can also afford a trip abroad every year. When asking what else they needed most, they said that they wanted to learn a few English so that they could do business with foreigners freely. To their delighted, my cousin can use that he has learned from university to help them with overseas trade.




时间:下周六上午8:00至11:00 内容:采摘苹果

报名:办公室,下周四下午5:00前 提示:带帽子、手套


注意:1.词数100左右。2可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 3 参考词汇:社区 community














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