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2018-11-28 23:25:05 来源网站: 百味书屋


spend our leisure to the best advantage


  most of us are inclined to feel that it is difficult to spend our leisure properly . when we have holidays , we usually feel bored and do not know what to do . many people just sit in a sofa watching tv, while many other people stay in bed to venture their dreamland .

  actually , having this feeling is quite natural since , in our daily life, we do things more or less in accordance with an unwrit ten daily routine in our mind . for instance, a student goes to school in the morning , takes lunch at noon , goes home in the evening and does homework at night; while a clerk gets to the office in the morning , takes tea in the afternoon , goes back home in the evening and r eads newspaper at night .

  gradually and accordingly we get used to the routine in our mind . and once we have holidays , we need not carry out this routine . so we are at a complete loss .

  how to spend our leisure ? here are some helpful suggestions but the subject matter is to have recreation!

  if you are an active person , you can go on a picnic, or play some sports games. the fresh air and the fascinating scenery in the countryside may refresh you and the amusing games may make you happier .

  for those who are not so active and like to stay at home , they may listen to light music or read novels. indoor games such as chess , cards , table tennis and hobbies such as gardening and keeping pets are also enjoyable.

  in this way , we will feel relaxed , happier and more energetic. when holidays are over and we begin to work again, we can do much better with a light heart .

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