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2018-07-16 16:51:28 来源网站: 百味书屋
  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Come and take me by the hand

  Cuz I wanna be your friend

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Say how do you do you do

  How do you do you do

  When I'm going on a sunny holiday

  And my plane leaves to a place so far away

  I'm so happy cuz it's time to celebrate

  Oh I feel like I could dance

  Different people all around the globe don't know

  What to say when there's a stranger I will show

  That there is a way you can communicate

  Everybody understands

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Come and take me by the hand

  Cuz I wanna be your friend

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Say how do you do you do

  How do you do you do

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Come and take me by the hand

  Cuz I wanna be your friend

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Say how do you do you do

  How do you do you do

  How do you do

  It's so easy when you want to make a friend

  When the sun is shining in a distant land

  There's a certain feeling that surrounds your mind

  And you feel like you can dance

  When you're going to the south of Africa

  To America or to Australia

  You'll see people of all colors and all kinds

  Everybody understands

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Come and take me by the hand

  Cuz I wanna be your friend

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Say how do you do you do

  How do you do you do

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Come and take me by the hand

  Cuz I wanna be your friend

  How do you do

  You like me and I like you

  Say how do you do you do

  How do you do you do

  How do you do

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