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2017-02-20 06:27:55 来源网站: 百味书屋



1. 没有天空的容纳,就没有鸟儿自由翱翔的身影。没有海洋的奉献就没有鱼儿来往驰骋的英姿;没有大地的给予,就没有大树“欲与天公试比高”的豪情;可以说没有老师的无私与辛勤,


2. “十年树木,百年树人”。是您为祖国培养了一代又一代的栋梁之才,您捧着一颗心来,却不带半根草去。您甘心做大树,为我们遮风避雨;您甘心做火把为黑暗之中迷失方向地我们照


3. 师恩是一盏的灯,拨去我们心中的乌云,古往今来,尊师爱师的人数不胜数,像大雪之中等待老师醒来的时候,;功成名就之后,不忘感激老师的居里夫人;访美时,不望去探望老师的


4. 岁月虽磨去了您的青春美貌,可您是我们心中永远的爱神,美神;辛劳虽夺走了您美妙的歌喉,可您的每句话都是我们心中的金音绝韵。您给予我们激励,当我们碰到难题时,您给我们

耐心讲解,教给我们做人的道理,教给我们科学文化知识,教给我们打开成功之门的钥匙。正如古人云“一日为师,终生为父”。5. 红烛赞


是您施展才华的天地; 教学新法,

发挥点石成金的魔力。 挥洒汗水耕耘,

为了今天的幼苗早日成材; 倾注心血浇灌,

为了祖国的花朵更加绚丽。 深夜,您批改作业, 陪伴您的是爱人的鼾声;

黎明,您撰写教案, 抚慰您的是孩子的梦呓。 您是一片映红东方的朝霞, 托起希望,捧起旭日; 您是一支熠熠生辉的红烛, 照亮别人,燃烧自己。

6. 一壶清茶,饮尽半生沧桑风雨

几摞书卷,浓缩岁月多少眷恋 明月又圆,照见窗前人影不眠 二胡一声,往事历历又是从前

7. 多少次深夜无眠,只为几十双求知的眼

多少年呕心沥血,兑现着最初的誓言 你任由青春在平淡中日渐褪色 却用粉笔和黑板撑起一片蓝天

8. 带走的是一头白发两袖清风半生平凡

带不走深深的牵挂痴痴的眷恋 退休的一刻你默默走下讲台 一抬头看见远方芳草碧绿连天

9. 一寸一寸的粉笔

染白你的头发 腾然而起点燃成烛 照亮别人

让一个一个象形文字 成为你走过的脚印



教师节歌 (英文)

With a special gift for learning

And with a heart that deeply cares,

You add a lot of love

To everything you share,

And even though

You mean a lot,

You'll never know how much,

For you helped

To change the world

Through every life you touched.

You sparked the creativity

In the students whom you taught,

And helped them strive for goals

That could not be bought,

You are such a special teacher

That no words can truly tell

However much you're valued

For the work you do so well.

教师节由来In order to further improve teachers' political and social status, attaching importance to and respect knowledge, respect social fashion, promote the talent education development, according to the National People's Congress to represent the CPPCC national committee members, and people from all walks of life, the state council, many proposals in 1985 on January 11, to the standing committee of the National People's Congress on every September 10th for teachers. In January 21 of the sixth National People's Congress, agree about the establishment of teacher, decided to September 10th for teachers.

感谢老师Teachers have an influencing role in the life of a student. They are like beacons of light

guiding us in the formative years of our life. A teacher moulds us and in the process shapes our future. What we learn from our teachers remains with us throughout our life giving us direction. But very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support from the community to feel that their efforts are being recognized. Towards this end only, Teacher''s Day is celebrated throughout the world. By celebrating National Teacher''s Day we thank our teachers for providing us their invaluable guidance.

尊师之道Teacher, since the ancient times is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, the teacher is our life, is indispensable to our initiator of teachers. We are in the teacher's eyes to the motherland, the teacher flowers of our love is unable to express in words of love for us, this is in the heart, a love. "Dead silkworm, LaJuChengHuiLeiShiGan silk square." This sentence is praise is a kind of spirit, his heart stopped beating zhouenlai dedicated teacher is so?

教师节寄语Teachers' day is coming, we say thank to you, As soon, we have entered grade, and we will face more and more stringent requirements and learning task, remembering the past, we are growing every step, the teacher with sweat, we can't forget the teacher's kindness, will be with the practical action to repay the teacher. Here, I wish teachers festival happy and healthy.

  • 教师节手抄报花边素材

    8k教师节手抄报模板+边框+内容一年一度的教师节就要到了,“桃李不言,下自成蹊”,在这个感谢师恩的节日里,让我们为敬爱的老师们做一份手抄报吧!以下内容可以作为参考哦~1 没...