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2017-04-04 07:12:59 来源网站: 百味书屋

篇一:英语初级听力(Listen To This 1)WORD文本

英语初级听力(Listen To This 1)WORD文本


Preparatory Lesson One

Section One:

Numbers Dates Addresss

A. Listen to the recording and write down what you have heard on the tape.

a. Numbers:

1. forty

2. fifteen

3. a hundred and fifteen

4. three hundred and eighty

5. three thousand four hundred

6. twenty a and eighty

7. thirty b

8. fourteen d

b. Telephone numbers:

1. four eight two six three four

2. seven two one five o six

3. six nine seven double two four

4. five six four three eight o

c. Years:

1. nineteen eighty-two

2. nineteen eighty-seven

3. nineteen seventy-one

4. fourteen ninety-two

5. ten sixty-six

6. eighteen thirty-two

d. Days:

1. the fourteenth of July

2. the second of October

3. the twenty-third of March

4. April the tenth

5. the thirty-first of January

e. Addresses:

1. thirty'two High Street

2. a hundred and fifty-two Piccadilly

3. forty-eight Sutton Road

4. eighteen Bristol Square

f. Times:

1. nine thirty

2. ten forty-five

3. eleven ten

4. three fifteen

5. six forty-five

g. Abbreviations:

1. Doctor Smith

2. Saint Thomas

3. Bond Street

4. Mrs. Archer

5. Eton Avenue

6. Eden Square

h. Spelling:

1. C-H-E-S-T

2. D-I-Z-Z-Y

3. F-L-O-W-E-R

4. J--O-K-I-N--G

5. L-E-M--O-N

6. Q--U-I-E-T

7. W-A-V-E

8. G--R-E-A-T

i. Contractions:

1. Don't go.

2. I can't see.

3. It isn't true.

4. I'll tell you.

B. Listen to the tape and complete the following statements.

a. Dr. Blake wasn't born until 1934.

b. I'll see you at nine forty-five.

c. She doesn't live in Oxford Street.

d. You weren't with us on the twenty-first of May.

e. I'd like to phone Eastleigh, that's E-A-S-T-L-E-I-G-H. Six eight two double four eight. f. Mrs. Jones has an appointment at eight a. m.

g. A northeast wind will bring rain to the London area tomorrow.

C. Look at the boxes. Listen to the numbers.

Put the numbers you hear in the boxes. Then add the numbers. Look at Example 1.

Put number 1 in box A. PUt number 2 in box B. Now put number 3 in box C.

Now add the numbers. 1 plus 2 plus 3 make 6.

Now listen carefully.

Look at Practice 1. PUt number 3 in box A. Put number 6 in box B.

PUt number 7 in box C. Now add the numbers.

Look at Practice 2. PUt number 8 in box A. Put number 2 in box C.

Put number 1 in box B. Add the numbers.

Look at Practice 3. Put number 7 in box B. Put number 2 in box c.

Put number 4 in box A. Add the numbers.

D. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks.

1. Does she work in a supermarket?

2. Does she work in a bank?

3. Does he work in a chemist?

4. Does he work in a big shop?

5. Does she work in a hotel?

6. Does she work in a shoe shop?

7. Does he work in a shoe shop?

Section Two:

Dialogue 1:

--My name's King.

--How do you spell that?

--K-I-N-G. I live in Hampstead.

--How's that spelt?


Dialogue 2:

--What do you do for a living?

--I'm a journalist.

--Really? Do you like it?

--Yes, I do. It's very interesting.

Dialogue 3:

Woman: This is John, Mother.

Mother:How do you do?

John: How do you do?

Woman: John's a journalist.

Mother:Are you? Do you like it?

John: Well, it's alright.

Dialogue 4:

--Hello, where are you from?

--Oh, I'm English.

--Really? Which part do you come from?

--Well, I live in London, but I was born in Manchester.


Dialogue 5:

--Can you speak French?

--A little.

--Where did you learn it?

--At school.

--Can you speak any other languages?

--I'm afraid not.

Section Three:

Dictation: Dictate five groups of words.

Group 1:

1. shirt

2. skirt

3. socks

4. shirt & tie

5. blouse & skirt

6. pants & shirt

7. shoes & socks

8. shoes, socks & pants

9. pants, shirt & socks

10. skirt, blouse & sweater

Group 2:

1. key

2. toothbrush

3. comb

4. key & door

5. table & chair

6. toothbrush & comb

7. bicycle & tire

8. comb, toothbrush & key

9. bed, table & chair

Group 3:

1. letter

2. show

3. something

4. read

5. cigarettes

6. taxi

7. bookcase

8. none

9. magazine

10. any

11. policeman

12. policewoman

Group 4:

1. shoes

2. shut

3. window

4. lamp

5. bottle

6. refrigerator

7. newspaper

8. purse

9. clothes

10. bed

11. plate

12. stove

13. radio

14. first

15. second

16. third

17. fourth

18. fifth

Group 5:

1. talking

2. another

3. listening

4. worrying

5. glasses

6. holding

7. walking

8. pointing to

Prepartory Lesson Two

Sction One :

Numbers,Letters Times





4.seven hundred and eight


6.a hundred and eighty





11.a hundred and twelve


13.two and a hald

14.three and a quarter

15.forty-five percent




Lesson three





Mrs.Scott:噢~ 亲爱的,发生什么了?


Mrs.scott:没关系,这儿有一块抹布,你可以擦擦。 2


英 [l??n'dret] 美 [l??n'dret]

? n.自助洗衣店

? =laundrette.)

Klaus:打扰一下,你知道这个自助洗衣店怎么使用吗? Housewife:是的,我知道。先把要洗的衣物放进去,然后把洗衣机的门关上。你需要把钱从这里放进去,然后当这个洗衣机开始工作的时候你得把肥皂粉(soap powder)从这放进去。












J:天呐(good heavens),他们将居住在哪呢? A:




B:呃···· 你对我来说意味着很多。









B :


你记得游泳明星冈纳尔吗?她是一个在上次会打破所有记录的的女性。那她现在在哪儿呢?上周,我们的记者汤姆 帕克(Tom Parker)去看冈纳尔在她的加利福利亚(California

英 [?k?l?'f??nj?, -'f??ni??] 美 [?k?l?'f??rnj?? -'f??rni??] )

? n.加利福尼亚;加州的家。




S:那个对游泳者来说算老了,如果我现在参加一个国际的游泳比赛,我将不会赢。所以,我宁愿一点也不游泳了。 T:但是游泳对你来说不是很享受吗?

S:当我还小的时候是这样的。但是当你进入了大型的比赛,你必须非常努力的训练。我过去常常在早上6点起床去游泳池,我不得不在去学校前,放学后,周末的时间训练。我过去常常游35米每周。 T:但是你在15岁的时候就出名了,看看所有这些奖状( cups

英 [k?ps] 美 [k?ps]

? n.杯子;奖杯

? 名词cup的复数形式.)


多重要的东西。当其她女孩在学会成长的时候,我在游泳。 我现在能做什么呢?

Lesson four: 1:


George:哦··· 极好的··呃 这有糖吗?



S:还有什么问题吗现在?G :呃··这有一些巧克力的饼干(biscuits

英 ['b?sk?ts] 美 ['b?sk?ts]

? n.饼干;小甜面包

? 名词biscuit的复数形式.)吗?





David:靠近维多利亚车站(Victoria station)K:是住的公寓还是住的房子?










T:查理士 布朗逊是很优秀的,他不是吗?A:是的,他总是这样。









摘要: 很多烤鸭在雅思听力方面比较薄弱,存在很多问题,唯有通过不断的练习,才能提高听力水平。今天小马小编带来英语初级听力mp3和原文文本下载,希望对各位烤鸭会有帮助。

英语初级听力mp3和原文文本下载。练习 雅思 听力,一定要选择难度适中的听力材料进行练习,今天 小马 小编带来英语初级听力mp3和原文文本下载,希望能帮助大家提高听力水平。



Can I help you?

—Yes, please. I'd like some instant coffee.

—Certainly. How much would you like?

—A large jar, please.

—That's a very nice cardigan. Is it new?

—Yes. It was very cheap. I got it in a sale.

—I like it very much. It suits you very well.

—Oh, thank you.

—Do you read many novels?

—Yes. I suppose I've read about four novels this year.

—I see. And what was the last novel you read?

—Let me see. It was A Man in Havana.

—And when did you read it?

—I read it on Tuesday evening.

—Why did you read it?

—Well ...

—Do you smoke?

—Yes, I do.

—How long have you been smoking for?

—Six years.

—And how many cigarettes have you smoked during that time?


—I was just about to have a swim when I saw the shark!

—That's nothing. I was in the middle of swimming when I saw the shark.

—What happened?

—I started swimming for the shore, of course.

(Yvonne Deraine is staying at the Hotel Noptune. She goes to the Reception Desk and asks:)

Yvonne: Can I have breakfast in my room?

Clerk: Certainly, madam. Breakfast is served in your room from 7 o'clock until 10. Here is the menu.

Yvonne: Thank you. (looks at the menu) I'd like to have the Continental Breakfast.

Clerk: Yes, madam. And at what time would you like it?

Yvonne: About half past eight, I think.

Clerk: 8:30. Very good, madam. And what kind of fruit juice would you like? We have pineapple, orange, grapefruit ...

Yvonne: I think I'd like the pineapple please.

Clerk: Pineapple juice. And would you prefer tea or coffee?

Yvonne: Coffee please.

Clerk: Thank you very much. Goodnight.

(At 8:30 the next morning, there is a light tap at Yvonne's door.)

Yvonne: Y-es. Come in.

Maid: I've brought you your breakfast, madam.

Yvonne: Oh yes. Thank you. Could you put it on the desk over there please?

Maid: Shall I pour you a cup of coffee straight away, madam?

Yvonne: No, thanks. I'll pour it myself in a minute.

Maid: Is there anything else, madam?

Yvonne: No-no, I don't think so, thank you.

Eddie is talking to Tom.

Eddie: Have you ever been really frightened?

Tom: I suppose so, once or twice.

Eddie: Can you remember when you were most frightened?

Tom: That isn't difficult.

Eddie: What happened?

Tom: Well, we used to have a favorite picnic place beside a lake. We had a boat there. I was there with some friends and I decided to swim to a little island. It didn't look far and I started swimming ... but half way across I realised it was a lot further than I thought. I was getting very tired. I shouted. Luckily my friends heard me and brought the boat. I thought I was going to drown. I've never been more frightened in my life.

Should school children take part-time jobs?

This is a discussion which will appear in a magazine.

Editor: This month our panel looks at part-time jobs. Are they good for school children or not?

Headmaster: Definitely not. The children have got two full-time jobs already: growing up and going to school. Part-time jobs make them so tired they fal1 asleep in class.

Mrs. Barnes: I agree. I know school hours are short, but there's homework as well. And children need a lot of sleep.

Mr. Barnes: Young children perhaps, but some boys stay at school until they're eighteen or nineteen. A part-time job

can't hamp3 them. In fact, it's good for them. They earn their pocket-money instead of asking their parents for it. And they see something of the world outside school.

Businessman: You're absolutely right. Boys learn a lot from a part-time job. And we mustn't forget that some families need the extra money. If the pupils didn't take part-time jobs they couldn't stay at school.

Editor: Well, we seem to be equally divided: two for, and two against. What do our readers think?

Philip Andrew is 16 and he is about to leave school. He comes to me for advice every week. He is looking for an interesting job and he would like good wages. One of his friends works in a supemp3arket. Another friend works in a factory. Philip thinks supemp3arket jobs are not well paid. And factory jobs are boring.

And finally, some news from the United States. David Thomas, the Californian pop singer, is sixteen today and he is giving a party for sixty guests. His young friends have bought him a Rolls-Royce, the most expensive one they could find. David is famous because he is the fastest driver and the youngest pop star in the state of California. He is flying to Paris tomorrow.



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